P., Jombert, 1741-1751, 3 OUVRAGES reliés en un volume in 12 pleine basane, dos orné de fers dorés (reliure de l'époque), coiffes et coins légèrement émoussés, fenêtre dans la marge de la page de titre restaurée)
---- TROIS OUVRAGES RELIES EN UN VOLUME SUR LA CONTREVERSE RELATIVE AUX FORCES VIVES ---- "Collection of THREE WORKS RELATING TO THE VIS-VIVA CONTROVERSY. THE FIRST is MAIRAN'S reply to Madame DU CHATELET's Institutions de physique in which she had attacked his 1728 memoir condemning the vis-viva principle. The conflict between MAIRAN and DU CHATELET was a proonged and acrimonious one, in which curiously, VOLTAIRE was to take the side of MAIRAN. The Marquise had originally been a supporter of MAIRAN and of the Newtonian-Cartesian viewpoint, but was broutht over to the Leibnizian camp. MAIRAN's view of the problem was the force of a body depends on its velocity rather than the squae of its velocity. Contrary to some, MAIRAN was aware that velocity should be treated as a vector quantity, bt his arguments in general did not provide anay special clarification to the problem". (DSB IX pp. 33-34 & Bibliotheca Mechanica p. 211/212 -- The SECOND WORK by MAIRAN is the reediton of his 1728 memoir to the Academy by Abbé DEIDIER -- The THIRD WORK by Abbé DEIDIER is a refutation of the vis-viva theory**7752/ARM2A-8771/ARB6