3 books for « massimiliano sala ed »Edit

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‎Massimiliano Sala (ed)‎

Reference : 65755

‎Music Publishing and Composers (1750-1850)‎

‎, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, 336 pages, Size:210 x 260 mm, Illustrations:30 b/w, Languages: English, Italian, French. ISBN 9782503588155.‎

‎Summary The development of music publishing in the final years of the eighteenth and first decades of the nineteenth century had a decisive and far-reaching influence on every facet of the music profession. The proliferation of publications substantially altered the conception of the musical work and the nature and extent of intellectual property. Increasingly this allowed composers to support themselves financially through the sale of their own works, or even to establish, or collaborate in, publishing houses. The needs of contemporary consumers of music and new approaches to the production and dissemination of the musical work conditioned, and were conditioned by, the ever-evolving spheres of public and domestic performance that, in turn, stimulated the emergence of new musical forms and genres. This book focuses on the role of music publishing within the daily life and activities of composers at the turn nineteenth century, and its impact on subsequent patterns of development that influenced the course of nineteenth-century music. TABLE OF CONTENTS Massimiliano Sala, Preface Composers, Editions and the Musical Work Nancy November, Beethoven's Symphonies Arranged for the Chamber by His Contemporaries Rainer Kleinertz, Werk und Zyklus. Zur Reihenfolge der Streichquartette in Haydns Opus 33 und Mozarts Opus 10 Maria Birbili, The Proliferation of Musical Sources in the 19th Century: An Abridged Editorial History of Rossini, Verdi, and Puccini's Italian Opera Myron Gray, What Is an Author of Early American Music? Die Zauberfl te and the Culture of Reprinting The Market, the Rights and Publishing Strategies David Rowland, Composers, Publishers and the Market in Late Georgian Britain Bianca Maria Antolini, Compositori, editori, fruitori: una rete di rapporti Giovanna Carugno, A chi apparteneva il Nabucco ? Note storiche sulla propriet dello spartito e sulla controversa tra gli editori Lucca e Ricordi Floris Meens, Eine heillose Geschichte! : The Discourse on Publishers in Dutch Music Journals (ca. 1839-1860) Circulation Henri Vanhulst, Compositeurs 'belges' de musique instrumentale dit s Paris au XVIIIe si cle: la qu te reconnaissance internationale Stephanie Klauk, Handschriftliche berlieferung von Streichquartetten im Rom des 18. Jahrhunderts Sarah Noemi Schulmeister, Musikverleger des 18. Jahrhunderts als international agierende Akteure des Transfers: Der Fall Antoine Huberty Elisabetta Righini, Disavventure editoriali e concertistiche di Giovanni Battista Cirri dal soggiorno londinese (1764-1775) al rientro in patria Repertoire and Public Maria Jo o Albuquerque, Music Printing and Publishing in Portugal (1750-1850): The Rise of a New Industry Francisco J. Gim nez-Rodr guez, Four Unknown Waltzes by Beethoven? The Beginnings of Sheet Music Publishing in Spanish Periodicals (1805-1834) Gloria Araceli Rodr guez Lorenzo, La Iberia Musical y Literaria (1842-1846): Connecting the Public and Private Sphere‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR115.00 (€115.00 )

‎Massimiliano Sala (ed)‎

Reference : 65951

‎Music and the Second Industrial Revolution‎

‎, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, xiv + 498 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Languages: English, French, Italian. ISBN 9782503585710.‎

