16 books for « maryan w ainsworth »Edit

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‎Maryan W. Ainsworth (dir.) et Maximilian P. J. Martens‎

Reference : 2587

‎Petrus Christus‎

‎Ludion/the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gand/New York, 1995. In-4, reliure pleine toile éditeur sous jaquette illustrée en couleur, xi-232 pp. Préface à l'exposition - Remerciements - Avis au lecteur - Bruges au temps de Petrus Christus, par Maximiliaan P. J. Martens. - Petrus Christus : biographie culturelle - L'art de Petrus Christus, par Maryan W. Ainsworth - Catalogue, par M. ...‎

‎Abondante iconographie en noir et en couleur. --- Plus d'informations sur le site archivesdunord.com‎

Phone number : 01 42 73 13 41

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎Maryan W. Ainsworth‎

Reference : 25802

‎homme, le mythe et la sensualite La Renaissance de Jan Gossart. L'oeuvre complet Jan Gossaert.‎

‎Metropolitan, N. Y. , Mercatorfonds / Fonds Mercator,, 2010 Hardback, dusjacket + slipcase , 305x241mm, 504p, French (FR) edition (catalogus raisonne ) ISBN 99789061539636.‎

‎Le role central de Jan Gossart (ca. 1472-1532) dans la diffusion et l'adaptation de l'art de l'antiquite et du style de la Renaissance italienne dans le nord de l'Europe a longtemps ete mesestime. Il a fallu attendre ces dernieres decennies pour retablir le role crucial de celui-ci. Le present catalogue raisonne consacre a Jan Gossart, peintre, dessinateur et graveur flamand, est la premiere publication majeure dediee a cet artiste depuis plus de quarante ans et est le resultat d'etudes recentes et d'un nouvel examen technique de ses peintures. Pour la premiere fois, le lecteur aura une description compete de sa vie et de son oeuvre, revus a la lumiere de certains elements comme l'impact de son voyage a Rome Expo: 5/10/2010 - 17/1/2011, National Gallery, London: 23/2/2011 - 30/5/2011 ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR85.00 (€85.00 )

‎Maria Clelia Galassi ; Maryan W. Ainsworth‎

Reference : 63388

‎Jan Massys : Renaissance Painter of Flemish Female Beauty.‎

‎, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2024 Hardback, 239 pages, ENG. edition; 305 x 220 x 20 mm; llustrations: 82 b/w, 223 col., 2 tables b/w., 1 tables col. . ISBN 9782503607207.‎

‎This book rediscovers the Antwerp painter Jan Massys (c.1510-1573) and his artistic milieu. / The painter Jan Massys (c. 1510-1573) trained under his father Quinten, succeeding him after his death (1530) at the head of Antwerp's most famous workshop. However, his career, destined for certain success, was abruptly cut short in 1544. Condemned for joining the Loysts sect, he had to flee Antwerp, finding refuge perhaps initially in France and at one point in Italy. Only in 1555 was he able to return to his homeland, regaining his artistic leadership within a few years. His oeuvre consists exclusively of works for private use and is characterized, in particular, by the depiction of elegant and seductive nude or half-naked female figures, protagonists of biblical or mythological subjects. The identification of the patron of the 1561 Venus with the view of Genoa (Stockholm, Nationalmuseum) in the person of the noble Genoese banker Ambrogio di Negro, offered the possibility of reconstructing the social context of the artist's clientele and his relations with those intellectuals ? both Genoese and Flemish-who gave life to the lively humanist academies of Antwerp. The figure emerges of a cultivated and particularly refined painter, who shared with his patrons the ideals of neo-Petrarchan poetry and executed paintings of great preciousness, characterized by a meticulous and skillful painting technique. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 Johannes Massiis alias Quintens Chapter 2 A career of ups and downs Chapter 3 Jan Massys and female beauty Chapter 4 A varied painting technique for depicting beauty, lechery, and luxury Chapter 5 Inside Jan Massys? Workshop: good and not-so-good workshop practices Chapter 6 Inside Jan Massys Workshop: known and unknown assistants Chapter 7 ConclusionBIO Maria Clelia Galassi graduated in art history at the University of Genoa and obtained her PhD from the University of Milan. Since 2000 she is professor at the University of Genoa, where she teaches History of collecting and Technical Art History. She focused her researches on Flemish and Italian painting technique during the Early Modern Age, and in the artistic relationship between Genoa and the Netherlands in the 15th and 16th centuries.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR159.00 (€159.00 )

‎Maryan Ainsworth (ed)‎

Reference : 62969

‎Jan van Eyck?s Crucifixion and Last Judgment: Solving a Conundrum‎

‎, , Hardcover Pages: 195 pages, Size:225 x 300 mm Illustrations:170 col. Language(s):English. ISBN 9782503596907.‎

