International Centre for Educational Technology, Veszprem Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1985 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 191 pages
1st edition Contents, Chapitres : George Marx : Microscience - Seymour Papert : Computer culture - Andreas Doman : Eagle graphics in Mprolog - Peter W. Atkins : Extending the dimensions of the textbook - Jos Beishuizen : Computers in education, a new revolution - P. Black, F. Hermann, J. Ogborn, J. Snir and E. Toth : Impact of computers on science curricula - Friedrich Hermann : What to teach about computers - Eric M. Rogers : Reality, models, children - Roman U. Sexl : Einstein's world on computer - Kunio Hirata : Dry laboratory in physics teaching - Gerard Y. Vichniac : Simulating physics with cellular automata - George Marx : Macroworld, microworld - Jon Ogborn : Computational modeling in science - Dennis Meadow and Ferenc Toth : Introduction to decision making - H.J. Scholz, C. Jung and P.H. Richter : Computer graphics and fractal structures - Manfred Euler : Nonlinear systems, acoustical perception - Roman U. Sexl : Conclusion bottom of the spine and border of the wrappers lightly shrubbed, otherwise near fine copy