, Brepols, 2006 XIV 458 p., 27 b/w ill., 178 x 254 mm, Languages: English, Paperback. ISBN 9782503518305.
Over the course of the fifteenth century easel paintings edged out tapestries, frescoes and wood inlay pictures on the walls of private dwellings. Millions of such paintings were produced in the period 1450-1800, in all shapes and sizes, and across the whole range of prices. Who bought them? How were they distributed? What place did they occupy among other "luxury" possessions? Such questions seem to require that visual culture be treated as an integral part of family spending and commercial pursuits. This volume is the outcome of a four-year collaboration between art historians, economists, social historians and museum professionals from the US, Australia and Europe; its aim was to map the new ground identified by these and related questions, in local contexts, but with comparative and longitudinal concerns constantly in mind. The result is an entirely new matrix of the business and artistic interactions through which visual cultures in early modern Europe were formed. The editors, Neil De Marchi and Hans J. Van Miegroet, an economist and an art historian, have collaborated across their disciplines for ten years. Here they have interspersed participants' essays with brief connecting observations, to produce a text that respects disciplinary expertise while making connections across locations and across time. Much has been written about European paintings; but how markets in paintings emerged, who they served, what roles and institutions were developed that enabled them to function effectively, and how exchange affected visual preferences, have not been studied in such a deliberately wide-angled, comparative way. Mapping Markets is not only a book about paintings, but a compendium of cross-disciplinary methods and insights. It charts the state of research in this trans-disciplinary field, identifies gaps, and poses questions for scholars and students wishing to pursue further the issues raised here.
Silvana Editoriale, Milan/Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours, 2005. In-4, broché sous couverture rempliée et illustrée en couleurs, 127 pp. Avant-propos, par Michel Laclotte - Polyptyques vénitiens. Anamnèse d'une identité méconnue, par Andrea De Marchi - Contributions des examens radiographiques à la reconstitution de retables vénitiens, par Elisabeth Ravaud - Le polyptyque pour l'église San Giacomo Maggiore de Bologne dans ...
Avec 108 figures en noir et blanc in texte et planches couleurs en hors texte. --- Plus d'informations sur le site archivesdunord.com
Phone number : 01 42 73 13 41
Milano, Casa editrice Ceschina, 1956. Format 10x16 cm, broche, 73 pages. Avec en page de garde un envoi autographe de Riccardo Marchi a l'ecrivain Roger Clerici, auteur de nombreuses traductions d'auteurs italiens. Ouvrage en langue italienne. Couverture legerement salie. Bon etat.
Santarelli Editore, Roma, 1 volume de 315x230x10 mm environ (format oblong), 38 planches de Cottafavi et Marchi, broché. Couverture un peu salie, rousseurs, petites mouillures et quelques fentes sur les bordures des planches, bon état pour le reste.
Merci de nous contacter à l'avance si vous souhaitez consulter une référence au sein de notre librairie.
Brussels, privately printed (by Monnom), 1937, 26 x 20 cm, 75 pp, b/w ills., sewn, orig. wrappers.printed in 300 copies. Contains anectodical jottings on Bastien A.,BARTHELEMY Camille,BROUWERS Jules,COURTENS Alfred,DELAUNOIS Alfred,Raymond de MEESTER,Marie HOWET,Willy KREINTZ,Baron Eugéne LAERMANS,Jean LANDT,Charles LEBON,Jacques MAES
envoi autographe auteur,couvertures rempliées défraichies,texte frais,
1973 Paris, Fayard ,1973, In huit, 534 pp, reliure d'éditeur toilée avec jaquette,et jaquette, en bon état,
Biographie d'une idée ,traduit de l'italien par Paul Alexandre.
2011 Arles, Actes Sud, 2011 21,5 x 11,5, 319 pp Neuf car service de presse. Jamais lu.
Traduit de l'italien par Marguerite Pozzoli. Exemplaire hors commerce.
Couverture rigide. Reliure de l'éditeur. 285 pages. 18 x 25 cm.
Livre. Préface de Jacques Mitterrand. Illustrations de D. Marchi. Editions du Burin. Editions Martinsart (Collection : L'Humanité en Marche), 1973.
Prefazione di Orio Vergani. Ceschina, Milano, 1933. In-8 gr., brossura figurata (piccolo spacco al dorso), 26 pp.nn., con 30 tavv. f.t. dedicate a nudi femminili, disegnati da Vellani-Marchi. Edizione originale. Tiratura di 700 esempl. numerati. Testo in buono stato (text in good condition).
