, Rizzoli International Publications 2009, 2009 Paperback, 432 pages, English, 255 x 250 mm, book is in new state, with dustjacket, . ISBN 9780847832736.
Richard Meier, Architect: Volume 5 comprehensively documents Meier's work since 2004. This extensively illustrated presentation vividly conveys the purity and power of Meier's vision. Thirty residential, commercial, and civic projects are featured, including the Ara Pacis Museum in Rome, the Burda Collection Museum and Arp Museum in Germany, San Jose City Hall, the Broad Art Center at UCLA, apartment towers in Manhattan and Brooklyn, and master plans for Newark, New Jersey, and Manhattan's East Side. Richard Meier received his architectural training at Cornell University and began his career in the early 1960s designing private residential projects whose elegant modernist style and white facades have become icons of modern architecture. Since that time, his international practice has included museums, courthouses, city halls, corporate headquarters, educational facilities, and public housing, in addition to private houses. He has received numerous awards for his work, including the Pritzker Prize for Architecture and the Gold Medal of the American Institute of Architects.
BERLIN - Wacker Verlag 1928 IN4 pleine toile 51 S. + 52 Bildtafeln -- Leinen fleckig,
tous les dessins avec dimensions,toile un peu defraichie,texte bon
München, Piper 1925. - Gr.-4. 60, (8) S. Text, 32 Lichtdrucktafeln (überwiegend in Braun- u. Röteltönen, einige farb.), ill. OLwd. (angestaubt, Kapitale bestoßen). Sonst gutes Exemplar. EA. - ill. OLwd. (angestaubt, Kapitale bestoßen)
reliure toile noire legerement defraichie,texte et illustrations bons, provenance bibliotheque Meier-Graefe, Julius (cachet III)
J. MEIER-GRAEFE et E. KLOSSOWSKI. LA COLLECTION CHERAMY. Catalogue raisonné précédé d'études sur les maitres principaux de la collection. EO RARISSIME EX. SUR PAPIER JAPON IMPÉRIAL. 1908, Piper, Munich. 1 fort vol. in-4 broché de 114 pages. Ouvrage orné de 127 héliotypies et de 2 héliogravures hors-texte protégées sous papier serpente. L'un des quelques rares exemplaires sur papier Impérial du Japon. Justifié mais non numéroté. Bon état, infime manque en bas de premier plat. Mors supérieur fendillé sur quelques millimètres sur le bas, sur le haut du mors inférieur, sans gravité. Intérieur très frais. Bon
Texte de Bruno Marchand, Christian Hauvette et Philipe Meier
Reference : 14002
Lausanne, Ed. Payot, 2000, in-4, Broché, Bon état.
Peter Hellman ; Lili Meier ; Anne Freyer ; translation : Guy Casaril
Reference : 60945
, Seuil , 1983 Hardcover, 221 pages, Texte en Francais, 280 x 220 x 18 mm, tres bon etat, nombreuses photos en n/b. mouvant ISBN 9782020066266.
THE AUSCHWITZ ALBUM was found by a young Jewish girl (Lili Jacob Meier) during the final days of the Third Reich, when she was awaiting liberation. The album is the only surviving visual evidence of the entire process of extermination as perpetrated by the Nazis against the Jews, except for the actual murder itself. The photos are presumed to have been taken by Ernst Hofmann or by Bernhard Walter, two SS men, although there is no conclusive evidence of this. The time frame of the photos is May or June 1944, which saw the liquidation of a massive number of Hungarian Jews. Lili herself was the sole surviving member of her family, who had been deported from the Carpathians, from a small community living in Bielke. The photographs, all in black and white, are accompanied by text written by Peter Hellmann, and the images are haunting: men and women, entire families, waiting on the ramps after their exhausting journey by cattle cars to Auschwitz-Birkenau; wondering looks; doubt, uncertainty, hope clouding their faces, as they wonder about their fate; old people, young children, the infirm, all waiting to be selected for what we now know would be certain death. These images are not only poignant but horrifying because the threat to these innocents is implied in the photographs, with the crematoria looming in the background, with the implacable SS presence on the ramps and all over. I will not soon forget these images.
MEIER-GRAEFE Julius - Gustave SOULIER ( editors ) - L'ART DÉCORATIF :
Reference : 41214
".: Paris, J. Meier-Graefe, directeur ; from July 1903 , directeur Gustave Soulier , 1898 - 1907, first 18 volumes of this art periodical, in-8°, 28 x 20 cm, bound per semester in uniform brown half leather, gilt title on spine, complete with all hors-texte illustrations (except one litho by J.E. Blanche which was offered as an extra to subscribers), original wrappers not bound in, approx. 260 pp per semester. Issue 1 is from October 1898 , last issue present is december 1907. Very nice long run of this leading French periodical on the Art Nouveau. The periodical deals with all aspects of applied arts ; architecture, ceramics, furniture, textile, bookbinding, typography, jewellery design etc. and this with a very European scope*. The opening issue deals exclusively with the works of Henry van de Velde, flemish born but working in Germany and also Paris. The periodical is abundantly illustrated , e.g. the first semester (260 pp) contains 648 illustrations. It contains also a few famous original plates such as Henry van de Velde's ''Tropon'' advertisement, Paul Behrens' colour woodcut depicting a kissing couple with entangled Medusa like hair-style, an original colour woodcut by Henri Rivière... *The first editor Julius Meier-Graefe (1867 - 1935) was also the founder of the German art periodical ''Jugend'' and ''Dekorative Kunst '' and also participated in that other famous German Art Nouveau publication '' PAN''."
