24 books for « meganck »Edit

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‎ Edited by Tine Luk Meganck en Sabine Van Sprang. With contributions by Tine Luk Meganck, Erik Aerts, Claire Billen, Wim Blockmans, Hilde Cuvelier, Jelle De Rock, Michael Limberger, Anne-Laure Van Bruaene and Sabine Van Sprang‎

Reference : 51793

‎Bruegel's Winter Scenes Historians and Art Historians in Dialogue. ‎

‎, mercaterfonds - fondsmercator, 54.90 Hardcover , HB, 300 x 240 mm, 352 p, 270 illustrations, English edition. ISBN 9789462302235.‎

‎This focused volume presents a deep exploration and new interpretations of Pieter Bruegel the Elder?s paintings of winter scenes. By applying new methodological approaches and interdisciplinary research to these masterpieces of Flemish Renaissance art, including Winter Landscape with Skaters and Bird Trap (1565) and the Census at Bethlehem (1566), both in the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, the book offers an enhanced understanding of the painter?s relationship to his time, and the extent to which his winter landscapes were meant to reflect real-life situations. After tracing how these paintings have been perceived and understood over time, the essays propose new insights into such issues as whether Bruegel depicts the plight of the local populace, which suffered greatly during the winter months, and whether the Census at Bethlehem contains a reference to the historical challenge to the central power structure, as has long been taken for granted. Abundantly illustrated, Bruegel?s Winter Scenes is both a thorough examination and a celebration of these widely admired images. Edited by Tine Luk Meganck and Sabine van Sprang. Sabine van Sprang is curator and Tine Luk Meganck is researcher, both at the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR54.90 (€54.90 )

‎Eds: Tine Luk Meganck, Sabine Van Sprang. Texts: Tine Luk Meganck, Erik Aerts, Claire Billen, Wim Blockmans, Hilde Cuvelier‎

Reference : 51791

‎Bruegels Wintertaferelen, Historici en kunsthistorici in dialoog.‎

‎, mercaterfonds - fondsmercator, 2018 Gebonden, Hardcover, HB, 300 x 240 mm, 352 p, 270 illustrations, NL edition. ISBN 9789462302211.‎

‎Pieter Bruegel de Oude (ca. 1525 - 1569) is vandaag vooral bekend om zijn voorstellingen van het boerenleven en wintertaferelen. Hiervan bezitten de Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van Belgie twee uitzonderlijke voorbeelden, het Winterlandschap met schaatsers en vogelknip (1565) en de Volkstelling te Bethlehem (1566). Het Winterlandschap met schaatsers en vogelknip is Bruegels meest gekopieerde werk; het werd nageschilderd door zijn zonen Pieter de Jonge en Jan de Oude en inspireerde kunstenaars tot aan het einde van 17de eeuw. Dit boek presenteert diepgaand onderzoek en nieuwe inzichten over de wintertaferelen van Pieter Bruegel de Oude, met focus op de panelen in de KMSKB. Innovatieve methodologieen en interdisciplinair onderzoek werpen nieuw licht op deze meesterwerken uit de Renaissance, in het bijzonder op de relatie van de schilder en zijn imaginaire werken tot de historische realiteit. Na een inleiding over het beeld van Bruegel en zijn wintertaferelen doorheen de geschiedenis, beschouwen de essays onder meer de precaire situatie van de lokale bevolking tijdens de winter en de relatie van Bruegel en zijn opdrachtgevers tot de centrale overheid. Dit leidt tot een heel nieuwe interpretatie van de Volkstelling te Bethlehem, en verduidelijkt Bruegels rol als schilder van de stedelijke elite. Rijkelijk geillustreerd, is deze publicatie zowel een voorstelling van de meest recente onderzoeksresultaten als een eerbetoon aan deze wereldberoemde werken. Tine Luk Meganck is onderzoeker en Sabine van Sprang is conservator, beiden aan de Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van Belgie. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR52.00 (€52.00 )

