Matthew Bennett, Jim Bradbury, Kelly DeVries, Iain Dickie, Phyllis G Jestice
Reference : 125730
ISBN : 1909160474 9781909160477
Amber Books 2013 Livre en anglais. In-8 broché 24,1 cm sur 19,1. 256 pages. Bon état d’occasion.
Bon état d’occasion
Vertiges 1985 In-8 broché 23,5 cm sur 15,5. 550 pages. Illustrations en noir et blanc in-texte. Bon état d’occasion.
Traduit de l’américain par Solange Schnall et Christian Mégret Bon état d’occasion
Biro - éditeur In-4,24,5 cm x 34,0cm x 2,0cm. Relié éditeur sous jaquette. 157pp. Illustrations en couleurs.
Très bon état d’occasion
Balland, coll. “Les plus belles histoires d’amour de Hollywood” 1981 In-8 broche, couverture illustree. 214 p. Couverture passee. Interieur jauni. Bon etat d’occasion.
Bon état d’occasion
Harper 2006 In-4 relié 31,2 cm sur 27,9. 64 pages. Très bon état d’occasion.
Très bon état d’occasion
Tupper Ansel Blake, Blake Matthew, Steinhart Peter
Reference : 65487
ISBN : 0520084829
University of California Press 1994 In-4 relié 36,6 cm sur 32,3. 204 pages. Bon état d’occasion.
Bon état d’occasion
Editions du Chêne 1994 In-4 relié sous jaquette légèrement frottée en coiffe, sinon bon état.
Bon état d’occasion
JONGLEZ 2014 In-4 relié 30,2 cm sur 21,5. 242 pages. Très bon état d’occasion.
Très bon état d’occasion
Editions Les Arènes 2007 In-8 broché 23,8 cm sur 21,2. 80 pages. Très bon état d’occasion.
Très bon état d’occasion
Macdonald and Jane’s Publishers Limited 1978 Livre en anglais. In-8 reliure éd. sous jaquette. 598 pages. Jaquette en bon état. Bon état d’occasion.
Bon état d’occasion
Matthew de Westminster [Matthew Paris], Florence de Worcester [Florent], [Jean de Worcester]
Reference : 4085
1601 1601 Typis Wechelianis apud Claudium Marmium & heredes Ioannis Aubrii, Francofurti [Francfort], 1601. In-folio plein vélin ivoire, dos sobre à 5 nerfs, titre manuscrit, [1f.] blanc, page de titre, [3ff.] de préface, 696 pages, [12ff.] d'index, [1f.] blanc. Mors à restaurer, quelques travaux de vers sans atteinte au texte, quelques mouillures claires. Ex-libris manuscrits et tampons.
-Flores Historiarum: Histoire du monde depuis la Création jusqu'à la mort du roi Edouard en 1307.Cette chronique est largement basée sur les travaux de Matthew Paris (jusqu'en 1259) et ceux de nombreux continuateurs par la suite,basés à St Albans et Westminster.-Chronicon ex chronicis Florent de Worcester (mort en 1118) fut continuateur des travaux du moine irlandais Marianus (mort en 1082 ou 1083) qui composa une chronique de la Grande-Bretagne depuis la Création jusqu'au XIIème siècle. La librairie est ouverte du mardi au samedi de 9h30 à 12h30 et de 13h30 à 19h00. Commandes par courriel ou téléphone. Envoi rapide, emballage soigné. La librairie est ouverte du mardi au samedi de 9h30 à 12h30 et de 13h30 à 19h00. Commandes par courriel ou téléphone. Envoi rapide, emballage soigné.
, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, 298 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:17 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503594101.