1930 Berlin: Bruno Cassirer Und Klinkhardt & Biermann, 1930. Berlin: Bruno Cassirer Und Klinkhardt & Biermann. As New. 118 pages of text in German followed by 153 photolithographic plates. - reliure gd.IN4, plein maroquin tabac ,dos bruni titré,tete dorée; exemplaire n°F signé par l'auteur; edition originale.First edition.
bon état,pp = 5 kg.
(Zürich), J.J. Ulrich, 1861. 4°. 19 S. Mit lithogr. Porträt von C.F. Irmiger und 1 radierten Tafel von B. Zollinger nach J.J. Meier. Orig.-Broschur (leicht bestossen und angestaubt). = "Der neuen Reihenfolge XXI".
Rohr 1022. - Leicht stockfleckig.
Rizzoli 1996 1 vol. broché in-4, broché, 411 pp,. 700 reproductions en noir et en couleurs. TEXTE EN ANGLAIS. Reprint de 1996. Très bonne condition.
1937 Berlin : Ganymed-Presse, 1937.IN8 toile dec.ed.,45 p.Print book : Allemand : Privatdr., als Ms. gedr,bon état
Mnch: Piper, (1922). ,2 Bde.; 246, (2); 24 S., mit 103 s/w Abbildungen nach Werken von Vincent van Gogh auf 103 Tafeln im zweiten Band, Or.Hldr.; Kopfgoldschnitt. 4°. Zweite Auflage.
R. Piper & CO., München ,2 volumes,246 + 103pl. n&b couv. rig. reliure demi toile,dos lisses titrés,. 24x31cm 2900g
München / Leipzig: R. Piper & Co. 1907.reliure souple pleine basane verte a filet doré et dos a damiers dorés avec bordures sur les platsText in German. 210 pages with 60 black and white illustrations in the text.
reliure souple editeur,tete dorée,bon etat,signature autographe auteur,edition originale
München R. Piper Verlag & Co 1924 Hardcover Good. No Jacket in fairly good condition.
annotations manuscrites au crayon en marge de l’auteur ?
München: Piper, um 1913.,IN4 reliure pleine toile decorée editeur,plat illustré,envoi autographe auteur,274 S., mit zahlreichenm Abbildungen im Text und, montioert, auf Tafeln, illustr. Or.Pbd. 4°. Mit illustriertem Interimsumschlag, nicht beschnitten. Erstausgabe. (Umschlag etwas berieben, am Rand etwas bestossen, Einbandrücken erneuert)
bon etat
Berlin:: Bruno Cassirer and Klinkhardt & Biermann, 1930. Hardcover. Text is in German. 153 black and white plates. First edition. Folio, half-bound in white vellum, marbled boards, top edge yellow. Minor shelf wear and aging, else very good. Binding is solid. Very Good .
München, Piper 1919. (4), 160 S. mit 5 Originallithographien von Rudolf Großmann ,cartonnage editeur
manques au dos , texte et illustrations en bon état
Berlín, Ernst Rowolth Verlag, 1923. 4º. 365 páginas, 9 láminas reproduciendo cuadros del Grego. Manchas de óxido. Holandesa tela editorial. Palau 159956
Mchn. Piper & Co 1924. in4 . 61S.+ 117S. mit 105 Abb. u. 8 Lichtdrucktaf,jacquette illustrée un peu effrangée,
bon état.
Lpz.: Insel-Verlag 1905. 1 Bl., (2) 230 (2) p., 22 ILL.(14 ganzs.) Abbildungen. Hellbraunes OHLwd. m. VDeckel- u. RSchild in Rot und Schwarz, KGoldschnitt. Gr. 8°.Sarkowski 1080.
bon etat
1999 Paris, L'échoppe,1999, In douze ,33 pp, très bon état, sous papier cristal,
1/1200 exemplaires,.
MEIER ( Moritz-Hermann-Eduard ) , POGEY CASTRIES ( L.-R. de )
Reference : 68903
1950 Paris, Stendhal et compagnie ,1950 , in huit , viii-316 pp, pleine reliure toilée d'éditeur,
augmentée d'un choix de documents originaux.
MEIER ( Moritz-Hermann-Eduard ) , POGEY CASTRIES ( L.-R. de )
Reference : 68905
1930 Paris, Stendhal et compagnie ,1930 , in huit , viii-316 pp, broché, sous couverture transparente, bon état,
augmentée d'un choix de documents originaux ,1/3150 sur Alfax.