10 books for « maxwell joseph »Edit

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‎MAXWELL Joseph‎

Reference : 120398



‎ Librairie F. Alcan, Paris, 1914. In-8 p., mz. pergam. mod., tit. oro su tassello al dorso, pp. (4),IV,456. Ben conservato.‎


Phone number : +39 02 804607

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎[Magie ; Divination] MAXWELL, Joseph‎

Reference : 103179


‎La divination : magie et divination, arts divinatoires et prophétie, l'individualité et la personnalité‎

‎Paris, Ernest Flammarion, éditeur, coll. « Bibliothèque de philosophie scientifique » 1927 In-12 18,5 x 12 cm. Broché, couverture orange, titre en noir sur le dos et le premier plat, table des matières. Couvrture ternie.‎

‎ Bon état d’occasion ‎

Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

Phone number : 01 40 11 95 85

EUR27.00 (€27.00 )

‎MAXWELL Joseph‎

Reference : 1122

‎LES PHENOMENES PSYCHIQUES , Recherches, Observations, Méthodes - Préface de Charles RICHET, Membre de l’Académie de médecine, Professeur à la Faculté de médecine de Paris (3ème édition)‎

‎ Felix Alcan , éditeur, Paris, 1906.‎

‎Un volume in-8°, demi-reliure toilée rouge, plats marbrés, dos lisse avec inscriptions usuelles en lettres dorées, une Préfacee de Charles Richet (pp. I-X1V) et une introduction de l’auteur lui-même (pp. 1-30) . L’ouvrage proprement dit compte 317 pages + une Table des matières. Celle-ci recense les chapitres suivants: La Méthode, Les Raps, Parakinésie et Télékinésie, Phénomènes lumineux, Phénomènes psycho-densoriels et intellectuels, (vision dans le cristal, rves, télépaties, télésthésie écriture automatique etc...), la Fraude et l’Erreur... Ouvrage très intéressant dans sa démarche à la fois ouverte et scientifique. ETAT TRES SATISFAISANT.‎


Phone number : 33 01 43 47 01 20

EUR70.00 (€70.00 )

‎MAXWELL, Joseph.‎

Reference : 01653



‎Paris : E. Flammarion, 1927. In-12 (19 cm), broché, 282 pages, 200 gr.‎

‎Papier jauni, qq rousseurs mais bon état tout de même.‎

Bedot Bouquiniste - Le Mans

Phone number : 06 66 55 13 42

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Cavendish Laboratory - T.C. Fitzpatrick - Arthur Schuster on Clerk Maxwell - R.T. Glazebrook on Rayleigh - Sir Joseph John Thomson - H.F. Newall - Ernest Rutherford - C.T.R. Wilson - N.R. Campbell - L. R. Wilberforce‎

Reference : 100740


‎A History of the Cavendish Laboratory 1871-1900 , (The building of the laboratory - The Clerk Maxwell period - The Rayleigh period - Survey of the last 20 years - The development of the teaching of physics - List of memoirs containing accounts of research performed in the Cavendish Laboratory - List of thoses who have worked in the Laboratory)‎

‎Longmans, Green and Co, London Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1910 Book condition, Etat : Bon hardcover, editor's binding, full green clothes, no dust-jacket grand In-8 1 vol. - 353 pages‎