‎Tine Luk Meganck, Sabine Van Sprang‎

Reference : 51792

‎Bruegel et l'hiver, Un dialogue entre historiens et historiens de l'art. ‎

‎, merca, 2018 Couverture reliee sous jaquette,HB, 300 x 240 mm, 352 p, 270 illustrations, Texte en Francais. ISBN 9789462302228.‎

‎Cet ouvrage focalise devoile une exploration profonde et une nouvelle interpretation des tableaux d'hiver de Pieter Bruegel dit l'Ancien. En appliquant des nouvelles approches methodologiques accompagnees d'efforts de recherche interdisciplinaire a ces grands chefs-d'ouvre de l'art Renaissance flamande, y compris Paysage d'hiver avec patineurs et trappe aux oiseaux (1565) et Le Denombrement de Bethleem (1566), ce livre offre un apercu de la relation du peintre avec son temps, et de la mesure dans laquelle ses paysages d'hiver etaient destines a refleter des situations reelles. Apres avoir retrace la facon dont ces peintures ont ete percues et comprises au fil du temps, les essais proposent de nouvelles perspectives sur des questions telles que de savoir si Bruegel illustre la detresse de la population locale, cruellement eprouvee par les mois d'hiver, ou si Le denombrement de Bethleem renvoie au defi historique a la structure du pouvoir central. Abondamment illustre, Tableaux d'hiver de Bruegel est a la fois un examen approfondi et une celebration de ces images largement admirees. Abondamment illustre, Bruegel et l'Hiver est a la fois un examen approfondi et une celebration de ces tableaux d'hiver largement admirees. Sabine van Sprang est curatrice et Tine Luk Meganck est chercheuse, les deux au Musee Royal des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. Eds: Tine Luk Meganck, Sabine Van Sprang. Texts: Tine Luk Meganck, Erik Aerts, Claire Billen, Wim Blockmans, Hilde Cuvelier,‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR54.90 (€54.90 )

‎# AUTEUR: Meganck Paul‎

Reference : 3020


‎# TITRE: Les Hussards 1786 - 1815 historique, organisation, uniformes‎

‎ # AUTEUR: Meganck Paul # ÉDITEUR: Quatuor Miscon 26210 # ANNÉE ÉDITION: 2014 # COUVERTURE: Pleine soie d'Orient rouge # DÉTAILS: In 4° (245x320) relié 247pp. 150 illustrations toutes en couleurs, reliure en soie d'Orient, papier semi-mat 150g, signet, étiquette dans un gaufrage sur le plat, gardes Vergé. N° 98 des 290 exemplaires d'un tirage total de 320 le tout constituant l'unique édition. Sans le coffret. Très bon état. # PHOTOS visibles sur www.latourinfernal.com‎

‎Ecrit par Paul Meganck, napoléonien bien connu de nos amis belges, et l'un des plus grands collectionneurs de littérature et d'iconographie impériale, cet ouvrage inédit consacré à l'élite de la cavalerie légère napoléonienne se décline ainsi: l'origine des hussards; les hussards sous la révolution; les hussards sous l'empire (avec chaque fois, historique et uniformes des régiments. ‎

Latour infernal - Chambéry

Phone number : 0479701852

EUR210.00 (€210.00 )
Shipping price: €5.00

‎[Ronald Ergo] - ‎ ‎Marc Meganck‎

Reference : 016019


‎Ecce homo, zie daar de mens‎

‎ 1998 De Prentenier Hardcover New ‎

‎Ecce homo, zie daar de mens. Verscheen in de lente 1998 bij De Prentenier te Gent. Met een gedicht van Marc Meganck en een linosnede van Ronald Ergo. Handgezet uit Plantin corpus 20 en gedrukt op eigen geschept papier. Druk en uitvoering door Henri Hemelsoet. De in olieverf geschilderde kaft, ontwerp en illustratie zijn van de hand van Ronald Ergo. Oplage : 22 exemplaren, genummerd en gesigneerd. Dit is nummer 18 / 22 25 x 32 cm Nieuwstaat en uiterst zeldzaam.‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR275.00 (€275.00 )

