, Brepols, 2025 Hardback, 820 pages, Size:210 x 297 mm, Illustrations:124 b/w, 277 col., 46 tables b/w., 2 tables col., Language: English. *new ISBN 9782503616773.
Summary How did societies change between the Early Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age? And what was the impetus that led to these changes - social contacts and innovation, intergenerational contacts, or perhaps simply adaptation? Taking these questions as its starting point, this richly detailed volume explores four different regions of southern Poland to compare and contrast the mechanisms that drove socio-cultural change in the region between the second and the first half of the first millennium BC. Drawing on standardized sets of archaeological data, the chapters gathered here examine the interplay of different factors influencing cultural change across five key parameters: environment; settlement patterns; settlement organization; economy; and material culture. The result is a beautifully illustrated volume that offers important insights into Central and Eastern European prehistory, made accessible for an English-speaking audience. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction, Marcin S. Przybyla, Karol Dziegielewski Part 1. Analysis of Source Data 1.1. Geographical Location of the Study Region and Test Areas, Karol Dziegielewski, Marta Korczynska-Cappenberg 1.2. Timeline 1.2.1. Bronze and Early Iron Ages Around the Western Carpathians: Civilizational Transformations in Central Europe in the 2nd and 1st Millennia BC, Jan Chochorowski, Karol Dziegielewski, Marcin S. Przybyla 1.2.2. Periodisation of the Bronze and Early Iron Ages on the Upper Vistula River, Karol Dziegielewski 1.2.3. Periodisation of the Bronze and Early Iron Ages in the Dunajec Valley, Marta Korczynska-Cappenberg, Marcin S. Przybyla 1.3. Transformations of Natural Environment 1.3.1. Environmental Changes in the Bronze and Early Iron Ages in Loess Areas of the Upper Vistula Basin (Test Area 1), Michal Wasilewski, Anna Gawlik 1.3.2. Environmental Changes in the Bronze and Early Iron Ages in the Upper Vistula Valley near Krak w (Test Area 2), Karol Dziegielewski, Dorota Nalepka, Maria Litynska-Zajac 1.3.3. Environmental Changes in the Bronze and Early Iron Ages in the Middle Dunajec Basin (Test Area 3), Marta Korczynska-Cappenberg, Katarzyna Korzen, Magdalena Moskal-del Hoyo, Maria Litynska-Zajac 1.3.4. Environmental Changes in the Bronze and Early Iron Ages in the Mountain Section of the Dunajec Valley (Test Area 4), Marcin S. Przybyla, Katarzyna Korzen, Magdalena Moskal-del Hoyo 1.4. Settlement Network 1.4.1. Methodology of Fuzzy Logic Mapping, Geostatistical Analyses and Cartographical issues, Marta Korczynska-Cappenberg, Klaus Cappenberg 1.4.2. Settlement Network in the Bronze and Early Iron Ages in Loess Areas of the Upper Vistula Basin (Test Area 1), Anna Gawlik 1.4.3. Settlement Network in the Bronze and Early Iron Ages in the Upper Vistula Valley near Krak w (Test Area 2), Michal Mazur, Karol Dziegielewski 1.4.4. Settlement Network in the Bronze and Early Iron Ages in the Middle Dunajec Basin (Test Area 3), Marta Korczynska-Cappenberg 1.4.5. Settlement Network in the Bronze and Early Iron Ages in the Mountain Section of the Dunajec Valley (Test Area 4), Marcin S. Przybyla, Joanna A. Markiewicz 1.5. Settlement Structure and Organisation 1.5.1. Organisation of Intra-settlement Space in Bronze and Early Iron Age Settlements from the Upper Vistula Basin (Test Areas 1 and 2), Karol Dziegielewski, Anna Gawlik, Michal Mazur 1.5.2. Organisation of Intra-settlement Space in Bronze and Early Iron Age Settlements from the Middle Dunajec Basin (Test Area 3), Marta Korczynska-Cappenberg, Tobias L. Kienlin 1.5.3. Organisation of Intra-settlement Space in Bronze and Early Iron Age Settlements from the Mountain Section of the Dunajec Valley (Test Area 4), Marcin S. Przybyla 1.6. Subsistence Economy 1.6.1. Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Farming and Animal Husbandry in the Loess Areas of the Upper Vistula Basin (Test Area 1), Krystyna Wasylikowa, Magdalena Moskal-del Hoyo, Dalia Pokutta, Anna Gawlik 1.6.2. Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Farming and Animal Husbandry in the Upper Vistula Valley near Krak w (Test Area 2), Karol Dziegielewski, Maria Litynska-Zajac, Ulana Gocman, Michal Mazur 1.6.3. Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Farming in the Middle Dunajec Basin (Test Area 3), Marta Korczynska-Cappenberg, Maria Litynska-Zajac, Magdalena Moskal-del Hoyo, Katarzyna Cywa 1.6.4. Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Farming and Animal Husbandry in the Mountain Section of the Dunajec Valley (Test Area 4), Marcin S. Przybyla, Ulana Gocman, Aldona Mueller-Bieniek 1.7. Pottery Manufacture 1.7.1. Notes on the Method of Classification of Ornaments and Morphological Features of Ceramic Vessels, Marcin S. Przybyla, Karol Dziegielewski, Anna Gawlik, Marta Korczynska-Cappenberg, Michal Mazur 1.7.2. Continuation and Change in Pottery Manufacture in the Upper Vistula Basin (Test Areas 1 and 2), Karol Dziegielewski, Michal Mazur 1.7.3. Continuation and Change in Pottery Manufacture in the Middle Dunajec Basin (Test Area 3), Marta Korczynska-Cappenberg 1.7.4. Continuation and Change in Pottery Manufacture in the Mountain Section of the Dunajec Valley (Test Area 4), Marcin S. Przybyla Part 2. Comparative Analyses 2.1. Interconnectivity: Geographic and Social Space, Marcin S. Przybyla, Marta Korczynska-Cappenberg, Klaus Cappenberg, Joanna A. Markiewicz, Karol Dziegielewski 2.2. Economy: Trends of Diachronic Changes and Local Specificity, Marta Korczynska-Cappenberg, Marcin S. Przybyla, Karol Dziegielewski, Klaus Cappenberg 2.3. Thoughts on Wealth and Social Differentiation, Consumption of Bronze, and Craft Specialisation, Karol Dziegielewski, Marcin S. Przybyla, Marta Korczynska-Cappenberg Part 3. Concluding Remarks 3.1. From Pots and Farmsteads to Demography: Exploring the Interplay of Cultural Transmission Patterns, Marcin S. Przybyla, Karol Dziegielewski Part 4. Specialist Analyses 4.1. Micromorphology and Physico-chemical Properties of Soils and Sediments from Maszkowice and Janowice Sites, Magdalena Makiel, Wojciech Szymanski, Mateusz Stolarczyk 4.2. Analysis of Animal Bone Remains from Trench 9 on Site 6 at Janowice (AZP 106-65/61), Plesna Commune, Ulana Gocman References Appendices: Lists of Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Sites Included in the Project List of Radiocarbon Dates used in the Chronometric Analysis for the Upper Vistula Area (Chapter 1.2.2)