‎Summary The Second Industrial Revolution, new industrial societies, and growing urbanization drastically changed the life of humankind at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This volume investigates how the articulated musical world of the time was influenced by industrialization, how urbanization and new forms of circulation affected everyday life, and how new possibilities of experiencing cities and their musical entertainments came to light. In which ways did new forms of circulation influence the life of theatres and concert halls, the growing of orchestras, and the related birth of new workers' organizations? One section will be devoted to the development of the making of musical instruments, the related world of universal exhibitions, and music publishing. This volume also investigates new forms of mechanical reproduction in music, together with their many applications within society. Through the analysis of selected works, the volume also examines aesthetic perceptions of technological impact and its projections in an imaginary future. TABLE OF CONTENTS Massimiliano Sala Preface New Urban Perspectives and Everyday Life Jenny Nex Edinburgh's Last International Exhibition and its Music tienne Jardin Une exposition musicale universelle. Palais du Trocad ro, 1878 Jo o Silva Portugal, Mechanised Entertainment, and the Second Industrial Revolution Gloria Araceli Rodr guez-Lorenzo Arte y tecnolog a: el impacto de la Segunda Revoluci n Industrial en la vida musical de Madrid (1870-1923) Mar a Encina Cortizo - Ram n Sobrino Main Changes in the Spanish Way of Life after the Second Industrial Revolution: Images of Modernity through the 'G nero Chico' (1870-1914) Carmela Bongiovanni La musica nel sociale. Societ di mutuo soccorso e musica in Italia (1850-1890 circa) The Development of Instruments Making and Music Publishing Malou Haine Donn es socio- conomiques sur les facteurs fran ais d'instruments de musique dans la documentation sur les expositions universelles du xixe si cle Arnold Myers - Jenny Nex The Development of Industrial Brass Instrument Making in Britain Francesco Carreras - Gianna Melloni La nascita dell'industria degli strumenti musicali a ?ato a Milano tra Ottocento e Novecento David Rowland Music Publishing in Britain ca. 1840-1900 The Impact on Theatrical Scene Paolo Bolpagni Una nuova luce per il teatro: Mariano Fortuny e la sua 'Cupola' J rgen Maehder Un ignoto libretto di fantascienza all'inizio del Novecento: L'utopia negativa nel libretto Il 3001 di Luigi Illica Modernism, Reproduction and the Machine Simone Ciolfi Alcuni aspetti del culto di Bach tra Ottocento e Novecento Irene Comisso Musica e pionierismo aviatorio agli esordi del Novecento Paulo F. de Castro Dionysian or Tectological? On the Cultural Meaning of the 'Machine Music' Topic in the Early Soviet Context George Brock-Nannestad The Industrial Substitute for Live Music Marita Fornaro Bordolli La mediatizaci n de la m sica en el Uruguay de la Segunda Revoluci n Industrial Emilio Audissino Behold the Newest Technological Sensation! With Music! : The Use of Music in the Silent Cinema Abstracts Biographies Index of Names‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR125.00 (€125.00 )

‎Massimiliano Sala (ed)‎

Reference : 65436

‎Luigi Cherubini, A Multifaceted Composer at the Turn of the 19th Century‎

‎, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, x + 493 pages, Size:210 x 270 mm, Language(s):English, Italian, French. ISBN 9782503591001.‎

‎Summary This volume investigates Luigi Cherubini with the aim of providing a picture of the various faces that a composer and his output could present to European society at the turn of the nineteenth century; a society in which the composer, no longer tied to a patron or a court, tried to integrate himself as a participant in the labor market by finding new, coexisting forms of subsistence, thereby becoming a pre-eminent figure in the industrial and commercial world of the time. Additionally, the volume aims to deepen understanding of the composer's output in light of the political and social upheavals that took place during his long life, from the French Revolution to the threshold of the Springtime of the People. TABLE OF CONTENTS Massimiliano Sala Preface Vocal and Sacred Music Bella Brover-Lubovsky Cherubini's Madrigal Ninfa crudel and the Legacy of the Scuola dei rivolti Michael Pauser Apart from the Masses: Luigi Cherubini's Other Sacred Music Galliano Ciliberti Luigi Cherubini e la Chapelle royale (1816-1830) Music Theatre Helen Geyer Komplex und ambivalent? - berlegungen zu strukturellen und sthetischen Eigent mlichkeiten in Cherubinis Opern der 1780er und 1790er Jahre Lorenzo Mattei Il Metastasio infranciosato di Marmontel e Cherubini Francesca Menchelli-Buttini Luigi Cherubini's Adriano in Siria (Leghorn 1782) Roberto Scoccimarro la foi savante et simple . I morceaux d'ensembles negli op ras-comiques di Cherubini in un atto: note su strutture formali e questioni drammaturgiche Heiko Cullmann Spielarten einer Komposition Luigi Cherubinis Les Deux Journ es Marco Beghelli Ali-Baba, il Falstaff di Cherubini Cherubini Pedagogue Luciane Beduschi Luigi Cherubini's Solutions for Padre Martini's Closed and Enigmatic Canons: An Unpublished (and Overlooked) Pedagogical Collection Fr d ric de La Grandville Cherubini, inspecteur de l'enseignement au Conservatoire de musique de Paris (1795-1815) Reception Matthieu Cailliez tude compar e de l'influence musicale et institutionnelle de Cherubini en France et dans le monde germanique entre 1787 et 1842 375 Giada Viviani A Sort of Palladio : Richard Wagner's Reception of Luigi Cherubini A Case Study Maria Teresa Arfini Il Capriccio o Studio in Do maggiore per fortepiano di Luigi Cherubini: un capolavoro o un esperimento accantonato? Abstracts and Biographies Index of Names‎


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