In Russian. Short description: Max Born, Teoriya otnositelnosti Ejnshtejna. [Einstein's Theory of Relativity]. Translation from German, edited by A.P. Kudryavtsev. Petrograd, Science and School, 1922. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUMS001963 kn_nat
Berlin, Julius Springer, 1927. 4to. Contemp. hcloth. Spine a bit worn. ""Die Naturwissenschaften. Hrsg. von Arnold Berliner. 15. jahrgang"" XXIV,1000 pp. Einstein paper: pp. 273-276 and 1 portrait of Newton. - Born Paper: pp. 238-242. - Planck paper: 529-531. - Sommerfeld paper 825-832 - von Frisch papers: pp. 321-326 and pp. 963-968. The whole volume offered.
All papers in first edition. The Einstein paper is his contribution to the Anniversary volume of Newton's death. - Weil No 158. - Planck: Akademie No. 165 - K. v. Frisch received the Nobel Prize for his works on animal psychology and behaviour in 1975.
Reference : 46968
Berlin, Julius Springer, 1927. Lex8vo. In ""Die Naturwissenschaften"", 15. jahrgang, 1927. Entire volume offered bound in contemporary half calf with gilt lettering to spine. Minor wear to upper capitals, otherwise a fine and clean copy. [Einstein:] Pp. 273-76" [Born:] Pp. 238-42 [Planck:] Pp. 529-31 [Sommerfeld:] Pp. 825-32 [Frisch:] Pp. 321-326 pp. 963-968. [Entire volume: XXV,(1),1000,16 pp.].
First edition of all papers. The Einstein paper is his contribution to the Anniversary volume of Newton's death. Frisch received the Nobel Prize for his works on animal psychology and behaviour in 1975.Weil No 158. - Planck: Akademie No. 165 - K. v.
Reference : 39170
Berlin, Julius Springer, 1925-26. Bound in 4 nearly uniform contemp. hcloth. Edges a little rubbed. Stamp on title-pages. In ""Zeitschrift für Physik. Hrsg. von Karl Scheel"", Vols 33,34,35 and 36. VII,950"VII,953VIII,954"VII,951 pp. The offered papers: pp. 879-893 (vol.33), pp. 858-888 (vol.34), pp.557-615 (vol.35) and pp.336-363 (vol. 36). Internally fine and clean.
First printings of these four absolutely fundamental papers, which together MARK THE TURNING POINT IN THE FABRICATION OF A NEW PHYSICS, Quantum Mechanics, also called ""Matrix Mechanics"".""In May 1925, Heisenberg took on a new and difficult problem, the calculation of the line intensities of the hydrogen spectrum. Just as he had done with Kramers and Bohr, Heisenberg began with a Fourier analysis of the electron orbits. When the hydrogen orbit proved too difficult, he turned to the anharmonic oscillator. With a new multiplication rule relating the amplitudes and frequencies of the Fourier components to observed quantities, Heisenberg succeeded in quantizing the equations of motion for this system in close analogy with the classical equations of June Heisenberg returned to Göttingen, where he drafted his fundamental paper [the first paper offered], which he completed in July. In this paper Heisenberg proclaimed that the quantum mechanics of atoms should contain only relations between experimentally observable quantities. The resulting formalism served as the starting point for the new quantum mechanics, based, as Heisenberg's multiplication rule implied, on the manipulation of ordered sets of data forming a mathematical matrix....Born and his assistant, Pascual Jordan, quickly developed the mathematical content of Heisenberg's work into a consistent theory with the help of abstract matrix algebra [the second paper offered].Their work, in collaboration with Heisenberg, culminated in their ""three-man paper"" [""Dreimännerarbeit"" - the third paper offered] that served as the foundation of matrix mechanics. Confident of the correctness of the new theory, Heisenberg, Pauli, Born, Dirac, and others began applying the difficult mathematical formalism to the solution of lingering problems."" (DSB).In the last paper offered, the Pauli-paper, he shows that the hydrogen spectrum can be derived from the new theory. His starting-point constitutes, due to Lez, a method for integrating the classical equations of motion of a particle in a Coulomb field. Pauli's paper was received on January 17, 1926, but the main result must have been obtained before November 3, 1925, for on that date, Heisenberg writes Pauli: ""..Ich brauche Ihnen wohl nicht zu schreiben, wie sehr ich mich über die neue Theorie des Wasserstoffs freue..."" Pauli's paper convinced most physicists that Quantum Mechanics is correct. (Van der Waerden).
