Antwerpen , De Vries , Paperback, 109pp. ISBN 9789061004462.
'Wie schrijft die blijft', zeggen ze bij de politie. Desondanks werd Martha Wesenhagen geen blijvertje. Ze zou te mooi zijn voor het politiekorps. Pure onzin! Oke, het is een lekker wijf, maar gelukkig hebben we er daar meer van in het korps. Ze zou kritisch zijn. Mooi, aan domme zwartjes en dito blondjes hebben we niets. Maar misschien was Martha wel gewoon Martha en komt ze ergens anders beter tot haar recht dan bij de politie. Martha is fotomodel, zangeres, reporter, radiomaakster, moeder en auteur van Martha, het leven van een niet-alledaags Surinaams meisje. Voor het Rotterdams Dagblad schrijft ze wekelijks een column over onverwachte gebeurtenissen in het leven en schijnbaar alledaagse zaken die niet zo alledaags blijken te zijn als Martha ze met haar kritische, maar altijd rechtvaardige pen beroert. Haar meest geinspireerde 'columns zijn in dit boek bijeen gebracht. Zonder het te beseffen en misschien zonder het te willen heeft Martha's vorige werkgever uiteindelijk toch gelijk: 'wie schrijft die blijft'! Nieuw.
Petridis Petridis Anderson, Martha G Co-auteur Anderson, Martha G Redacteur Constantine Petridis
Reference : 54461
, Yale University Press, 2020 Hardcover 216 pages Illustrated. ISBN 9780300254327.
, A lavishly illustrated selection of highlights from the Art Institute of Chicago's extraordinary collection of the arts of Africa Featuring a selection of more than 75 works of traditional African art in the Art Institute of Chicago's collection, this stunning volume includes objects in a wide variety of media from regions across the continent. Essays and catalogue entries by leading art historians and anthropologists attend closely to the meanings and materials of the works themselves in addition to fleshing out original contexts. These experts also underscore the ways in which provenance and collection history are important to understanding how we view such objects today. Celebrating the Art Institute's collection of traditional African art as one of the oldest and most diverse in the United States, this is a fresh and engaging look at current research into the arts of Africa as well as the potential of future scholarship.
, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, 340 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:9 b/w, 6 col., 1 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503596327.
Summary This innovative volume of cultural history offers a unique exploration of how gender and status competition have intersected across different periods and places. The contributions collected here focus on the role of women and the practice of masculinity in settings as varied as ancient Rome, China, Iran, and Arabia, medieval and early modern England, and early modern Italy, France, and Scandinavia, as well as exploring issues that affected people of all social rank, from raillery and pranks to shaming, male boasting about sexual conquests, court rituals, violence, and the use and display of wealth. Particular attention is paid to the performance of such issues, with chapters examining status and gender through cultural practices, especially specific (re)presentations of women. These include Roman priestesses, early Christian virgin martyrs, flirtation in seventh-century Arabia, and the attempt by an early modern French woman to take her place among the immortals. Together this wide-ranging and fascinating array of studies from renowned scholars offers new insights into how and why different cultures responded to the drive for status, and the complications of gender within that drive. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations General Theme and Questions Part I: Practices Introduction Women, Seals, and Power in Prehistoric Iran and Central Asia - MARTA AMERI Exaequatio and aemulatio: Regulation of Elite Female Status Competition in Mid-Republican Rome - LEWIS WEBB Manly Virtues, Emotions, and Scars: Competition among Italian Renaissance Soldiers through Bodily Practices - GIULIA MOROSINI Shame and Boastfulness in Early Modern Italy: Showing off Masculinity and Exposing Sexual Submission in Class and Age Competitions - UMBERTO GRASSI 'I Am as Honest a Man as You': Gender and Conflicts about Status and