Summary Carolingian Experiments presents essays exploring how the Carolingians (ca. 700-ca. 900 CE) ? a regime known especially for concerns over imperial power, order, and moral correction ? fostered a remarkable era of experimentation in medieval Europe. The scholars featured here ask new questions and conduct their own methodological experiments to uncover some of the many ways that people innovated within the Carolingian world. To that end, numerous themes are covered in this volume: culture and society, family and politics, religion and spirituality, literature and historiography, law and hierarchy, epistemology and science. This array of scholarly experiments reveals some of the range and depth of Carolingian invention. Furthermore, the essays consider how Carolingian innovation can be found in places both more and less known today, employing novel approaches to unearth some unexpected, even uncanny phenomena. This volume consequently offers a defamiliarizing view of the Franks, unveiling them as a people whose seemingly straightforward imperialism and reform were effective precisely because they stimulated and nurtured potent, creative impulses. In fact, one might argue that the Carolingian world's conservative, moralizing authorities ? despite, or perhaps at times because of, their determination to instil correct thought and behaviour in their subjects ? fostered many varieties of experimentation. Collectively, the authors of this volume seek to inspire new thinking about the Carolingians, while modelling alternative approaches and potential avenues for future research. Carolingian Experiments overall encourages readers to see that much remains unexplored, unknown and even unexpected about the Carolingians and their world. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introducing: Carolingian Experiments ? Matthew Bryan Gillis Part One: Structures Familiar and Otherwise Carolingian Boyhoods ? Valerie Garver Carolingian Experiments with Family ? Paul Edward Dutton The Paper Chase: The Pursuit of Carolingian Legal Innovations ? Abigail Firey Carolingian Imperial Biography and the Memory of Spain ? Anne Latowsky The Historian Hrabanus Maurus & the Prophet Haimo of Auxerre: Experiments, Exegesis, and Expectations Emerging from the Ninth Century ? Matthew Gabriele Strange Natures: Theodulf's Letter to Moduin In Context ? Andrew Romig Part Two: The Struggle Against Sin The Call of the Siren: Sex, Water, and Salt in the Sacramentary of Gellone ? Lynda Coon By the Body Betrayed: Blushing in the Penitential State ? Courtney Booker Why the Carolingians Didn't Need Demons ? Martha Rampton Pleasures of Horror: Florus of Lyons's Querela de divisione imperii ? Matthew Bryan Gillis
[Thorvald Hellesen] - Blakkisrud, Dag, Matthew Drutt, Hilde Morch
Reference : 121497
ISBN : 9783897905948
Blakkisrud, Dag, Matthew Drutt, Hilde Morch: Thorvald Hellesen 1888-1937. 2022. 272 pages, 280 colour illustrations. Hardback. 28 x 24cms. Thorvald Hellesen (1888-1937) was a Norwegian avant-garde artist who lived and worked in Paris in the 1910s and 1920s. He and his wife, the French artist HÃlÚne Perdriat, were part of a circle of artists that included Pablo Picasso, Fernand LÃger, Constantin Brâncusi, Piet Mondrian, Theo van Doesburg, and many others. In his short yet intense life, Thorvald Hellesen created an impressive unique oeuvre, oriented on Modernism, consisting of oil paintings, watercolours, gouaches, drawings, design projects, and textiles. Nevertheless, even in Norway he is only known to a few. With this publication the authors Dag Blakkisrud, Matthew Drutt, and Hilde MÞrch have created a written portrait of Hellesen. In addition to classifying him within the history of art, they try to find explanations as to why his artistic practice is only now being considered important and interesting for Norwegian and international art history. Text in English and Norwegian.
Thorvald Hellesen (1888-1937) was a Norwegian avant-garde artist who lived and worked in Paris in the 1910s and 1920s. He and his wife, the French artist HÃlÚne Perdriat, were part of a circle of artists that included Pablo Picasso, Fernand LÃger, Constantin Brâncusi, Piet Mondrian, Theo van Doesburg, and many others. In his short yet intense life, Thorvald Hellesen created an impressive unique oeuvre, oriented on Modernism, consisting of oil paintings, watercolours, gouaches, drawings, design projects, and textiles. Nevertheless, even in Norway he is only known to a few. With this publication the authors Dag Blakkisrud, Matthew Drutt, and Hilde MÞrch have created a written portrait of Hellesen. In addition to classifying him within the history of art, they try to find explanations as to why his artistic practice is only now being considered important and interesting for Norwegian and international art history. Text in English and Norwegian
London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1805 - 1806. 4to. In recent marbled paper wrappers. Extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"". Leaves reinforced in margin. (4), (239)-266, (2), 185-198 pp.
First edition of these two important papers by Captain Matthew Flinders, the first circumnavigator of Australia.OBSERVATIONS UPON THE MARINE BAROMETER:First printing of this important paper relating Flinder's observations on the ship ""Investigator"" when exploring the coast of Australia. IN THE PAPER THE NAME ""AUSTRALIA"" APPEARS PROBABLY FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A SCIENTIFIC MEMOIR (p. 247).The name Australia was popularised by Matthew Flinders, who pushed for the name to be formally adopted as early as 1804. When preparing his manuscript and charts for his 1814 A Voyage to Terra Australis, he was persuaded by his patron, Sir Joseph Banks, to use the term Terra Australis as this was the name most familiar to the public. Flinders did so, but allowed himself the footnote:""Had I permitted myself any innovation on the original term, it would have been to convert it to Australia"" as being more agreeable to the ear, and an assimilation to the names of the other great portions of the earth."" In the paper offered he used the name ""Australia"" as early as 1806.CONCERNING THE DIFFERENCES IN THE MAGNETIC NEEDLE:First printing of, probably the first work, to discover, and correct for the errors of the compass caused by the iron in ships, by the first circumnavigator of Australia.""Captain Matthew Flinders RN (16 March 1774 - 19 July 1814) was one of the most successful navigators and cartographers of his age. In a career that spanned just over twenty years, he sailed with Captain William Bligh, circumnavigated Australia and encouraged the use of that name for the continent, which had previously been known as New Holland. He survived shipwreck and disaster only to be imprisoned for violating the terms of his scientific passport by changing ships and carrying prohibited papers. He identified and corrected the effect upon compass readings of iron components and equipment on board wooden ships and he wrote what may be the first work on early Australian exploration A Voyage to Terra Australis.""(Wikepedia)
, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, 312 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:11 b/w, 12 col., 10 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503598871.