Seuil 1988 In-8 broché 20,5 cm sur 14. 258 pages. ATTENTION : accroc en pied du dos. État correct d’occasion.
Etat correct d’occasion
Armanc Colin collection collection U. in 8. Sans date. reliure d'éditeur.
Bon état
Dated ""14.2.29"" (poststamped ""15.02.29""). Postcard depicting Hohenluftort Königsfeld, 763 m ü. M. bad Schwarzwald, with 12 handwritten lines on the verso as well as the address, all in Max Born's hand and signed ""Max Born"".
This lovely postcard written by Max Born at the height of his career, for his grandson, is in German and reads thus: ""Lieber Puzl,/ Ich gratuliere Dir sehr herzlich/ zum Geburtstag und hoffe, dass/ Du recht viel geschenke kriegst./ Grüss Deine Eltern Gustav und/ Gritli, auch alle andern Bärrchen/ und deine Geburtstagsgäste./ Dein Opapa/ Max Born./ Sage Omama Hedi, sie soll mich/ mal gelegentlich hier telephonisch/ ausrufen. Die Nummer ist:/ Königsfeld Nr. 75."" (I.e. Dier Puzl, I congratulate you on your birthday and and hope that you will recieve a lot of presents. Greetings to your parents Gustav and Gritli, and also to all other little bears and to your birthdayguests. Your grandfater Max Born. Tell grandma' Hedi that at some point she should call me by telephone. The number is: Königsfeld 75).This is a warm, lovely, peronal card from the pioneer of quantum mechanics, written at a crucial time in his career.
Librairie Scientifique Albert Blanchard à Paris , Collection de Monographies Scientifiques Etrangères Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1922 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur grand In-8 1 vol. - 86 pages
quelques illustrations, photographies et figures dans le texte en noir 1ere traduction en français, 1922 "Contents, Chapitres : Préface, ii, Texte, 84 pages - 1. L'atome : Electrons et noyaux - Constitution de l'atome - La structure atomique de l'électricité - L'électricité positive - La charge de l'électron - Grandeur des électrons et des noyaux - Modèle atomique de Thomson - Modèle atomique de Rutherford - L'interférence des rayons de Röntgen - Les spectres des rayons de Rontgen - Constitution de l'atome - Corollaires chimiques - Les spectres visibles - La théorie des quanta appliquée à l'atome - Constitution du noyau - 2. De l'éther mécanique à la matière électrique : La théorie élastique de la lumière - La théorie électromagnétique de la lumière - L'atomistique - La théorie des réseaux cristallins - La nature électrique des forces moléculaires - Réseau atomique - Ions électrolytiques - Réseaux d'ions - Force électrique de contraction - La force de répulsion - Calcul de la compressibilité - 3. Le passage de la chimie à la physique : Le problème de l'affinité chimique - Les grandeurs chimiques élémentaires - Energie de formation des molécules biatomiques - Energie des réseaux cristallins - Réactions entre sels binaires - Energie d'ionisation des ions positifs - Affinité des atomes électronégatifs - Energie d'ionisation des dérivés halogénés de l'hydrogène - Chaleur de vaporisation des métaux univalents - Vue d'ensemble - Max Born (11 décembre 1882 à Breslau, Empire allemand - 5 janvier 1970 à Göttingen, Allemagne de l'Ouest) est un physicien allemand. Physicien théoricien remarquable, il est principalement connu pour son importante contribution à la physique quantique. Il a été le premier à donner au carré du module de la fonction d'onde la signification d'une densité de probabilité de présence. Il a partagé le prix Nobel de physique de 1954, avec Walther Bothe, pour ses travaux sur la théorie des quanta. - Il participe aux travaux sur la nouvelle théorie de la relativité restreinte, avec Hermann Minkowski ; puis sur la dynamique des atomes dans les cristaux, sur laquelle il publie un livre en 1915. Il est réformé pour cause d'asthme pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, qu'il passe en partie à Berlin ; il y travaille notamment avec Max Planck et Albert Einstein. En 1921, il est nommé professeur de physique théorique à Göttingen. Il concentre surtout ses travaux sur la physique quantique et développe, avec Pascual Jordan, la mécanique matricielle introduite par Werner Heisenberg. Il est également un pionnier de la théorie quantique des solides (conditions de Born-Von Karman) et dans l'électrodynamique non linéaire de Born-Infeld. (source : Wikipedia)" petite tache au coin supérieur gauche du plat supérieur avec une étiquette de prix par-dessus, légère déchirure sur le haut du mors du plat inférieur avec un léger petit manque de papier sur le haut du dos, la couverture est sinon propre, à peine empoussiérée, intérieur propre, papier légèrement jauni, cela reste un bon exemplaire d'un texte fondamental de Max Born sur la constitution de la matière d'un point de vue quantique
Berlin, Julius Springer, 1926. 8vo. In two contemporary half cloth bindings (not uniform). Gilt lettering to spine. In: ""Zeitschrift für Physik"", Bd. 37 & 38, 1926. Entire volumes offered. Vol. 38: Spine partly detached and with library stamp to free front and back end paper. Both volumes with a bit of soiling to extremities. Internally fine and clean.