Honour in Early Modern Sweden - JONAS LILIEQUIST Practices - Reflections and Concluding Remarks Part II: Performances Introduction Jealousy, Gender, and a Moralist's Mission in Early China - YIQUN ZHOU Early Medieval Board Games: Issues of Power and Gender - MARTHA BAYLESS The Social Circulation of Grief: Status Competition, Mourning and Gender in Seventeenth-Century China - MARTIN W. HUANG 'Just a Humble Petitioner of a Saint?': Devotion as a Strategy for Attaining Prestige in Fourteenth-Century Italian Canonization Processes - SARI KATAJALA-PELTOMAA Performances - Reflections and Concluding Remarks Part III: (Re)presentations Introduction Coniunx et sacerdos: Livia as Widow and Priestess of Divus Augustus - LOVISA BR NNSTEDT Double Martyrdom, Double Crown: Virgin Martyrs and Fourth-Century Ascetic Hierarchies - SISSEL UNDHEIM A Competitive Fantasy Figure and his Female Conquests: ?Umar ibn Abi Rabi?a - JULIA BRAY H lisenne de Crenne Challenging Male Mastery: Translating Virgil's Aeneid in the French Sixteenth Century - BRITT-MARIE KARLSSON AND SARA MODIG (Re)presentations - Reflections and Concluding Remarks
Martha Graham. Photos by Lous Greenfield, Arnold Eagle, Martha Swope, Tom Brazil
Reference : 73853
Paris, Martha Graham Dance Company, in-4, Broché - Soft. , 31 pages. Good. About 45 photos.
Colmar Ant. Meyer 1884 In-8 - 15x22,5cm (portrait : 10x13,5cm). Sans reliure. 4ff + 1 Photographie.
Des rousseurs marginales, sinon bel état de conservation. Photographie originale contrecollée sur carton fort légendé, accompagnée de la biographie du sujet.Portrait réalisé par Antoine Meyer, photographe à Colmar, et extrait de "Biographies Alsaciennes" édité en 1884. Benjamin-Constant Martha, aussi connu sous le nom de Constant Martha, est un moraliste français et historien de la morale antique né à Strasbourg en 1820 et mort en 1895. Normalien, agrégé de lettres et docteur ès lettres, il est professeur la littérature au lycée de Strasbourg, puis titulaire de la chaire d'éloquence latine à la Sorbonne et professeur au Collège de France. Il est élu membre de l'Académie des sciences morales et politiques en 1872. FRAIS POSTAUX DEGRESSIFS POUR L'ENVOI DE PLUSIEURS PHOTOGRAPHIES. Clients Livre Rare Book : Les frais postaux indiqués sont ceux pour la France métropolitaine et la Corse, pour les autres destinations, merci de contacter la librairie pour connaître le montant des frais d'expédition, merci de votre compréhension. Livre Rare Book Customers : The shipping fees indicated are only for France, if you want international shipping please contact us before placing your order, thank you for your understanding.
Phone number : +33 6 18 71 03 67
, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, xviii + 335 pages, Size:200 x 260 mm, Illustrations:73 col., Language: French. ISBN 9782503586380.
Summary mile Borel et Paul Langevin repr sentent deux facettes de la science fran aise, en math matiques et en physique, au d but du XXe si cle. La physique quantique naissante qui l' poque bouleverse les conceptions scientifiques, les a r unis par la voie d'un cours au Coll ge de France en 1912-1913. Langevin ne publiant pas ses cours, aucune trace de celui-ci ne nous tait parvenue. La d couverte fortuite du carnet de notes de Borel, auditeur de Langevin, permet de combler cette lacune. TABLE OF CONTENTS Avant-Propos Historique du manuscrit I Le contexte 1 le socle du cours 2 Le public du cours 3 Borel et la prise de notes Conclusions II Le cahier de Borel Principes de l' dition 4 Rayonnement thermique et axiomatique 5 Les lois thermodynamiques du rayonnement 6 changes d' nergie entre mati re et rayonnement. Mouvement brownien 7 La th orie de Rayleigh-Jeans. De Lorentz Langevin 8 M canique statistique et hypoth se quantique Conclusion g n rale Bibliographie III Annexes R sum cours de Marcel Brillouin Coll ge de France (1900-1901) R sum s cours de Langevin Coll ge de France (1902-1914) Cours de Langevin Coll ge de France et cahiers d' l ves (1902-1939) Quelques th or mes de la m canique statistique
H.R. Giger, Carl Laszlo, Michel Th voz, Jan Bert Kanon, Martha Cazemier
Reference : 61568
, Taschen, 1999 Hardcover, 241 pag. NL, 305 x 250 x 25 mm, stofomslag, in zeer goede staat !!, illustr. / foto's in kleur. ISBN 9783822883877.
