4 books for « maria joao fernandes »Edit

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‎Maria Joao Fernandes‎

Reference : 8035

‎Antonio Segui‎

‎Galeria Fernando Santos, Porto, 1994. In-4, cartonnage éditeur illustrée en couleurs, dos entoilé, non paginé [75 pp.]. Uma visita ao labirinto de Antonio Segui/Une visite du labyrinthe d'Antonio Segui, par Maria Joao Fernandes - Catalogue - Notas criticas/notes critiques : Damian Bayon, Julian Cairol, Jacques Lassaigne, Gilbert Lascault, André Pieyre de Mandiargues, Ellen Schwartz - Biografia/Biographie.‎

‎Avec un Envoi A.S. de Maria Joao Fernandes à Gilbert Lascault.Avec 25 planches en couleurs.Catalogue bilingue portugais/français. --- Plus d'informations sur le site archivesdunord.com‎

Phone number : 01 42 73 13 41

EUR26.00 (€26.00 )

‎CENTENO Sobral - Maria JOÃO FERNANDES (introduction) :‎

Reference : 32956

‎Sobral Centeno. Magic Boxes (exhibition catalogue). Galeria da Praça - Porto - Portugal.‎

‎.: 2. Porto, Galeria da Praça, 1991, in-4°, 22 pp, num. tipped-on colour ills, 1 bl/wh.ill. Sewn, publisher's stiff wrapper. Text in Portuguese and English..‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR28.00 (€28.00 )

‎Carla Varela Fernandes, Catarina Fernandes Barreira, Jo o Lu s Ingl s Fontes, Maria Joao Branco, Mario Farelo (eds)‎

Reference : 63067

‎Loci Sepulcrales. Places of memory and burial in the Middle Ages‎

‎, Brepols, 2024 Paperback, xvii + 594 pages, Size:165 x 240 mm, Illustrations:12 b/w, 115 col., 9 maps b/w, Language(s):English, French, Spanish. ISBN 9782503606583.‎