‎1 plate in frontispiece, 3 collotype plates (portraits of James Clerk Maxwell, Lord Rayleigh and Joseph John Thomson) and 7 other plates of the laboratory (complete of the 11 plates) 1st edition, 1910 Contents, Chapitres : Preface, Contents, List of Illustrations, xi, Text, 342 pages, catalogue Longmans, ii - T.C. Fitzpatrick : The building of the laboratory - Arthur Schuster : The Clerk Maxwell period - R.T. Glazebrook : The Rayleigh period - Sir Joseph John Thomson : Survey of the last 20 years - H.F. Newall : 1885-1894 - Ernest Rutherford : 1895-1898 - Charles Thomson Rees Wilson : 1899-1902 - N.R. Campbell : 1903-1909 - L. R. Wilberforce : The development of the teaching of physics - List of memoirs containing accounts of research performed in the Cavendish Laboratory - List of thoses who have worked in the Laboratory - Index - Le laboratoire Cavendish (Cavendish Laboratory) est le département de physique de l'université de Cambridge. Il fait partie de l'école de sciences physiques. Il a ouvert en 1874 comme l'un des premiers laboratoires d'enseignement en Angleterre. Son nom honore Henry Cavendish, fameux physicien anglais de la fin du xviiie siècle. - The Cavendish Laboratory is the Department of Physics at the University of Cambridge, and is part of the School of Physical Sciences. The laboratory was opened in 1874 on the New Museums Site as a laboratory for experimental physics and is named after the British chemist and physicist Henry Cavendish. The laboratory has had a huge influence on research in the disciplines of physics and biology. As of 2019, 30 Cavendish researchers have won Nobel Prizes. Notable discoveries to have occurred at the Cavendish Laboratory include the discovery of the electron, neutron, and structure of DNA. - Professor James Clerk Maxwell, the developer of electromagnetic theory, was a founder of the laboratory and the first Cavendish Professor of Physics. The Duke of Devonshire had given to Maxwell, as head of the laboratory, the manuscripts of Henry Cavendish's unpublished Electrical Works. The editing and publishing of these was Maxwell's main scientific work while he was at the laboratory. Cavendish's work aroused Maxwell's intense admiration and he decided to call the Laboratory (formerly known as the Devonshire Laboratory) the Cavendish Laboratory and thus to commemorate both the Duke and Henry Cavendish. Several important early physics discoveries were made here, including the discovery of the electron by J.J. Thomson (1897) the Townsend discharge by John Sealy Townsend, and the development of the cloud chamber by C.T.R. Wilson. Ernest Rutherford became Director of the Cavendish Laboratory in 1919. near fine copy, the binding is rather fine, without dust-jacket, supposingly as issued, the binding is nice and unmarked, a very small spot on the bottom part, the title on the spine is mainly erased, inside is fine, no markings, paper is fine, name of the former owner on the first page, complete of the 11 plates, with 3 wonderful portraits of Clerk Maxwell, Rayleigh and Thomson, 2 studies were written by J.J. Thomson (discovery of the electron, 1897) and Ernest Rutheford, both were nobelized after .Rutherford was in Manchester when he got the Nobel in 1911 but, under his leadership the neutron was discovered by James Chadwick in 1932‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR75.00 (€75.00 )

‎Maxwell (James Clerk) - Sir Joseph Larmor, ed.‎

Reference : 100688


‎Matter and Motion - Notes and Appendices by Sir Joseph Larmor‎

‎Dover , Dover Books on Physics and Chemistry Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1991 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's black printed wrappers with a red circle In-8 1 vol. - 175 pages‎

