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‎Margaret McGowan, Margaret Shewring (eds)‎

Reference : 65452

‎Charles V, Prince Philip, and the Politics of Succession. Imperial Festivities in Mons and Hainault, 1549‎

‎, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 377 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:36 b/w, 36 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503586151.‎

‎Summary This book is based on an international conference held in the capital of Hainault to celebrate the city of Mons as European Capital of Culture (2015). For the first time, through a range of interdisciplinary studies, the magnificent festivals created to honour Prince Philip of Spain as he journeyed across Europe to receive his sovereignty of the Low Countries are brought to life. The splendour of entries in the cities of Northern Italy (such as Genoa and Milan) was challenged by the civic allegories of triumph displayed throughout the Low Countries in Ghent, Antwerp, and Amsterdam. Outpacing all that magnificence were the entertainments prepared by Mary of Hungary at Binche: triumphal arches, martial feats of arms, balls, masquerades, and castle-stormings entertained Emperor Charles V and his son Prince Philip. The essays in this volume reconstitute the political and social context of these extraordinary celebrations and focus on the purpose and role of festival in the changing political strategies of Charles V. They are illustrated with a total of 36 b&w and 36 colour images. Contributors: Sydney Anglo, Francesca Bortoletti, Stijn Bussels, Tobias Capwell, Jos Eloy Hortal Mu oz, F lix Labrador Arroyo, Margaret M. McGowan, R. L. M. Morris, Jessie Park, Yves Pauwels, M. J. Rodr guez-Salgado, Margaret Shewring, Hugo Soly, Lisa Wiersma. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements, List of Illustrations, Editors and Contributors Introduction Imperial Festivities in Mons and Hainault, 1549: Festivit s imp riales dans le Hainaut, 1549 Margaret M. McGowan and Margaret Shewring Part I: Setting the Scene Chapter 1. Prince Philip's Itinerary across Europe, 1548-1550: An Overview Margaret M. McGowan Chapter 2. 1549: A Year of Grace for Emperor Charles V and His Subjects in the Low Countries Hugo Soly Chapter 3. The Transformation of Philip, Prince of Spain, into the Lord of the Low Countries M. J. Rodr guez-Salgado Chapter 4. The Entourage of Prince Philip in Connection with the Felicissimo Viaje: The Beginning of Burgundian Etiquette at the Spanish Court? F lix Labrador Arroyo and Jos Eloy Hortal Mu oz Part II: Entries Chapter 5. Concordiam principum: The Triumphal Entry of Prince Philip into Milan (1548) Francesca Bortoletti Chapter 6. Prince Philip's Entry into Ghent, 1549: History, Language, Architecture Yves Pauwels Chapter 7. The Importance of Being Present: The Performances of Prince Philip in Binche and Antwerp Stijn Bussels Part III: D cor Chapter 8. The Enchantment of Woven Surfaces: The Seven Deadly Sins Tapestries and Habsburg Propaganda in Binche, 1549 Jessie Park Chapter 9. Garden of Cast Flowers: The 'Enchanted Salon' and the Making of Sculptures for Festivals Lisa Wiersma Part IV: Entertainments Chapter 10. The Tournament at Binche Sydney Anglo Chapter 11. Theatre of War: Armoured Combat at the Festivals of Binche Tobias Capwell Chapter 12. Masquerades at Binche: A New or Traditional Spectacle? Margaret M. McGowan Epilogue: Munich 1568 Fashioning Identities in Habsburg-ruled Lands: The 1568 Wedding of Wilhelm V, Duke of Bavaria, and Ren e, Duchess of Lorraine R. L. M. Morris Appendix Prince Philip's Journey Across Europe, 1548-1550: A Timetable of Dates and Places Index‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )

‎Margaret McGowan‎

Reference : 65978

‎Festival and Violence. Princely Entries in the Context of War, 1480-1635‎

‎, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, 303 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:48 b/w, 9 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503583334.‎

‎Summary European Renaissance Festivals are noted for their extravagance, for their inherited classical culture, and as evidence of how court and civic spectacles could express political, religious, social, and economic aspirations. In this new monograph, the accent is firmly on the violent context of Magnificence: it examines how war affected the minds and practice of both artists and princes, and shows how victims and their suffering were as prominent in festival as were conquerors and their projections of victory. What emerges here is the dark side represented in princely entries where imperial ambitions are built upon civic devastation and where myths elaborate and expose their ambiguous nature and message. Artists and poets collaborated in bringing victory and violence together: Mantegna and Durer in triumphal processions; Frans Floris and Rubens on the canvases they created for triumphal arches, where mythology was put to work to arouse excitement for deeds of heroism and death, while engravers depicted scenes of war and destruction to accommodate contemporary taste. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface and Acknowledgements List of Illustrations Plates Introduction Chapter I. The Military Entry Classical Prototypes of Triumph Military Pomp in Renaissance Triumphs Charles V's Entry into Bologna - Defender of the Faith Chapter II. The Phantom of Empire Aspirations for Empire Assertions of Imperialism through Cartography and Tapestries Appropriation of the Imperial Dream Chapter III. Military Spectacle during Princely Entries Chivalric Performances Mock Sieges and Mock Battles Naumachia Military Drills Chapter IV. Representations of Victory and of the Conquered Images of War in Art and in Poetry Ambivalence in the Vision of Triumph and Defeat The Roman Legacy A Taste for Scenes of War Memorials of Achievement Chapter V. Mythological Representations of Victory and Violence Hercules and his Twelve Labours Jupiter's Triumph over the Giants Jason and the Golden Fleece Gideon, Man of God Chapter VI. Symbolic Images of Achievement and Inscriptions of Hope The Persuasive Power of Symbols Allegories as Expressions of Victory and Punishment Imprese, Hieroglyphs and Dynasties The Sun: Symbol of Power Coherence and Confusion: Addiction to Symbols Chapter VII. How to Express the Extraordinary: The Art of Hyperbole Resplendence: A Necessary Condition Believing the Hyperbole Poetry and Music Epilogue: The Realities of Performance Authenticity of Records Preparations for the Entry The Realities of Performance Reconstruction Bibliography I List of Entries into European Cities, 1480-1635 II Printed Primary Sources III Catalogues IV Secondary Studies Index of Ceremonial Entries General Index‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR95.00 (€95.00 )

‎McGOWAN Margaret M. (introduction)‎

Reference : G43296


‎L'entrée de Henri à Rouen 1550. A facsimile edition with an introduction‎

‎Amsterdam-New York, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum ltd- Johnson Reprint corporation s.d. [1970's] 52pp. introduction in english + facsimile-edition (in french): [+/- 200] pp.with illustrations in bl/w & some in colour out-of-text, cloth, illustrated dustwrapper, 25cm., fine condition, in the series "Renaissance Triumphs and Magnificences", G43296‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎McGOWAN Margaret M. :‎

Reference : 29788

‎The Vision of Rome in Late Renaissance France.‎

‎.: New Haven London, Yale University Press, 2000, large in-8°, 25 x 18 cm, 461 pp, 12 (partly double) coloured plates + 101 b/w ills., bibliography, index, publisher's cloth, dustwrapper, fine copy.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR70.00 (€70.00 )
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