‎Throughout the Middle Ages, the choice of a particular burial place remains a fundamental question in someone's life. Summary Assembling the contributions of twenty-two authors, this volume aims at revisiting the question of the choice of burial sites throughout the Middle Ages, in their political, emotional, and devotional dimensions, across a wide chronology and in a vast palette of different social statuses. The choice of a burial site inevitably reflets very important statements, made by the living persons, not only regarding what they wished the memory of their passage on Earth to be, but equally enlightening us on what their concern for the future of their souls was and how it should be cared for, in the afterlife. The first part of this volume is devoted to royal pantheons, considering their development and relevance in the construction of royal legitimacy. Kings and Queens were not the only ones considering their lineage and personal memory: noblemen, ecclesiastics, rich tradesmen, and their wives and daughters, were also involved in a world of changing tendencies, which are dealt with in the second part of the book. The third and last part looks at the strategies and interconnection between building a burial site and constructing collective memories, whether in stone or in writing through the performing influence of rituals, images, or symbols. This book proposes, therefore a whole new set of approaches on the subject, addressed either in interdisciplinary and all-around syntheses or via analysis of specific case-studies, looking at panteons and other burial sites as the important witnesses of the lives, emotions, and devotions of the medieval society they served. Contributors to this volume are Xavier Barral i Altet, Catarina Fernandes Barreira, Thiago Jos Borges, Maria Helena Cruz Coelho, Frederica Cosenza, Antonio Pio de Cosmo, Lorenzo Curatella, M rio Farelo, Jos Rom n Gonz lez de la Cal, Linsy Grant, Laurent Hablot, Orlindo Jorge, Emma Lano Mart nez, Christian de M rindol, Sonia Morales Cano, Jorge Mor n Pablos, Pedro Redol, Martina Saltamacchia, Isabel S nchez Ramos, Lydwine Scordia, Rosa Smurra and Christian Steer. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface I - Royal Pantheons (5th-15th century) - Emma Lia o Martinez (Profesora Catedr tica de Historia del Arte. Universidad de Tarragona), El Pante n Real de Poblet. Afirmaci n de la monarquia e innovaci n art stica - Sonia Morales Cano (Profesora Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha), Discursos de la memoria: la catedral primada de Espa a como pante n real en la Baja Edad Media y su repercusi n en los mausoleos de prelados y nobles - Pedro Redol (Senior Official Monastery of Batalha), Orlindo Jorge (Independent researcher), The royal funerary chapels of Batalha: prestige, innovation, and identity (1415-1515) - Christian de M rindol (Ancien Conservateur au Mus e des monuments fran ais), La Necropole de Saint-Denis de Louis VII Saint Louis. Nouvelle synth se. - Lindy Grant (Professor of Medieval History, University of Reading), Blanche of Castile, St Louis and the concept of the family mausoleum in Capetian France: Saint-Denis, Royaumont and Maubuisson. - Lydwine Scordia (Ma tre de conf rences HDR, Universit de Rouen), Le tombeau de Louis XI Notre-Dame de Cl ry: un unicum dans l?histoire de l?art fun raire royal II. Burial strategies: from rural to urban contexts - Isabel S nchez Ramos (University College London, Institute of Archaeology), Jorge Mor n Pablos (AUDEMA. Auditores de Energ a y Medio Ambiente, Madrid) and Jos Ram n Gonz lez de la Cal (Escuela de Arquitectura de Toledo, UCLM), El edificio funerario tardoantiguo de Los Hitos en Arisgotas (Toledo, Espa a). Un pante n de poca visigoda - M rio Farelo (Assistant Researcher, NOVA FCSH), Une cit de Saints. La ville de Lisbonne comme lieu de sacralisation de la guerre, XIIe-XVe si cles - Federica Cosenza (Postgraduate, Universit degli Studi La Sapienza), Sepolture di Prestigio a Roma nel Medioevo: La Media Elite - Lorenzo Curatella (PhD, Universit degli Studi La Sapienza), Sepolture di prestigio a Roma nel Basso Medioevo: Gli Ecclesiastici - Rosa Smurra (Associate Professor, University of Bologna), Social mobility and funerary monuments in the first half of the fourteenth-century in Santa Chiara, Naples - Martina Saltamacchia (Associate Professor, Charles & Mary Caldwell Martin Professor of History), Snakes, Razas, and the Prince?s Tomb: Gian Galeazzo Visconti and the Cathedral of Milan - Christian Steer (Visiting Fellow, University of York), Bones of Benefactors: Burying the Dead in Grey Friars Church London III ? Memory, Representations and Texts - Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho (Professora Catedr tica, Universidade de Coimbra), A morte e a ltima morada dos reis: paradigma e mem ria - Xavier Barral i Altet (Professeur des Universit s, Universit Rennes 2), Le r le m morial et fun raire de la broderie de Bayeux : propos du tombeau-mausol e de la sc ne d?Aelfgyva et le clerc. - Laurent Hablot (Directeur d' tudes, EPHE), L?h raldique et la mort. Formes et fonctions de l?h raldique dans le contexte fun raire - Catarina Fernandes Barreira (Research Fellow, NOVA FCSH), Requiescant in pace. Death and memory in the Monastery of Alcoba a based on its liturgical codices - Antonio Pio de Cosmo (Universit di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italia / ISACCL, Bucarest, Romania), I riti in limine vitae degli Augusti. 'Manipolazione rituale' e partecipazione corale nelle cerimonie del trapasso dell?imperatore celebrate fra IV e VI secc. - Thiago Jos Borges (Doutor em Hist ria, docente do Instituto Federal de Bras lia), De Locis Sanctis: textualidade, tradi o e formas de representa o.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR75.00 (€75.00 )

‎Paredes ( Tomas ) Fernandes ( Maria Joao )‎

Reference : 20779

‎Alberto Reguera : viagem aos fiordes‎

‎Galeria Antonio Prates, Lisboa 2000, album broché, 86pp avec des reproductions en couleurs - très bon état‎

Librairie Alpha - Romans sur Isère

Phone number : 06 25 54 12 31

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )
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