Overzicht van het werk van de Zwitserse beeldend kunstenaar (1940), waarin kunst, kitsch en design elkaar raken. Zegt men "Aliens" van de beroemde horror-films, dan zegt men H.R. Giger.
SOLIS, Felipe; MACIAS, Martha Carmona en ORTIZ, Erendira Camarena;
Reference : 16666
, Brussel, Kredietbank, 1993, Gebrocheerd, geillustreerde kartonomslag met flappen, 205 x 295mm., 124pp., prachtige en zeer uitgebreide kleurillustratie.
Uitgegeven naar aanleiding van de gelijknamige tentoonstelling die werd gehouden van 30 september tot 12 december 1993 in het kader van Europalia 93 Mexico. In prima staat.
Chicago, Yale University Press 2020, 2020 Hardcover, 216 pages, English, 315 x 250 mm, New !, richly illustrated with coloured illustrations, . ISBN 9780300254327.
A lavishly illustrated selection of highlights from the Art Institute of Chicago's extraordinary collection of the arts of Africa Featuring a selection of more than 75 works of traditional African art in the Art Institute of Chicago's collection, this stunning volume includes objects in a wide variety of media from regions across the continent. Essays and catalogue entries by leading art historians and anthropologists attend closely to the meanings and materials of the works themselves in addition to fleshing out original contexts. These experts also underscore the ways in which provenance and collection history are important to understanding how we view such objects today. Celebrating the Art Institute's collection of traditional African art as one of the oldest and most diverse in the United States, this is a fresh and engaging look at current research into the arts of Africa as well as the potential of future scholarship.
, National Gallery of Art 1994, 1994 Hardcover, 215 pages, ENG, 295 x 230 mm, in fine order, with illustrations / images in colour and b/w. ISBN 9780521450935.
This catalogue contains entries on fifteenth- and sixteenth- (and one seventeenth-) century German (and Austrian) paintings in the National Gallery of Art, Washington DC, both German and Austrian. Entries are arranged alphabetically by artist and there is a short biography and bibliography for each artist. Individual entries follow the model established by earlier systematic catalogues and full scholarly and technical information is provided for each painting. Questions of attribution, iconography, and social and religious function and context are discussed and, where relevant, comparative examples, reconstructions of altarpieces, x-radiography and infra-red reflectogram assemblies are included. The catalogue also contains the results of dendrochronological examinations of the paintings.
, WBOOKS 1996, 1996 Paperback, 160 pagina's, NL, 280 x 230 mm, in goede staat, met illustraties en foto's in kleur en z/w, . ISBN 9789040099243.
In de Middeleeuwen waren overal in de steden verenigingen van beoefenaars van hetzelfde beroep ontstaan, gilden geheten. Een stad als Gouda heeft niet minder dan 55 gilden gekend. Zo sloten onder meer brouwers, knopenmakers, lakenwevers, pijpenmakers, schippers, schoolmeesters en zakkendragers zich aaneen
Présentation par Michel Ragon. Catalogue de l'exposition présentée à Paris à la Galerie Denise René du 11 février au 20 mars 1969. Un volume (21x21 cm) broché, (36) pages sur papier couché. 34 photographies des sculptures de Martha Boto hors texte par André Morain. Liste des oeuvres exposées. Très bon état.
