Makarov N.I. Linear perspective course on a plane (with an atlas of drawings on . Nikolai Ivanovich Makarov (1824-1904) is a mathematics teacher. He graduated from the Artillery Academy in 1848. He held the rank of staff captain and the teaching post of professor. Since 1861 he has taught a course in chart geometry at the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology the Institute of Communications and Civil Engineers at the highest level at the V.V. Mukhanov Real School. Since 1894 he has taught shadow theory and perspectives at the Academy of Arts. SKUalb422f0b0169e9542e.
N. Makarov Organization of Agriculture. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Makarov . Berlin YMCA PRESS. type E.A.Gutnov. American edition 1924. 418 p. SKUalbc870dd71198c728a.
Makarov N. A. Population of the Russian North in the XI-XIII centuries. Based on materials from burial sites in Eastern Prionezh. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Makarov N. A. Naselenie Russkogo Severa v XI-XIII vv. Po materialam mogilnikov Vostochnogo Prionezhya. M. Nauka. 1990. 216 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb55edb21df75a9a7b
Makarov N. Linear perspective on a plane. Text and drawings. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Makarov N. Lineynaya perspektiva na ploskosti. Tekst i chertezhi. C-Pb Typo-lithography of K. Pentkovsky. 1896. 2 XX VIII 482 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbf2ebd7299dcb45c3
Prokopovich V. (Makarov N.P.) Confession but no longer death. Modern sad tale. (Death Confession. Confidential) In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Prokopovich V. (Makarov N.P.) Ispoved no uzhe ne predsmertnaya. Sovremennaya grustnaya povest. (Predsmertnaya ispoved. Konfidentsialno) St. Petersburg. Tiblen 1867. 24 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb4d3430cf1a0908f7
N. Makarov My seventy-year memories and with them My complete near-death confession. In four parts in two bindings In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Makarov N. Moi semidesyatiletnie vospominaniya i s tem vmeste Moya polnaya predsmertnaya ispoved'. V chetyrekh chastyakh v dvukh perepletakh Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).St. Petersburg: Trenke and Fusno printing houses 1882 1881 1882 1882 1882 4 7 XII 195 + 2 150 59 + 4 235 + 2 238s. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalba3f5fd820566b87f
Makarov N. P. Complete French-Russian Dictionary. In Russian (ask us if in doubt. 11th edition resee with numerous additional nomenclatures and phraseology. St. Petersburg Edition of the Heirs of N. P. Makarov 1902. XII 1148 p. SKUalb15bc46b374467ff6.
Makarov N.P. Complete Russian-French Dictionary: Parts I and II. In Russian (ask. In two books. St. Petersburg. Publishing House of N.P. Makarov. 1874. 398s. SKUalb4b5c942d35098c33.
Makarov N. A. The Colonization of the Northern Margins of Ancient Russia in the . M. Scriptoriy. 1997. 386 p. SKUalb13a883688ae91d9f.
Makarov N. Kokin A. Sterkhov E. etc. Hand-held firearms and ammunition for. Mozhaisk-Terra 2000. 296 p. SKUalbaccb9fd104055e3e.
Makarov N. Linear perspective on a plane. Text. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/. St. Petersburg Typo-lit. K. Pentkovsky. 1896. XIX 482 p. SKUalb1aed679c7135bc14.
Makarov N.P. How American farmers organized their farms. In Russian (ask us if i. New-York Association Press 1921 157 p. SKUalbba2b023ca5802c6a.
Makarov N. Peasant farming and its evolution. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Ma. Volume I (all that came out). In the title: The Council of All-Russian Cooperative Congresses. Academic Proceedings of the Cooperative Institute. M Typography by N. Zheludkova 1920. XV 392 p. SKUalbfbe9b071fce1d212.