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‎Martyn, Thomas‎

Reference : 24437


‎English entomologist (exhibiting) all the coleopterous insects found in England. Including upwards of 500 different species. The figures of which have never before been given to the Public. The whole accurately drawn and painted after nature. Arranged and named according to the Linnean system‎

‎London, Academy for Illustrating and Painting Natural History 1792 In-folio 35 x 28,5 cm. Reliure plein maroquin cerise, dos à faux nerfs, filets, roulettes et fleurons dorés, dentelles d’encadrement à froid sur les plats, roulettes en coupes et contreplats, tranches dorées, titre, 3-33- 4 pp. & 42 planches coloriées à la main sous serpentes figurant 535 insectes. Rares rousseurs. Reliure un peu fanée, petites ternissures et frottements, charnière sup. fendillée premier plat fragile. Bon exemplaire‎

‎Texte en anglais. Superbe recueil du naturaliste anglais Thomas Martyn, réputé pour la qualité de illustrations et fondateur de la prestigieuse Academy for illustrating and painting natural history. Bon état d’occasion Livres à planches‎

Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

Phone number : 01 40 11 95 85

EUR2,209.00 (€2,209.00 )

‎ROUSSEAU (Jean-Jacques) - MARTYN (Thomas, notes de).‎

Reference : 29392


‎Letters on the Elements of botany addressed to a Lady by J. J. Rousseau and Twenty-four additional Letters fully explaining the system of Linnaeus. ‎

‎ London, printed for White, Cochrane et Co / ongman Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown / B. Crosby and Co / And Gale, Curtis and Fenner, 1815. Un vol. au format in-8 (208 x 137 mm) de 1 f. bl., xx - 434 pp. et 2 ff. bl. Reliure de l'époque de plein maroquin glacé olive, large dentelle dorée, filets à froid et filets dentelés à froid encadrant les plats, dos à nerfs orné de roulette dorée sur les plats, important décor fleuronné doré, filets dorés, pièce de titre de maroquin acajou, titre doré, tranches mouchetées, roulette dorée sur les plats, dentelle intérieure dorée. (Abergel).‎

‎ Exemplaire revêtu d'une délicate reliure signée Abergel au revers du premier contre-plat. Ensemble complet de ses 38 planches gravées signées Nodder ; chacune délicatement aquarellée à la main. Pritzel, Thesaurus Litteraturae Botanicae, 7824. Dos passé. Très légères altérations superficielles éparses affectant les plats. Inversion d'un cahier par le relieur. Papier légèrement oxydé. Présence de rousseurs éparses. Du reste, belle condition. ‎

Babel Librairie - Périgueux

Phone number :

EUR450.00 (€450.00 )


Reference : 28518


‎Letters on the Elements of Botany addresses to a Lady. Translated into English with Notes, and Twenty-Four additional Letters, fully explaining the System of Linnaeus, By Thomas Martyn. The Fourth Edition. (And) Thirty-Eight Plates, with Explanations...‎

‎London, B. and J. White, 1794. Bound in 2 very fine cont. full red longgrained morocco. Gilt inside and outside borders. All edges gilt, gilt back. Backs lightly faded. XXIV,503,(28) pp. and 1 folded table + VI,72 pp. and 38 fine engraved and hand-coloured plates (Drawn and engraved by F.P. Nodder). Both volumes in excellent condition, clean and fresh, printed on good paper and plates with tissueguards. Inscription in ink in both volumes reads: ""Emma Curtis the gift of MS. Taylor(?) 1795.""‎

‎Rousseaus' popularization of the linnean system ran through many editions, and was first issued as a part of his posthumously published ""Works"" as ""Letters elementaire...."" in 1782. The ""38 Plates"" by Martyn was first published 1788 as a sort illustrative companion to the text of Rousseau's letters. Here they come together in the fine printings of 1794. - Pritzel 7824 - Soulsby No 704, but this 4th edition not in the collection.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK8,500.00 (€1,140.04 )
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