(London, Richard and John E. Taylor, 1845). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1845 - Part II. Pp 283-296, pp. 297-301, pp.303-317 and 2 engraved plates. The plates somewhat soiled. Textpages fine and clean.
First appearance of these three importent papers on animal electricity, being some of the foundational papers in electrophysiology. ""In 1842 he made his most famous discovery, the induced twitch, and began publishing his works in English, with a series of memoirs send to the Royal Society.""(DSB).In these papers Matteucci describes several arrangements by which he was enabled to make new experiments in confirmation of the laws of muscular currents, of which he has given an account in his recent work ""Traité des Phénomenes Electro-Physiologiques des Animaux."" He finmds that, in these experiments, the employment of a galvanometer is unnecessary, as the sensibility of the electroscopic frog of Galvani gives sufficient indications of the electrical current without the use of that instrument. From these experiments he derives someimportent generalisations about musculat currents.