‎a portrait of J. Clerk Maxwell in frontispiece, few text-figures reprint 1991 of the 1952's edition (1st edition was 1876) "Contents, Chapitres : Preface (1877), Note, Biographical note, Contents, xii, Text, 163 pages and Dover catalogue - Introduction - On motion - On force - On the properties of the centre of mass of a material system - On work and energy - Recapitulation - The pendulum and gravity - Universal gravitation - On the equations of motion of a connected system - Appendix : The relativity of the forces of nature - The principle of least action - James Clerk Maxwell (13 juin 1831 à Édimbourg en Écosse - 5 novembre 1879 à Cambridge en Angleterre) est un physicien et mathématicien écossais. Il est principalement connu pour avoir unifié en un seul ensemble d'équations, les équations de Maxwell, l'électricité, le magnétisme et l'induction, en incluant une importante modification du théorème d'Ampère. Ce fut à l'époque le modèle le plus unifié de l'électromagnétisme. Il est également célèbre pour avoir interprété, dans un article en quatre parties publié dans Philosophical Magazine intitulé On Physical Lines of Force, la lumière comme étant un phénomène électromagnétique en s'appuyant sur les travaux de Michael Faraday. Il a notamment démontré que les champs électriques et magnétiques se propagent dans l'espace sous la forme d'une onde et à la vitesse de la lumière. Ces deux découvertes permirent d'importants travaux ultérieurs notamment en relativité restreinte et en mécanique quantique. Il a également développé la distribution de Maxwell, une méthode statistique de description de la théorie cinétique des gaz. - In 1865 Maxwell resigned the chair at King's College, London, and returned to Glenlair with Katherine. In his paper 'On governors' (1868) he mathematically described the behaviour of governors, devices that control the speed of steam engines, thereby establishing the theoretical basis of control engineering. In his paper ""On reciprocal figures, frames and diagrams of forces"" (1870) he discussed the rigidity of various designs of lattice. He wrote the textbook Theory of Heat (1871) and the treatise Matter and Motion (1876). Maxwell was also the first to make explicit use of dimensional analysis, in 1871. (source : Wikipedia)" minor folding tracks on the corner of the wrappers, minor wear on the front-part of the wrappers, else near fine copy, no markings, inside is fine and complete of the plate in frontispiece, portrait of J.C. Maxwell - Dover Edition‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR8.00 (€8.00 )

‎Revue Philosophy of Science - Maxwell (Nicholas) - Sharvy (Richard) - Uchii (Soshichi) - Lincicome (David) - Scoledes (Aristotle G.M.) - Wright (Larry) - Daniels (Norman) - Achinstein (Peter) - Giril (T.R.) - Schwartz (Robert) - Miettinen (Seppo K.) - Lazslo (E.) and Margenau (H.) - Torretti (Roberto) - Agassi (Joseph)‎

Reference : 27880


‎Philosophy of Science - volume 39, number 2 - June 1972 , Official Journal of the Philosophy of Science Association‎

‎Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1972 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback Grand In-8 1 vol. - 152 pages‎

‎ Contents, Chapitres : Pages 131 to 283 - Nicholas Maxwell : A critique of Popper 's views on scientific method - Richard Sharvy : Three types of referential opacity - David Lincicome : Reporting, evaluating, describing - Soshichi Uchii : Inductive logic with causal modalities, a probabilistic approach - Aristotle G.M. Scoledes : The determinism of quantum-mechanical probability statements - Larry Wright : Explanation and teleology - Norman Daniels : Thomas Reid 's discovery of non-Euclidean geometry - Discussion : Peter Achinstein : Models and analogies, a reply to Girill - T.R. Girill : Analogies and models revisited - Robert Schwartz : Paradox and projection - Seppo K. Miettinen : On Omer 's model of scientific explanation - E. Laszlo and H. Margenau : The emergence of integrative concepts in contemporary science - Roberto Torretti : Remarks on Salmon 's paradox of primes - Joseph Agassi : The interface of philosophy and physics - Books reviews - Recent books working copy from Pierre Thuillier, very few annotations at pencil, inside and on the cover‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR8.00 (€8.00 )

‎Acheson (George H.), Main Editor - Cochin (Joseph) - Okita (George T.) - Loomis (Ted A.) - Bloom (Floyd E.) - Maxwell (Robert A.)‎

Reference : 63979


‎Pharmacology and the Future of Man - Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress on Pharmacology, San Francisco, July, 23-28, 1972 , Volume 1. Drug Abuse and Contraception - Volume 2. Toxicological Problems - Volume 3. Problems of Therapy - Volume 4. Brain, Nerves and Synapses - Volume 5. Cellular Mechanisms‎

‎S. Karger Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1973 Book condition, Etat : Bon hardcover, editor's binding, no dust-jacket grand In-8 5 vol. - 2074 pages‎

