Academic Press , Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1972 Book condition, Etat : Bon hardcover, no dust-jacket grand In-8 2 vol. - 1234 pages
few figures 1st edition Contents, Chapitres : Volume 33A : Contents, Contributors, Foreword, Preface, xxv, Text, 578 pages - Volume 33B : Contents, Contributors, Foreword, Preface, xxv, Text, 611 pages (pages 579 to 1189) - 1. 33A : Electronography - Image tubes, including channel multiplier arrays - Signal generating tubes - Photocathodes and phosphors - Electron optics - 2. 33B : Image tube assessment - Applications in astronomy - Photon counting systems - Applications in space research - Low light-level systems - X-Ray appplications - Miscellaneous - Applications in high-speed photography near fine copy - complete in 2 volumes