Summary These eleven essays, all centrally concerned with the intimate relationship between sound, religion, and society in the early modern world, present a sequence of test cases located in a wide variety of urban environments in Europe and the Americas. Written by an international cast of acclaimed historians and musicologists, they explore in depth the interrelated notions of conversion and confessionalisation in the shared belief that the early modern city was neither socially static nor religiously uniform. With its examples drawn from the Holy Roman Empire and the Southern Netherlands, the pluri-religious Mediterranean, and the colonial Americas both North and South, this book takes discussion of the urban soundscape, so often discussed in purely traditional terms of European institutional histories, to a new level of engagement with the concept of a totally immersive acoustic environment as conceptualised by R. Murray Schafer. From the Protestants of Douai, a bastion of the Catholic Reformation, to the bi-confessional city of Augsburg and seventeenth-century Farmington in Connecticut, where the indigenous Indian population fashioned a separate Christian entity, the intertwined religious, musical, and emotional lives of specifically grounded communities of early modern men and women are here vividly brought to life. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Marie-Alexis Colin, Iain Fenlon and Matthew Laube 1. Converting Tondalos: Musical Culture on a Lutheran Spiritual Pilgrimage of the Late Sixteenth Century Martin Christ (University of Erfurt) 2. Catholicising the City: Music, Ritual and Identity in Sixteenth-Century C rdoba Iain Fenlon (King's College, Cambridge) 3. Sound and the Conversion of Space in Early Modern Germany Alexander J. Fisher (University of British Columbia) 4. Music Books for Lima Cathedral and their Social Context in the Early Seventeenth Century: Black Slaves as a Guarantee for Producing a New Plainchant Library Mar a Gembero-Ust rroz (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient ficas) 5. Land and Conversion: New Frameworks for Colonial American Hymnody Glenda Goodman (University of Pennsylvania) 6. Lutheranising through Music: Tracing the Confessional Soundscapes of Early Seventeenth-Century Wolfenb ttel and Braunschweig Inga Mai Groote (Zurich University) 7. Sound Conversion? Music, Hearing and Sacred Space in the Long Reformation in Ulm, 1531-1629 Philip Hahn (University of T bingen) 8. The Musical Cultures of Dissent and Anti-Catholicism in Counter-Reformation Douai Matthew Laube (Birkbeck, University of London) 9. A Jesuit Ceremony of Spiritual Exercises with Music in the Seventeenth Century: Devotional Connections between Perpignan, Barcelona, Madrid, Granada and Archbishop Palafox Emilio Ros-F bregas (Instituci n Mil y Fontanals, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient ficas) 10. Bells, Confessional Conflict and the Dutch Revolt, c. 1566-1585 Andrew Spicer (Oxford Brookes University) 11. Music for an Endless Conversion: A Cycle of Offertories from Jesuit Paraguay Leonardo Waisman (University of C rdoba, Argentina)
Matthew G. (Matthew Gregory) Lewis Antonin Artaud
Reference : 500135391
ISBN : 9782070366903
Mcconaughey Matthew Tennant Andy Mcconaughey Matthew
Reference : 500103868
ISBN : 7321910139998
Revue Question de - Marie-Madeleine Davy - Jean Chevalier - Claudine Brelet-Rueff sur Itsuo Tsuda - Aimé Michel - Hélène Renard sur Matthew Manning - Peter Bander- sur Rémy Chauvin - Lucien Gérardin
Reference : 87565
Editions Retz , Revue Question de Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1975 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur noir et blanc, illustrée d'une figure avec deux visages grand In-8 1 vol. - 128 pages
quelques illustrations dans le texte en noir et blanc 1ere édition, 1975 Contents, Chapitres : 1. Spiritualité chrétienne : Marie-Madeleine Davy : Guides et méthodes de la vie intérieure chrétienne - Jean Chevalier : Quatre façons de lire la Bible - 2. Expérience : Claudine Brelet-Rueff : Un dojo à Paris, chez le philosophe du Ki, Itsuo Tsuda - 3. Méditation : Aimé Michel : La prophétie fossile - 4. Parapsychologie : Hélène Renard : L'extraordinaire cas Matthew Manning - Peter Bander : Les tests de Toronto sur le cas Manning - 5. Portrait : Aimé Michel : Un savant docile, Rémy Chauvin - 5. Archéologie : Lucien Gérardin : Un calculateur astronomique de 2000 ans, la machine d'Antikythera - Bibliothèque et informations couverture propre à peine jaunie, intérieur frais et propre, papier à peine jauni, bas de la première page à peine plissé sans gravité, cela reste un bon exemplaire
Matthew McConaughey Sarah Jessica Parker Zooey Deschanel Justin Bartha Bradley Cooper Terry Bradshaw Kathy Bates Tom Dey Matthew McConaughey Sarah Jessica Parker
Reference : 85379
ISBN : 3333973143533
Paramount Pictures 2006 18x14x1cm. 2006. DVD.