‎ 492 figures and 250 tables 1st edition Contents, Chapitres : Volume 1 : Drug Abuse and Contraception , xviii, Text, 300 pages, 41 figures and 37 tables - Volume 2 : Toxicological Problems , xviii, Text, 242 pages, 37 figures and 27 tables - Volume 3 : Problems of Therapy, xviii, Text, 507 pages, 151 figures and 75 tables - Volume 4 : Brain, Nerves, and Synapses, xviii, Text, 484 pages, 141 figures and 48 tables - Volume 5 : Cellular Mechanisms , xviii, Text, 451 pages, 120 figures and 63 tables - For the Complete Set : XC, Text, 1984 pages, 492 figures and 250 tables - Volume 1. Drug Abuse and Contraception : Drugs and society - Contraceptive drugs - Volume 2. Toxicological Problems : Toxicological problems affecting the future of man - Enzyme activation of drugs - Mechanisms of toxicity by therapeutic and environmental agents - Chemistry and pharmacology of purified toxins - Volume 3. Problems of Therapy : Genes controlling drug actions in man - Combination drug therapy, good or bad - The basis of drug therapy in man - Biochemical and clinical pharmacology of blood-sugar-lowering sulfonylureas - Fundamental approaches to cancer chemotherapy - Volume 4. Brain, Nerves and Synapses : The influence of neurotropic substances on the brain functional systems - Pharmacological agents on memory and learning - Biochemistry and pharmacology of sleep - Importance of sensory endings as a site of drug action - Measurements of catecholamine turnover rates, relationship to neuronal function - Regulation of 5-HT synthesis and turnover in the brain - The Mast cell and its biogenic amines - Blood platelets as a model for aminergic neurons - Na-Ca interactions as a pharmacological trigger - The bearing of membrane and transport studies for pharmacology - Time and dose relationships in the theory of Quantal drug responses - The pineal gland, a neurochemical transducer - Cocaine : Pre and postjunctionnal effects - Muscarinic inhibition of the norepinephrine release from peripheral sympathetic fibres - Recent advances in smooth muscle pharmacology - Volume 5. Cellular Mechanisms : Molecular selectivity of taste and smell receptors - Cholinergic receptor mechanisms - Recent studies on the cholinergic receptor protein of the eel electroplax - Physiological effects and pharmacological implications of cyclic AMP and other nucleotides - Pharmacological implications of cyclic nucleotides - The Kinin trail - Kinin peptides - Prostaglandins and aspirin-like drugs - Immunopharmacology no dust-jacket, the set is complete in 5 volumes (there is no box, just the 5 volumes). Some very light spots on the clothes of some of the volumes, else fine copy, no markings, inside is fine‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR45.00 (€45.00 )

‎[Institut Général Psychologique ] - ‎ ‎MAXWELL, Dr. Joseph‎

Reference : 36056


‎Sur les phénomènes de Hantise , Conférence faire à l'Institut Générale de Psychologie, le 19 juin 1905 [ Institut Général Psychologique - Extrait du Bulletin n° 5 - 5e année - 1905 ]‎

‎1 vol. in-8 br., Institut Général Psychologique - Au siège de la Société, Paris, 1905, 23 pp.‎

‎Etat très satisfaisant (couv. lég. froissée en coin, bon état par ailleurs)‎

Phone number : 09 82 20 86 11

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎Joseph Maxwell‎

Reference : 82718

ISBN : 8872521289

‎Le Tarot : Le symbole, les arcanes, la divination‎

‎Editions Arche Collection Sebastiani 1984‎

‎Grand in8, broche, 1984, 325p, etat correct d'usage, couverture un peu salie aux contours frottes, coins cornes et frottes, interieur un peu jauni, globalement propre mais avec 30 premieres pages mal coupees (manques et dechirures parfois importants dans leurs marges), Editions Arche, Collection Sebastiani‎

Phone number : 01 424 545 79

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )
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