‎R p tons-le: Maryan W. Ainsworth propose un ouvrage la pointe de l? rudition et du savoir; f licitons-la aussi pour l?iconographie tr s riche, n?obligeant pas le lecteur rechercher les figures travers le livre. Regrettons cependant l?absence d?index, des personnes, des lieux et des ?uvres. (Jacques Paviot, dans Francia-Recensio, 4, 2023) BIO Maryan Ainsworth is Curator Emerita in the Department of European Paintings, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Sophie Scully is Assistant Conservator in the Department of Paintings Conservation, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Silvia Centeno is Research Scientist in the Department of Scientific Research, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Marc Smith is Professor of Paleography at the cole des Chartes in Paris, France Christina Meckelnborg is Professor Emerita of Classical and Medieval Studies at the University of Osnabr ck, Germany SUMMARY Among the most intriguing and confounding works of Jan van Eyck?s oeuvre are the Crucifixion and Last Judgment in New York?s Metropolitan Museum of Art. Although acquired in 1933 as a diptych, questions have remained about their initial configuration, and how these paintings functioned. The recent technical investigations of the paintings and their original frames added further complexities to these inquiries when a fragmentary text in Middle Dutch was discovered through X-radiography on the frames surrounding the two paintings. The many facets of the ensuing investigation necessitated an interdisciplinary collaboration of researchers involving an art historian, paintings conservator, and museum scientist ? namely, Maryan Ainsworth, Sophie Scully, and Silvia Centeno. Moreover, the new discovery of the formerly hidden text called for the enrichment of the interdisciplinary team by a paleographer and a classical philologist, Marc Smith and Christina Meckelnborg. This book relates the unfolding story of the investigations from in-depth technical research, facilitating the conservation treatment of the frames, to the art historical study that connected these findings to the religious, political, and social contexts of the times. Through considerable interdisciplinary detective work, it was possible to reach a new understanding about the original form and function of the Crucifixion and Last Judgment and their pivotal role concerning devotions to a cherished relic, the Miraculous Bleeding Host, housed in the then collegiate church of Saint Michael and Saint Gudula in Brussels. The implications of these discoveries also shed new light on the relationship between The Met Crucifixion and Van Eyck?s metalpoint drawing of the same theme in the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam. Finally, the study of the Crucifixion and the Last Judgment draws attention to commissions Van Eyck received that are somewhat outside of the canon of works usually associated with this esteemed artist. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Maryan W. Ainsworth The Technical Examination and Restoration of the Frames Sophie Scully and Silvia A. Centeno In Search of the Original Form and Function of the Crucifixion and Last Judgment Maryan W. Ainsworth Investigating Van Eyck?s Working Technique Sophie Scully and Silvia A. Centeno Attribution and Dating Questions in Historical Context Maryan W. Ainsworth Reconsidering the Relationship Between The Met Painting and the Rotterdam Crucifixion Drawing Maryan W. Ainsworth Appendix A. Deciphering the Middle Dutch Text on the Crucifixion and Last Judgment Frames Marc Smith ? Appendix B. Transcriptions of the Texts within the Crucifixion and Last Judgment Christina Meckelnborg Bibliography‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR125.00 (€125.00 )

‎AINSWORTH, Maryan/MARTENS Maximiliaan‎

Reference : 026194


‎Peter Christus ‎

‎ 1995 Ludion Hardcover As New ‎

‎Hardcover, stofomslag: Als Nieuw, 31 x 25 cm, 227 blz., Nederlands, Illustraties, staat: Als Nieuw. ‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR33.00 (€33.00 )

‎Bücken, Véronique; De Meûter, Ingrid; Ainsworth, Maryan; Scaillierez, Cécile‎

Reference : 022363


ISBN : 9782804707279

‎Bernard Van Orley‎

‎ 2019 MARDAGA PIERRE Hardcover ‎

‎Bernard Van Orley nav de tentoonstelling te Brussel Bozar reliure de l'editeur, 325 x 235 mm, 320 pp, très bon état‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )

‎Borchert, Till-Holger; Ainsworth, Maryan-W; Campbell, Lorne; Nuttall, Paula‎

Reference : 020408


ISBN : 9789055445424

‎Les portraits de Memling‎

‎ 2005 Ludion Soft cover ‎

‎Les portraits de Memling couverture souple, 305 x 240 mm, 191 p, avec beaucoup illustrations, en bon condition, ‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎AINSWORTH, Maryan/MARTENS Maximiliaan‎

Reference : 018189



‎ 1995 Graphic Matter/Uitgeverij Ludion Hardcover As New ‎

‎PETRUS CHRISTUS (FR) catalogue hard cover, 310 x 250 mm, 228 pages, avec beaucoup d'illustrations en couleur et n/b, bon état‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR33.00 (€33.00 )

‎AINSWORTH, Maryan W. and MARTENS, Maximiliaan P.J.;‎

Reference : 22805


‎Gand/ New York, Ludion/ Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1995 Gebonden in linnen met stofomslag, 245 x 310mm., 232pp., illustr. ISBN 9789055440542.‎