DVD Zone 2 europe - L'article présente des traces d'utilisation sur le boitier et le DVD mais reste en très bon état d'ensemble. Expédition soignée sous blister depuis la France
Matthew G. (Matthew Gregory) Lewis Antonin Artaud
Reference : 100104005
ISBN : 2070366901
, Phoebus Focus XXVI, 2022 PB, 210 x 148 mm, 88 p., NL editie., Phoebus Focus XXVI ISBN 9789464366211.
iddeleeuwse sculpturen zijn notoir moeilijk te bestuderen. Al te vaak is hun oorspronkelijke context en functie door eeuwen van slijtage, veranderingen of verwaarlozing verloren gegaan. Hierdoor ontgaat hun esthetische impact, betekenis of symbolische complexiteit ons soms volledig en kunnen nuances er slechts met moeite uit worden afgeleid of gereconstrueerd. Gelukkig is dit niet het geval voor de twee prachtige pleurants - of treurfiguren - in de collectie van The Phoebus Foundation. Deze Phoebus Focus neemt je mee op een queeste vol vragen en ontdekkingen: wie waren deze mannen, voor wie werden deze beelden gemaakt en waarom? Matthew Reeves vertelt het verhaal van een van Frankrijks rijkste prinsen, Jan van Berry, zijn intense liefde voor de kunst en de manieren waarop beeldhouwkunst gebruikt werd om te herdenken, tot gebed aan te sporen en politieke doeleinden te dienen. Matthew Reeves is directeur van een van 's werelds meest toonaangevende galerie n voor Europese, middeleeuwse kunst. Hij co rdineert het internationale tentoonstellingsprogramma van de galerie en publiceert artikels en tentoonstellingscatalogi over diverse onderwerpen, waaronder glas-in-lood ramen, textiel, keramiek, sculptuur en paneelschilderkunst uit de late middeleeuwen en de renaissance. Hij is gespecialiseerd in het artistieke mecenaat van hertog Jan van Berry (1340-1416), en meer bepaald in zijn Sainte-Chapelle, het bijhorende decoratieve programma en het grafmonument.
London, W. Bulmer and Co., 1806. 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1806 - Part II. Pp. 239-268. Having also the titlepage to the volume (Part II, 1806). A faint bit of soiling to outer right margin of the first 2 leaves, otherwise clean and wide-margined.
First printing of this important paper relating Flinder's observations on the ship ""Investigator"" when exploring the coast of Australia. IN THE PAPER THE NAME ""AUSTRALIA"" APPEARS PROBABLY FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A SCIENTIFIC MEMOIR (p. 247).The name Australia was popularised by Matthew Flinders, who pushed for the name to be formally adopted as early as 1804. When preparing his manuscript and charts for his 1814 A Voyage to Terra Australis, he was persuaded by his patron, Sir Joseph Banks, to use the term Terra Australis as this was the name most familiar to the public. Flinders did so, but allowed himself the footnote:""Had I permitted myself any innovation on the original term, it would have been to convert it to Australia"" as being more agreeable to the ear, and an assimilation to the names of the other great portions of the earth."" In the paper offered he used the name ""Australia"" as early as 1806.""Captain Matthew Flinders RN (16 March 1774 - 19 July 1814) was one of the most successful navigators and cartographers of his age. In a career that spanned just over twenty years, he sailed with Captain William Bligh, circumnavigated Australia and encouraged the use of that name for the continent, which had previously been known as New Holland. He survived shipwreck and disaster only to be imprisoned for violating the terms of his scientific passport by changing ships and carrying prohibited papers. He identified and corrected the effect upon compass readings of iron components and equipment on board wooden ships and he wrote what may be the first work on early Australian exploration A Voyage to Terra Australis.""(Wikepedia)
London, The Author, 1807. 8vo. Contemp. calf, rebacked with brown buckram. Title- and tomelabels with gilt lettering. Corners bumped. In: ""A Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts. By William Nicholson."" Vol. XVI. - VIII,392,(8) pp. a. 8 engraved plates. (Entire volume offered). Flinders letter: pp. 107-118 a. pp. 173-182. Internally clean.