Stefan Alain - Sharp Martha - Simille Mya,Delancray Michel,Sharp Martha
Reference : 32185
S.E.M.I 1967
Etat moyen Format Coquille
Pocket 2012 2012. Martha Grimes: Ce que savait le chat/ Pocket 2012 . Martha Grimes: Ce que savait le chat/ Pocket 2012
Très bon état
LIBRAIRIE GERMER BAILLIERE. 12 JAN 1873. In-4. En feuillets. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Paginé de 25 à 48. Lecture en colonnes.. . . . Classification Dewey : 70.49-Presse illustrée, magazines, revues
QUANTIN -"bibliothèque ens.Beaux-Arts"
s.d .IN8 cartonage ill.ed.316p.; texte.
Reference : 18940
Broché couverture à rabats, 34X23 cm, 1989, 42 pages, nombreuses illustrations en noir et en couleurs, collection état des lieux, éditions du demi-cercle. Très bon état.
[James Abbott McNeill Whistler] - Tedeschi, Martha et al
Reference : 066420
ISBN : 0865591504
Tedeschi, Martha et al: The Lithographs of James McNeill Whistler. I: A Catalogue RaisonnÃ. II: Correspondence and Technical Studies. 2 vols. New York: Hudson Hills, 1998. 472pp with 165 illustrations and 338 watermarks. Cloth. 33x23cms. A major work compiled by several experts, illustrated, catalogued and documented.
A major work compiled by several experts, illustrated, catalogued and documented. Text in English
[Barbara Kruger] - Alberro, Alexander. Martha Gever, Miwon Kwon et al
Reference : 103358
ISBN : 9780847833252
Alberro, Alexander. Martha Gever, Miwon Kwon et al: Barbara Kruger. New York: Rizzoli, 2010. 307 pages, illustrated in colour throughout. Hardback. 30.5 x 25cms. The most comprehensive volume on Kruger's body of work to date, exploring her work over the past thirty years, including many previously unpublished pieces, large-scale works and public projects.
The most comprehensive volume on Krugerâs body of work to date, exploring her work over the past thirty years, including many previously unpublished pieces, large-scale works and public projects.
Barron, Caroline M., Martha Carlin: Harlaxton Medieval Studies Volume XXXII Medieval Travel Essays from the 2021 Harlaxton Symposium. Donington: 2023. 364 pages, 32 pages of illustrations. Hardback. 24x16.5cms.
Text in English
Clarkson Potter (11/2024)
SILVA, zurich. 1968. In-4. Relié. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Quelques rousseurs. 132 PAGES - 60 images en couleur, dans le texte, contre collées, collationées, par Martha Pfannenschmid. . . . Classification Dewey : 850-Littératures italienne, roumaine, rhéto-romane
Classification Dewey : 850-Littératures italienne, roumaine, rhéto-romane
1894 Paris, Hachette ,1894, In douze , 384 pp, reliure à la bradel , bon état,
mention de sixième édition,.
Los Angeles: UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History, 2002 in-4, 364 pages, 448 illustrations dont 376 en couleurs, cartes. Bibliographie. Broché, couverture à rabats, très bon état. Catalogue of an exhibiton at the Fowler Museum. Contributions by E. J. Alagoa, Martha Anderson, Lisa Aronson, Kathy Curnow, Henry Drewal, Joseph Eboreime, Joanne Eicher, Tonye Erekosima, Sonpie Kpone-Tonwe, Jill Salmons, Philip Leis, Keith Nicklin, Philip Peek, Kay Williamson and E. Efere. Art of various groups including the Urhobo, Isoko, Ijo, Eastern Ijo, Ogoni, Obolo, Ijebu and Itsekiri as well as the Lower Niger bronze industries and Archaeology of the Niger Delta is discussed.
Ways of the Rivers: Arts and Environment of the Niger Delta. (Los Angeles: UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History, 2002) [M.C.: Art africain, Nigeria]