‎[Ronald Ergo] - ‎ ‎Marc Meganck‎

Reference : 016644


‎Ecce homo, zie daar de mens‎

‎ 1998 De Prentenier Hardcover New ‎

‎Ecce homo, zie daar de mens. Verscheen in de lente 1998 bij De Prentenier te Gent. Met een gedicht van Marc Meganck en een linosnede van Ronald Ergo. Handgezet uit Plantin corpus 20 en gedrukt op eigen geschept papier. Druk en uitvoering door Henri Hemelsoet. De in olieverf geschilderde kaft, ontwerp en illustratie zijn van de hand van Ronald Ergo. Oplage : 22 exemplaren, genummerd en gesigneerd. Dit is nummer 9 / 22 25 x 32 cm Nieuwstaat en uiterst zeldzaam.‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR275.00 (€275.00 )

‎Piet Buyse, Leen Meganck, Evert Vandeweghe en Robby Vervoort‎

Reference : 21445

‎Grote Markt van Dendermonde van boven tot onder bekeken‎

‎, Provinciebestuur Oost-Vlaanderen, 2007 Geillustreerde kartonomslag, 140 x 210mm., 80pp., uitgebreid geillustreerd in kleur. ISBN 9789074311692.‎

‎Diverse auteurs analyseerden, elk vanuit hun discipline, deze publieke ruimte van boven tot onder. Archeologen onderzochten, voor de werken, of er onder de huidige Grote Markt geen aanwijzingen schuilgingen van de vroegere functies en vooral van de oorsprong van de markt. En die waren er. Blikvanger zijn ongetwijfeld de goed bewaarde houten grafkamers uit het jaar 1000. Maar ook latere tijden komen aanbod onder meer de 20ste eeuw met de wederopbouw na de Eerste Wereldoorlog want toen kreeg de Grote Markt zijn huidig uitzicht. Welke drijfveren aan de grondslag lagen en waarom bepaalde keuzes werden gemaakt, wordt in dit boekje toegelicht. Het verhaal eindigt met de vernieuwde pleinaanleg in de 21ste eeuw. De eerste foto in de publicatie toont de markt voor de recente wijzigingen, de laatste erna, nieuw staat !!.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR7.50 (€7.50 )

‎by Eds: Sofie De Caigny, Dennis Pohl. With essays by Sofie De Caigny, H lya Ertas, Klaske Havik, Petrus Kemme, Saar Meganck, Carlo Menon, Els Nulens, Evelien Piete‎

Reference : 65006

‎Architectuurboek 16 Antwoorden in verantwoordelijkheid - Architectuurboek Vlaanderen N 16‎

‎, VAi - Flanders Archit. Institute Vlaams Architectuurinstituut vzw, 2024 Paperback,328 pages, 255 x 200 mm, Dutch (NL) ed. ISBN 9789492567345.‎

‎The pressing challenges of our time mean that designers are facing new, less familiar areas of responsibility. They are required to negotiate their way through regulations, ecological commitment, building conventions and economic constraints. This manifests itself in careful approaches to the renovation of existing structures, ecological innovations that go beyond the norm, participatory processes for collective housing, and the recognition of diversity in both society and the field of architecture.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR34.50 (€34.50 )

‎by Eds: Sofie De Caigny, Dennis Pohl. With essays by Sofie De Caigny, H lya Ertas, Klaske Havik, Petrus Kemme, Saar Meganck, Carlo Menon, Els Nulens, Evelien Piete‎

Reference : 65007

‎Responses in Responsibility - Flanders Architectural Review N 16‎

‎, VAi - Flanders Archit. Institute Vlaams Architectuurinstituut vzw, 2024 Paperback,328 pages, 255 x 200 mm, ENGLISH ed. ISBN 9789492567345.‎

‎Flanders Architectural Review N 16 - The pressing challenges of our time mean that designers are facing new, less familiar areas of responsibility. They are required to negotiate their way through regulations, ecological commitment, building conventions and economic constraints. This manifests itself in careful approaches to the renovation of existing structures, ecological innovations that go beyond the norm, participatory processes for collective housing, and the recognition of diversity in both society and the field of architecture.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR34.50 (€34.50 )

