Romae [Rome], ex typographia Antonii de Rubeis [Antonio de Rossi] 1742 35 + [i] pp., 16cm., contemporary blind marbled wrappers, text in Latin, 3 libr. stamps on title page, text clean and in good condition, very rare, [the title is preceded by: "Illmo. ac Rmo Dno Dno Dv Francisco Pertusati ordinis S. Benedicti Congregationis Olivetanae episcopo papiensi, solio Pontificio Assistenti, & S.Sedi immediate subjecto, cum congregationem casuum, & Sacrorum Canonum in Domo Profess. Rom. Soc. Jesu sua praesentia honoraret". Subtitle of this work: "De Matrimonio conscientiae, nuncupato ad Morganaticum. Dissertatio canonico-theologica], R96350