‎Nederlandstalige catalogus Petrus Christus: Renaissance Master of Bruges, paru a l'occasion de l'exposition organisee au Metropolitan Museum of Art a New York ( 14 avril-31 juillet 1994 ). Etat excellent. prima staat ! Petrus Christus als een kunstenaar met heel eigen gevoeligheden. Anders dan Van Eyck, die in dienst van de Bourgondische hertogen werkte, vond Christus zijn client le onder de burgers en de rijke buitenlandse kooplieden die zich in Brugge hadden gevestigd. Om die reden weerspiegelt zijn werk in menig opzicht de artistieke normen van zijn tijd op een veelomvattender wijze dan de kunst van Van Eyck, en is de studie van zijn leven en werk van bijzonder belang voor een beter begrip van de vroege kunst in de Nederlanden.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )


Reference : 26131


‎Bruxelles/New York, Fonds Mercator/The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2010 Relie, hardcover, sous jacquette originale d'editeur, dans un etui illustre, 30.5x24.1 cm., 496 pp., 453 illustrations, dont 337 en couleur texte Francais/English. ISBN 9789061539636.‎

‎Le role central de Jan Gossart (ca. 1472-1532) dans la diffusion et l'adaptation de l'art de l'antiquite et du style de la Renaissance italienne dans le nord de l'Europe a longtemps ete mesestime. Il a fallu attendre ces dernieres decennies pour retablir le role crucial de celui-ci. Le present catalogue raisonne consacre a Jan Gossart, peintre, dessinateur et graveur flamand, est la premiere publication majeure dediee a cet artiste depuis plus de quarante ans et est le resultat d'etudes recentes et d'un nouvel examen technique de ses peintures. Pour la premiere fois, le lecteur aura une description compete de sa vie et de son oeuvre, revus a la lumiere de certains elements comme l'impact de son voyage a Rome ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR99.00 (€99.00 )

‎Véronique Bücken, Ingrid De Meûter, Maryan Ainsworth, Cécile Scaillierez‎

Reference : 132828


ISBN : 280470727X 9782804707279

‎Bernard Van Orley‎

‎Bozar Books, Mardaga 2019 In-4 relié 33,1 cm sur 23,9. 320 pages. Bon état d’occasion.‎

‎Edition reliée Bon état d’occasion ‎

Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

Phone number : 01 40 11 95 85

EUR72.00 (€72.00 )

‎Borchert Till-Holger, Ainsworth Maryan-W, Campbell Lorne, Nuttall Paula, Collectif‎

Reference : 56196


ISBN : 9055445452

‎Les portraits de Memling‎

‎Ludion 2005 In-4 relié 30,6 cm sur 24,2. 192 pages. Très bon état d’occasion.‎

‎ Très bon état d’occasion ‎

Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

Phone number : 01 40 11 95 85

EUR31.00 (€31.00 )


Reference : 9902

‎Petrus Christus.‎

‎.: Ludion (Aalst, Belgium) & The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1994, lg in-4°, 30,5 x 24 cm, publisher's cloth with d.w., 228 pp + numerous col. & b/w ill.index,bibliography. Dutch edition of the American study ''Petrus Christus Renaissance Master of Bruges'' published on the occasion of an exhibition with the same name in New York.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR54.00 (€54.00 )

‎AINSWORTH Maryan W. (editor ) - Stijn Alsteens - Nadine M. Orenstein ( contributors ) :‎

Reference : 40933

‎Man, Myth, and Sensual Pleasures . Jan Gossart's Renaissance. The complete works.‎

‎".: 6. New York , Metropolitan Museum ; New Haven & London , Yale University Press, 2010 , in-4°, 440 pp with 300 ills., index, bibliography, publisher's cloth with printed dustjacket (hardback edition), ISBN 978-0-300-16657-6. Published on the occasion of an exhibition, it contains the oeuvre cataogue of the artist Jan Gossart ( also called Jan Mabuse )( Maubeuge ? ca. 1478 - Antwerpen ? 1532). Text in English."‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR125.00 (€125.00 )

‎AINSWORTH Maryan W. (editor ) - Stijn Alsteens - Nadine M. Orenstein ( contributors ) :‎

Reference : 57143

‎Man, Myth, and Sensual Pleasures . Jan Gossart's Renaissance. The complete works.‎

‎".: Brussel, Mercator Fonds, Metropolitan Museum ; 2010 , in-4°, 484 pp with 300 ills., index, bibliografie, linnen uitgever's band met originele stofwikkel, in slipcase. (hardback edition), ISBN 978-90 6153 9629. Vertaling uit het Engels, gepubliceerd naar aanleiding van een tentoonstelling. Bevat de oeuvre catalogus Jan Gossart ( genoemd Jan Mabuse )( Maubeuge ? ca. 1478 - Antwerpen ? 1532). Boek in het Nederlands."‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR85.00 (€85.00 )

‎AINSWORTH Maryan W. - Maximiliaan P.J. MARTENS (authors ) - [ ] Petrus CHRISTUS :‎

Reference : 48112

‎Petrus Christus.‎

‎.: Ludion (Aalst, Belgium) & The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1995, lg in-4°, 30,5 x 24 cm, publisher's cloth with d.w., 232 pp + numerous col. & b/w ill.index,bibliography. French translation of the American study ''Petrus Christus Renaissance Master of Bruges'' published on the occasion of an exhibition with the same name in New York. Livre en français..‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR48.00 (€48.00 )
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