‎MEGANCK Marc (CLAES Xavier)‎

Reference : 102.877

ISBN : 2930327162

‎"Bruxelles par-delà les murs; 160 intérieurs d'îlots dévoilés."‎

‎Bruxelles, Editions Aparté, 2006. 17 x 24, 214 pp., très nombreuses illustrations en couleurs, 1 carte en couleurs (6 pages), broché, couverture à rabats, très bon état.‎

‎Photos de Xavier Claes.‎

Librairie Ausone - Bruxelles

Phone number : 32 (0)2 410 33 27

EUR17.00 (€17.00 )

‎MASUY Stéphanie et MEGANCK Marc‎

Reference : 102.732

‎Les escaliers de Bruxelles.‎

‎Bruxelles, Bernard Gilson, 2002. 21 x 15, 94 pp., broché, couverture à rabats, très bon état.‎

‎Photographies de Serge Demol et Sébastien François.‎

Librairie Ausone - Bruxelles

Phone number : 32 (0)2 410 33 27

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )


Reference : 102.734

‎Bruxelles, en cheminant sur la ligne du temps.‎

‎Bruxelles, 180° Editions, 2020. 13 x 22, 263 pp., broché, très bon état.‎

Librairie Ausone - Bruxelles

Phone number : 32 (0)2 410 33 27

EUR17.00 (€17.00 )

‎T. L. Meganck, / S. van Sprang.‎

Reference : 62376

‎ Bruegel and Italy / Bruegel & l'Italia -Proceedings of the International Conference held in the Academia Belgica in Rome, 26-28 September 2019.‎

‎, Peeters Leuven,, 2023 softcover, 245 pages, 25x 17cm. ISBN 9789042950306.‎

‎Studia Academiae Belgicae , nr. 3 / In 2019, in commemoration of Pieter Bruegel's death 450 years ago, the Academia Belgica dedicated an international symposium to Bruegel and Italy. The proceedings of this scientific meeting have now been published in the most recent volume of the Acta Academiae Belgicae. Although Bruegel spent about two years in the peninsula, remarkably little of his Italian artistic production has been preserved and the impact of Bruegel's encounter with Italy is not immediately noticeable in his oeuvre. Why then did Bruegel go to Italy? To formulate possible answers, the authors consider not only the master and his work, but also the cultural and artistic exchange between Italy and the Low Countries before, during and after his Italian journey. They trace the conditions, traditions and networks that motivated and shaped Bruegel's dialogue with Italy, thus opening new paths in the research of this famous but very undocumented artist‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR110.00 (€110.00 )

‎T. L. Meganck (Redacteur), S. van Sprang (Redacteur)‎

Reference : 62416

‎Bruegel and Italy - Bruegel & l'Italia / Bruegel and Italy Proceedings of the International Conference held in the Academia Belgica in Rome, 26?28 September 2019‎

‎, Peeters Publishers, 2023 softcover, XIV-221 pages, Illustrated. ISBN 9789042950306.‎

‎Pieter Bruegel the Elder is best known for his peasant and winter scenes, archetypal images of the Low Countries, but his masterpieces always manage to transcend the local. A defining element in his hybrid landscapes are the Alpine rock formations he observed on his way to or return from Italy. Bruegel travelled to the peninsula around 1552, and his sojourn lasted about two years. Though remarkably little of his artistic production in Italy has been preserved, later compositions demonstrate that Bruegel must have journeyed to Rome, and then as far as Naples and Messina. The purpose of this book is to reassess Bruegel?s encounter with Italy within a broad cultural-historical context and in light of recent scholarship. Communication between Italy and the Low Countries was intense during Bruegel?s time, as were artistic, political, and economic relations. While Italo-Netherlandish ties interconnected Bruegel?s world on multiple levels, Bruegel?s relationship with Italy has mostly been viewed from the perspective of his individual travels. It has often been observed that, unlike many of his fellow artist-travellers, no copies after antique or modern Italian artworks by his hand are known, and that the impact of Bruegel?s encounter with Italy is not immediately evident from his work. Bruegel and Italy/Bruegel e l?Italia rephrases this question: Why, then, Bruegel did travel to Italy? To formulate potential answers, its authors look not only at the master and his work but also consider the cultural and artistic exchange between Italy and the Low Countries before, during, and following Bruegel?s Italian travels. In doing so, they trace the conditions, traditions, and networks that shaped and motivated Bruegel?s dialogue with Italy, opening new avenues in the study of this notoriously under-documented master.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR110.00 (€110.00 )