Pirola, Milano, 1828-1841. In-4 p. (mm. 291x200), 3 volumi (di cui 1 di Supplemento), mezza tela coeva, titolo oro al dorso, tagli a spruzzo rossi, pp. XXIV, 619; 748; (6),302; con ritratto dell'A. inc. in rame da Caporali. "Dizionario di tutti i vocaboli usati nelle Arti e Mestieri, che traggono origine dal greco, ecc.". Il primo di tal genere fu compilato da Aquilino Bonavilla ma portato a termine, causa la sua morte, dall'Abate Marchi e stampato da Pirola nel 1819-21. Questa ediz. è quindi più diligente e piu' copiosa della precedente, e tutta di pugno dell'Abate. Cfr. Gamba,2825: "preziosa compilazione" - Graesse,IV,384. Esempl. ben conservato.
La Marge éd. Broché D'occasion bon état 01/01/2000 110 pages
La Fontaine Jean de, Doré Gustave (ill.), Marchi Emilio de (trad.):
Reference : 13665
Milano, Edoardo Sonzogno, 1889. In-folio (25 x 35 cm.), demi-veau noir, dos lisse avec titre doré. Reliure un peu frottée, rousseurs (plus marquées à certaines pages), quelques feuillets avec petite déchirure sans manque. Innombrables illustrations de Gustave Doré, dont 85 à pleine page.
[Lorenzo Veneziano] - Marchi, Andrea de and Cristina Guarnieri
Reference : 084699
ISBN : 8882159876
Marchi, Andrea de and Cristina Guarnieri: Autour de Lorenzo Veneziano. Fragments de Polyptyques Vénitiens du XIVe siècle. Exhibition: Tours, Musée des Beaux-Arts, 2005. 128 pages. 36 colour and 117 monochrome illustrations. Paperback. 30x24cms. Reunites for the first time the panels of the great polyptych painted in 1368 by Lorenzo Veneziano for the altar of San Giacomo in Bologna. The altarpiece was dismembered in the 17th century, parts now in public collections in Tours, Bologna, Syracuse and Philadelphia. The altarpiece is displayed alongside other works by both Paolo and Lorenzo Veneziano, allowing us to examine the flourishing of the 14th century Venetian school of painting. Text in French.
Reunites for the first time the panels of the great polyptych painted in 1368 by Lorenzo Veneziano for the altar of San Giacomo in Bologna. The altarpiece was dismembered in the 17th century, parts now in public collections in Tours, Bologna, Syracuse and Philadelphia. The altarpiece is displayed alongside other works by both Paolo and Lorenzo Veneziano, allowing us to examine the flourishing of the 14th century Venetian school of painting. Text in French
, Bruxelles, Veuve Monnom, 1934., Broche, in-8? , 71pp.+ 75pp.
Deux volumes, tirage limite, 1/300 ex. papier anglais kingsway, Avec plussieurs planches {blanc et noir}
Roma, Stampato da Athena editrice, 1992. In-8, rel. éd. pleine toile verte, XXI-556 pp. 4 pl. en coul., 22 pl. en n/b. de blasons in fine. Texte en italien. Rare.
Pubblicazioni degli archivi di stato sussidi 5.Archivio di stato di Firenze. Un coin lég. écrasé, bon ex. relié. - Frais de port : -France 6,9 € -U.E. 11 € -Monde (z B : 18 €) (z C : 31 €)
[Gentile da Fabriano] - Marchi, Andrea de et al.
Reference : 116661
ISBN : 9788837041564
Marchi, Andrea de et al.: Gentile da Fabriano. Studi e ricerche. Milan: Electa, 2006. 189 pages. Paperback. 28 x 24cms. Text in Italian.
Text in Italian
Paul montel 1969 164 pages in8. 1969. Broché. 164 pages. avant propos de Marchi nombtreux schémas en noir et blanc
Etat Correct bords frottés intérieur propre
Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino, Torino 1974/75 A Cura: Carboneri Nino Prefazione: Jona Luciano - Carboneri Nino Pagine: 250 Illustrazioni: Foto e documenti a colori e in bianco e nero Formato: 4° Rilegatura: Cartonato originale con cofanetto in cartoncino Stato: Buono Caratteristiche: Stampato da Amilcare Pizzi, il volume si presenta ricco di immagini e fruttuoso testo.
Torino, 1975, Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino, in-4, reliure cartonnée illustrée dans emboîtage illustrée, 248 p., préface de Nino Carboneri, très nombreuses photos, illustrations, reproductions superbes en n/blc et couleur. En frontispice, la Tour de San Salvatore di Lavagna,bon etat
Horvath Paris, Horvath 1988. In-8 broché, couverture illustrée de 167 pages. Nombreuses photos.
Toutes les expéditions sont faites en suivi au-dessus de 25 euros. Expédition quotidienne pour les envois simples, suivis, recommandés ou Colissimo.
1974 Publication Photo-Cinéma Paul Montel, 1974, 159 pages, in 8 broché, état d'usage, usures et frottements sur les bords des plats, coins cornés.
Imprimerie Veuve Monnom 1934 71 - 75 pages in8. 1934. broché. 2 volume(s). 71 - 75 pages.
Bon état (BE) légeres usures de la couverture intérieur bon. Exemplaire tiré sur papier anglais Kingsway de luxe (n°247)