ACES Publishing - Pk-Paino Ltd - Departement of Public Health, University of Tampere Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1990 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, illustrated wrappers fort et grand In-8 1 vol. - 543 pages
1st edition Contents, Chapitres : C. Brooks and G. Lange : History and genesis of thought concerning the physiology of stress - N. Agadjanyan : Human ecology, stress and morals - G. Evans, S. Carrere, and G. Johansson : Inter-relations of physical and psychosocial conditions on health and well being - O. Manninen : Metabolic, circulatory, auditory, and psychophysiological changes due to complex multifactorial environmental exposures - T. Pulles, P. Cavalini and R. Stewart : The role of coping strategies in the appraisal of environmental stressors - V. Bondarovskaya : Man-machine dialogue interaction and genesis of emotional factors - M.-M. Coté : Environmental stress, the case of Quebec Police forces - D. Couch and M. Anderson : A Canadian perspective on job matching : Functional capacities of the worker vs. physical demands of the job - M. Pagani, P. Pizzinelli, O. Rimoldi, R. Furlan, S. Cerutti and A. Malliani : New technique for quantifying the sympathetic activation induced by psychological stress in humans - M. Epler, V. Reeben, K. Jamomagi and E. Hendrikson : Variations in students' blood pressure level and rhythms during examination - A.-T. Kaasik and T. Jurimae : Physically active and passive university students under four-week psychoemotional stress - J. Pretorius, N. Malan, H. Huisman, F. Eloff, P. Laubscher, J. van der Merwe and F. de Klerk : Cardiovascular reactivity evoked by means of psyschological and physical stressors - H. Herman, D. Marinescu, M. Cristescu, M. Pafnote, A. Contulescu and G. Popescu : The visual stress in modern industry - B. Lischauer and A. Kafka-Lützow : Interindividual reactivity patterns in response to cognitive stress - Y. Hayashida, S. Tomita, A. Ikemi and TY. Nakamura : Occupational stressors and some psychophysiological aspects of stress reduction - S. Koifman, I. Echenique, A. Farias, G. Monteiro and R. Koifman : Cancer mortality among workers in an electrical company in Rio de Janeiro - A. Navakatikyan : Certain peculiarities of the development of prepathological changes under chronic stress influences - P. Gupta, D. Banerjee and K. Sharma : Effect of pollutants on respiratory functions in tobacco and Pan Masala factory workers - J. Bielski and A. Zeyland : Work environmental stress in the furniture industry - A. Sillam : On the health disorders of lumberjacks in Estonia du to some physical hazards - R. Hainsworth, J. Al-Timann and M. Wahbha : The effects of time of day and short periods of food deprivation on the cardiovascular responses to upright tilting - N. Matsui and alii : Adaptation to high altitude in man : The role of the endocrine system on water and electrolyte metabolism - W. Keatinge and J. Holmes : Changes in seasonal mortality in the 80-84 year age group with increase in central heating - M. Horowitz and U. Meiru : Heat stress and heat stroke : cardiac and vascular events - A. Gmitrova, I. Ivanco and J. Gmitrov : Permanent magnetic field influence on blood pressure regulation as an environmental factor - G. Suvorov : Noise as an acoustic environmental stressor and its health effect - I. Blazkova : Combined effects of noise and climatic factors on some functions of human organism - J. Parrot, J.-C. Petiot, J.-P. Lobreau and H.-J. Smolik : Shift-work schedule simulation in noise : Short-term effects on hearing thresholds and auditory fatigue - Noise combined with moderate muscular work in young women under contraceptives : Auditory and cardiovascular effects - Exposure to noise combined with moderate doses of alcohol : Auditory effects - H. von Boehmer, C. Zimdars and S. Ruppert : Interaction of common drugs, cold and inhaled irritants on the bronchial tonus of normal subjects - P. Scotto, N. Sannolo, N. Castellino and V. Rosciano : Blood viscosity changes during exposure to carbon monoxide and hypoxia in rats - F. Wu, X. Li, Q. Huang, X. Dai and F. Cai : Observations on the mice exposed to noise in the textile mill : Changes of the enkephalin content and the camp content in the cerebral cortices and the behavioral as well, etc... etc... and so on near fine copy, no markings
Paris, Neuchatel, Attinger, sans date, in 8° broché, 239 pages ; couverture illustrée (défraîchie) ; exemplaire manipulé.
...................... Photos sur demande ..........................
Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
Editions Victor Attinger 1970 In-8 broché 19,2 cm sur 14,1. 236 pages. Très bon état d’occasion. Très bon exemplaire non coupé.
Très bon état d’occasion
ATTINGER Victor. Non daté. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Non coupé. 238 pages. Quelques planches de photos en noir et blanc.. . . . Classification Dewey : 948-Scandinavie
Traduit du finlandais par R. Petterson. Classification Dewey : 948-Scandinavie
Reference : RO60073723
ISBN : 9513113507
Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi. 1998. In-4. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 95 pages. Photos en couleur en frontispice et page de titre. Illustré de nombreux dessins et de nombreuses photos en couleur, dans et hors texte. Texte sur 2 colonnes.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
Photographs by Martti Rikkonen. Trans.: The original Touch Oy. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
Neuchâtel, Victor Attinger, sans date. In-8°, 239p. Broché, couverture illustrée.
Avec 20 illustrations hors-texte. A l'état de neuf, non coupé.
Neuchatel, Victor Attinger, s.d. ca. 1940-50, in-8°, 239 p., 20 planches photogr. h.-t., brochure originale illustrée.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Paris, EDITIONS VICTOR ATTINGER, s.d.; grand in-12, 239 pp., broché, couverture illustr (ptes usures ). Traduit du Finlandaisn par R. Petterson avec 20 illustrations hors-texte.
Traduit du Finlandaisn par R. Petterson avec 20 illustrations hors-texte.
in 12 broché,couverture illustrée,239 pages,20 illustrations photo,hors-texte,Victor Attinger éditeur sans date.Petites rousseurs en long sur le premier plat,sinon très bon état
P., Editions Victor Attinger, sd (annèes 50). Pet. in-8 br., couv. ill., 299 pages, 20 planches h.t.
Récit de Séjour en Laponie. Moeurs, Coutumes, Vie quotidienne...