‎Léon Méganck‎

Reference : RO20251472


ISBN : 2867360129

‎Impressions radieuses dans les Alpes de lumière - Le carnet d'un naturaliste en haute provence‎

‎SCRIBA. 1989. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Quelques rousseurs. 135 pages - nombreuses illustrations en noir/blanc, dans et hors texte. . . . Classification Dewey : 908.4458-Régionalisme : Rhône-Alpes‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 908.4458-Régionalisme : Rhône-Alpes‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )

‎MEGANCK, Marc.‎

Reference : 74501

‎Bruxelles par-delà les murs : 160 intérieurs d'îlots dévoilés.- Photos de Xavier CLAES.‎

‎Bruxelles, Aparté, 2006. grand in-8°, 221 pages entièrement illustrées en couleurs, broché, couverture illustree.‎

‎Très bon état. [CA31-8] ‎

Phone number : 07 80 01 72 79

EUR25.88 (€25.88 )

‎MEGANCK, Marc.‎

Reference : 77943

‎La Pêche en mer du Nord. De l'estuaire de l'Escaut à la baie de Somme.‎

‎Bernard Gilson éd., 2002. in-8° étroit, 120 pp., abdt ill. in-t. coul., broche, couverture illustree.‎

‎Bon etat [STR] ‎

Phone number : 07 80 01 72 79

EUR12.88 (€12.88 )

‎Tine L. Meganck ‎

Reference : 46721

‎Pieter Bruegel the Elder. Fall of the Rebel Angels. Art, Knowledge and Politics on the Eve of the Dutch Revolt ‎

‎, [IT] Silvana , 2014 Paperback, 240x170mm, 128p, 100 bw and col. illustrations. English edition ISBN 9788836629206.‎

‎Art, Knowledge and Politics on the Eve of the Dutch Revolt Pieter Bruegel the Elder's Fall of the Rebel Angels is the first comprehensive book on one of the most cherished masterpieces of the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium in Brussels. It argues that with his Fall of the Rebel Angels (1562) Pieter Bruegel (died 1569) turned a traditional devotional theme into an innovative commentary on his own time, and situates the painting within the early modern cultures of knowledge and collecting. More particularly, it exposes that many of the hybrid falling angels are carefully composed of naturalia and artificialia, as they were collected in art and curiosity cabinets of the time. Bruegel's much noted emulation of Jheronymus Bosch was thus only part of his wider interest in collecting, inspecting, and imitating the artistic and natural world around him. This prompts an examination of the world at the time that Bruegel painted the Fall of the Rebel Angels: locally, in the urban and courtly centers of Antwerp and Brussels on the eve of the Dutch revolt, and globally, as the discovery of the New World irreversibly transformed the European perception of art and nature. Painted as a tale of hubris and pride, Bruegel's masterpiece becomes a meditation on the potential and danger of man's pursuit of art, knowledge and politics, a universal theme that has lost nothing of its power today. The lavishly illustrated book is based on extensive research sponsored by the Inter University Attraction Pool project P7/26 'City and Society in the Low Countries (ca. 1200 - ca. 1850)' (Federal Science Policy, Belgium)'. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR28.00 (€28.00 )


Reference : 52959

‎PIETER BRUEGEL DE OUDE - VAL VAN DE OPSTANDIGE ENGELEN, Kunst, kennis en politiek aan de vooravond van de Nederlandse Opstand.‎

‎, Silvana Editoriale, 2019 hardcover, 240 x 170 mm, 200 pages, 100 illustrations; Nederlandstalige edition. ISBN 9788836642915.‎