Second printing of this important paper relating Flinder's observations on the ship ""Investigator"" when exploring the coast of Australia. IN THE PAPER THE NAME ""AUSTRALIA"" APPEARS PROBABLY FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A SCIENTIFIC MEMOIR (here p. 118). The letter was first printed in Philosophical Transactions, late in 1806 (read to the Royal Society March 27). Nicholson reprinted it here in the February issue of the offered volume 16. (1807).The name Australia was popularised by Matthew Flinders, who pushed for the name to be formally adopted as early as 1804. When preparing his manuscript and charts for his 1814 A Voyage to Terra Australis, he was persuaded by his patron, Sir Joseph Banks, to use the term Terra Australis as this was the name most familiar to the public. Flinders did so, but allowed himself the footnote:""Had I permitted myself any innovation on the original term, it would have been to convert it to Australia"" as being more agreeable to the ear, and an assimilation to the names of the other great portions of the earth."" In the paper offered he used the name ""Australia"" as early as 1806.""Captain Matthew Flinders RN (16 March 1774 - 19 July 1814) was one of the most successful navigators and cartographers of his age. In a career that spanned just over twenty years, he sailed with Captain William Bligh, circumnavigated Australia and encouraged the use of that name for the continent, which had previously been known as New Holland. He survived shipwreck and disaster only to be imprisoned for violating the terms of his scientific passport by changing ships and carrying prohibited papers. He identified and corrected the effect upon compass readings of iron components and equipment on board wooden ships and he wrote what may be the first work on early Australian exploration A Voyage to Terra Australis.""(Wikepedia)
London, 1861. Small 8vo. Original green full cloth with blondstamped boards and gilt lettering to spine. Corners bumped, upper capital worn, and gilding on spine very faded. Binding slightly dusty, but overall a very nice copy, fine and clean. (4), 104 pp. + publisher'scatalogue, 24 pp.
The uncommon first printing of Arnold's groundbreaking work on translating Homer, which constitutes the most important work in the history of translation-theory of the Homeric corpus. The work revolutionized the understanding of Homer in general, of the Homeric language and all following efforts to translate the Odyssey and the Iliad. ""The best-known commentary on how the Homeric text should be translated was written by the Victorian poet and literary and social critic Matthew Arnold in 1861, with many subsequent editions and reprintings. ""His lectures on translating Homer were the first adequate estimate, at least in English, of the literary qualities of the ""Iliad"" and ""Odyssey"" and did much to destroy the notion of a native genius or inspired folk-poet. Homer was now seen to be a conscious artist and took his place once and for all as the chief poet of antiquity, as Dante was of the Middle Ages and Shakespeare of modern times."" In his book Arnold reviewed most of the existing English translations … From this review and his own observations he extrapolated several rules for translating Homer. First, a translator should be ""faithful"" to the original, an ideal Arnold noted requires the translator to choose between producing a text so smooth that the reader does not realize it is a translation versus reproducing certain oddities of the original language to remind the reader of its origin. Second, a translator should seek to reproduce Homer's style and effect on the reader."" (Young, The Printed Homer, 2008, p. 88). Matthew Arnold (1822 -1888) was a famous English poet and cultural critic, who worked as an inspector of schools. In 1857, he was elected Professor of Poetry at Oxford and was the first in this position to deliver his lectures in English rather than in Latin. His first major achievement as Oxford-professor was his three lectures ""On Translating Homer"" that were published as they are here, in 1861. ""[T]he most substantial fruits of his professorship were the three lectures ""On Translating Homer"" (1861)-in which he recommended Homer's plainness and nobility as medicine for the modern world, with its ""sick hurry and divided aims"" and condemned Francis Newman's recent translation as ignoble and eccentric..."" (Encycl. Britt.). The work had an enormous effect on Homer studies and on classical scholarship, translation-practice, and literary theory in general.