First edition of these landmark papers in which Born formulated the now-standard interpretation of the Probability Interpretation of the Wave Function or Probability Density Function for psi*psi in the Schrödinger equation, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1954. It is considered to be one of the fundamental statements of modern physics and made Einstein famously state in a letter to Born in 1926: ""Quantum mechanics is certainly imposing. But an inner voice tells me that it is not yet the real thing. The theory says a lot, but does not really bring us any closer to the secret of the 'old one'. I, at any rate, am convinced that He [god] is not playing at dice.""""Very soon after publication of Erwin Schrödinger's works on wave mechanics. Born recognized -despite Heisenherg's and Pauli's objections to its basic conceptions - that the new theory was acceptable from a mathematical point of view" and he used Schrödinger's method of treating atomic scattering processes. Applied to a standard scattering problem with known interaction-the scattering of a particle in an external field -the quantum theory permitted an exact calculation only in principle" except in special cases the basic differential equations could not be solved. With ""Quantenme-chanik der Stossvorgänge"" (1926) Born elaborated the basis of the ""Born approximation method"" for carrying out the actual computations"" the method has since grown steadily in importance. Born’s works found worldwide recognition, and gifted young researchers flocked to work under him. The ""Born school"" at Göttingen was its important to the flowering of theoretical physics as the school of Bohr at Copenhagen and of Arnold Sommerfeld at Munich."" (DSB).""Born may not have realized at once the profundity of his contribution, which helped bring the quantum revolution to an end"". (Pais, Inward Bound).
Berlin, Julius Springer, 1926-27. 8vo. Bound in one nice hcalf with gilt borders and gilt lettering to spine. All three papers published in ""Zeitschrift für Physik"". 1. Title-page for volume 37, pp. 863-67. - 2. Title-page for volume 38, pp.. 803-27. - 3. Title-page for volume 40, pp.167-192. Title-pages with stamp. Clean and fine.
First editions of all three papers, which together constitute Born's main contributions to Quantum Mechanics, for which he received the Nobel Prize in physics in 1954. In his famous series of papers on wave mechanics Schrödinger stated his equation describing the behavior of the wave function. However, Schrödinger did not himself arrive at a proper physical interpretation of the wave function itself - this is due to Born. Just a few days after Schrödinger's fourth and final paper was published, Born successfully interpreted the wave function as probability amplitude. His relatively brief paper (the first offered here) was originally meant to be published in the weekly magazine ""Die Naturwissenschaften"" but due to lack of space in this journal it was forwarded to the 'Zeitschrift'. The next paper offered, with the same title, is an elaboration of the first. In the third paper Born used the adiabatic principle to further support his statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics.