‎Dit zestiende nummer van de Cahiers van de Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van Belgi verscheen naar aanleiding van meerdere jaren onderzoek naar het oeuvre van Pieter Bruegel de Oude. Het boek onthult de geheimen van De val van de opstandige engelen, in het bijzonder de weergave van fantasiedieren en enigmatische objecten door nieuwe verbanden te leggen tussen kunst, kennis en politiek in de tijd van Bruegel. With this masterpiece painting, Bruegel turned a traditional devotional theme into an innovative commentary on his own historical time. This is the first comprehensive book on one of the most cherished masterpieces of the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium in Brussels. It argues that with his Fall of the Rebel Angels (1562) Pieter Bruegel (died 1569) turned a traditional devotional theme into an innovative commentary on his own time, and situates the painting within the early modern cultures of knowledge and collecting. More particularly, it exposes that many of the hybrid falling angels are carefully composed of naturalia and artificialia, as they were collected in art and curiosity cabinets of the time. Bruegel's much noted emulation of Jheronymus Bosch was thus only part of his wider interest in collecting, inspecting, and imitating the artistic and natural world around him. This prompts an examination of the world at the time that Bruegel painted the Fall of the Rebel Angels: locally, in the urban and courtly centers of Antwerp and Brussels on the eve of the Dutch revolt, and globally, as the discovery of the New World irreversibly transformed the European perception of art and nature. Painted as a tale of hubris and pride, Bruegel's masterpiece becomes a meditation on the potential and danger of man's pursuit of art, knowledge and politics, a universal theme that has lost nothing of its power today.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR28.00 (€28.00 )

‎MEGANCK Marc, CLAES Xavier‎

Reference : 95850

ISBN : 293001878X

‎"Le patrimoine monastique en région bruxelloise; intégration dans la ville contemporaine."‎

‎Bruxelles, CFC Editions, 2009. 23 x 28, 168 pp., très nombreuses illustrations en couleurs et en N/B, broché, couverture à larges rabats, très bon état.‎

Librairie Ausone - Bruxelles

Phone number : 32 (0)2 410 33 27

EUR23.00 (€23.00 )


Reference : RO20193867


ISBN : 2930327162


‎APARTE. 2006. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 214 pages - nombreuses photos et plans en couleurs dans et hors texte - couverture illustrée en couleur contre-pliée.. . . . Classification Dewey : 710-Urbanisme. Art du paysage‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 710-Urbanisme. Art du paysage‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR39.80 (€39.80 )

‎Leon Meganck‎

Reference : 21598

‎Impressions radieuses dans les alpes de lumiere‎

‎ Editions Scriba, 1989. Format 15x21 cm, broche, 136 pages.Bon etat, petites traces d'usage sur un livre d'occasion.‎

Phone number : 06 30 21 18 72

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎Lucien GÉRARD - François VAN KUYCK - J. BOUTRY - De MOL - Louis LENAIN - Adrien DE WITTE - Joseph MEGANCK - Félix COGEN ( engravers ) :‎

Reference : 34414

‎Album du Journal des Beaux-Arts 1878 - 1879. Eaux-Fortes Inédites. (Neuvième de la collection).‎

‎.: Bruxelles, Administration du Journal des Beaux-Arts, 1879, in-folio album, 45,5 x 32 cm, (2) nn pp + 8 leaves each with one original engraving. Original half cloth portfolio with printed front board. Complete, as published, in-folio copy. This is the ninth album published by this art journal. The journal organised a yearly contest among Belgian engravers. The De Witte engraving (study of a girl's head) was not awarded a prize but stands out among the others.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR325.00 (€325.00 )

‎MEGANCK Tine :‎

Reference : 41309

‎De kerkelijke architectuur van Wensel Cobergher ( 1557/61 - 1634 ) in het licht van zijn verblijf te Rome.‎

‎.: Brussel, Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België, ( treatise of the Royal Belgian Acadamy ) , 1998, in-8°, 26 x 18 cm, 180 pp + 63 b/w plates h.t., published as treatise no. 64 of the Royal Academy, sewn, orig. stiff wrapper. Index, bibliography. Text in Dutch.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR38.00 (€38.00 )
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