Short description: In Russian. Born, Max. Physics in the Life of My Generation. Moscow: Publishing House of Foreign Litas, 1963. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU5982345
Paris, Gauthier-Villars et Cie, 1923, in-8, XI-339 pp, Broché, couverture imprimée de l'éditeur, Première édition française, ouvrage traduit de l'allemand d'après la seconde édition par F.-A. Finkelstein et J.-G. Verdier. Le physicien allemand Max Born (1882-1970) fut prix Nobel de Physique pour 1954. Dos insolé et usagé, petit accroc sur la première couverture et sur les premiers feuillets. Couverture rigide
Bon XI-339 pp.
"Short description: In Russian. Born, Max. Lectures on Atomic MechanicsVol1. Kharkiv; Kyiv: State Scientific and Technical Publishing House of Ukraine, 1934. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU9269401"
Berlin, Jlius Springer, 1920, in-8, [6]-81-[1] pp, Broché, couverture imprimée en noir, Unique édition de cette plaquette portant sur la nouvelle théorie atomique des années 1920 et sur les électrons. Max Born fut prix Nobel de Physique en 1954 pour ses recherches sur la mécanique des quanta. Bon exemplaire, cachet ex-libris Marcel Bekus. Couverture rigide
Bon [6]-81-[1] pp.
P., Gauthier-Villars, 1923, un volume in 8, broché, couverture imprimée, 11pp., 339pp., figures dans le texte
---- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- "Max BORN helped development of quantum mechanics which forms the basis of modern atomic and nuclear physics ; he investigated atomic structure, kinetic theory of fluids and theory of relativity, gave rise to "uncertainty principle" by showing better experimental results were obtained from conceiving electrons as "statistical probabilities", provided theoretical base of modern theory of solid, stated through his work on lattice dynamics..." ** (M3.9022)
Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1927. 8vo. Full cloth, but spine gone. In: ""Nachrichten von der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen aus dem Jahre 1926"". (4),286 pp. Born's paper: pp. 146-160. Internally clean and fine.
First printing of one of Born's importent papers on Quantum Mechanics, published a half years after his monumental paper on the statistical interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.The volume contains further PASQUAL JORDAN ""Über eine neue Begründung der Quantenmechanik"", pp. 161-169.
Berlin Julius Springer 1926 in-8 broché
VIII et 183 pp., figures dans le texte, un tableau dépliant.Première édition en allemand : l'originale était parue en anglais la même année sur les presses du MIT (Problems of atomic dynamics), quoique le texte ait d'abord été rédigé par Born dans sa langue maternelle, et traduit par W. P. Allis et Hans Müller. La contribution de Max Born (1882-1970) au développement de la physique atomique n'est plus à écrire
P., Gauthier-Villars, 1937, un volume in 8 relié en pleilne toile rouge (reliure de l'époque), pp. 155/265
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- TIRE-A-PART (OFFPRINT) des Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- M. Born helped development of quantum mechanics which forms the basis of modern atomic and nuclear physics ; he investigated atomic structure, kinetic theory of fluids and theory of relativity, gave rise to uncertainty principle by showing better experimental results were obtained from conceiving electrons as statistical probabilities , provided theoretical base of modern theory of solid, stated through his work on lattice dynamics..."**CAV.F4
Uncut in orig. printed wrappers.
Second revised edition. ""Die Form der Aufsätze verbietet wesentliche Änderungen...""(Born).
Leipzig-Berlin B. G. Teubner 1923 in-8 broché
VI pp., pp. 527-789.L'ouvrage complète la Dynamik der Kristallgitter, parue en 1915, et fut rédigé à la demande du physicien Arnold Sommerfeld : entrepris seulement en 1919, après la fin de la Guerre, il ne parut qu'en 1922.La contribution de Max Born (1882-1970) au développement de la physique atomique n'est plus à écrire
Paris. Payot. Coll : Bibliothèque Scientifique. 1967. In-8. Br. 187 p. Bon état intérieur. Couv. défraichie.
Paris, Payot, 1967, in-8, br., 187 p., coll. Bibliothèque scientifique.
Bon état non coupé
Paris Librairie Armand Colin 1971 petit in 4 (23,5x17) 1 volume reliure cartonnée de l'éditeur, 414 pages [1]. Collection U. Bel exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request )
Très bon Jaquette en bon état Couverture rigide
P., Blanchard, 1922, in-8, br., non coupé, (4)-84 pp., 37 figures in-texte. (GJ22A)
Trois conférences de 1919. État de neuf.