Amsterdam Magazin des Arts au Dam No.1 1815 Aquatinte sépia originale sous passe-partout crème. Tiré du livre : Nouvelle statistique historique d'Amsterdam, par E. Maaskamp, et publié en 1815. En très bon état. 180 x 205 mm
Original sepia aquatint under cream passe-partout. Taken from the book: Nouvelle statistique historique d'Amsterdam, by E. Maaskamp, and published in 1815. In very good condition. 180 x 205 mm (7 x 8 inches).
Amsterdam E Maaskamp 1825
Map of the area around the Zuiderzee and in the north of the Netherlands affected by the flooding in February 1825. The flooded areas are colored blue. Part of a series of five maps of the affected areas. This map is based on Maaskamp's map of Les Provinces du Nord found in his Pocket atlas of the Kingdom of the Netherlands published in 1821. There is an additional title printed and the flooded areas are additionally coloured. Overall in very good condition, with some darkening around the folds. The blue indicating the flooded areas is somewhat faded, but still visible. The February flood of 1825, also known in Germany as the Great Hallig Flood (Große Halligflut), was a devastating flood that occurred from 3 to 5 February 1825 on the North Sea coast, in which about 800 people were drowned. In the Netherlands, the February flood was the worst natural disaster of the 19th century. Most of the dead and the worst damage was in Groningen, Friesland and Overijssel. The reaction at national level was quite similar to that during the flood of 1953; yet the event was surprisingly quickly forgotten once the damage had been repaired and had no political or engineering consequences. It needed the disaster of 1953 in order for a delta law to be passed and to improve coastal protection significantly.
Amsterdam, Chez E. Maaskamp, sd 1819 2 volumes sur 3 in-12, pleine suédine verte, filets et fleurons dorés, VIII- 216- XII- 299 pp. 37 gravures hors-texte sur 57, dont 13 sur 20 finement coloriées de costumes. Reliure passée. Rousseurs marginales à quelques planches en noir, sinon très bon exemplaire frais.
Rare et belle publication du libraire, éditeur et marchand d’estampes Evert Maaskamp (1769-1834), grand contributeur du “made in Nederland” au sortir de la période franco-batave. L’ouvrage contient, sous forme de lettres (dix par volume), de nombreuses descriptions de plusieurs villes hollandaises ; Amsterdam, Utrecht, Nimègue, Dordrecht, Gouda, Leide, Alkmaar, Arnhem. Il souligne en particulier la diversité, la richesse et l'ancienneté de ces costumes, soit un aspect de la civilisation néerlandaise qui jusque-là n'avait jamais été bien exposé. Bon état d’occasion
1829 restes de reliure, les planches ne sont plus montées sur les onglets, 1 tache à la pl. 22. in-4, 30 x 24 cm,titre, frontispice, 48 pp (I- XXIV) + 21 aquatintes en couleurs sur 24, (manquent les pl. 5, 18 et 24),. Amsterdam, Maaskamp, 1829,
Edition bilingue néerlandais-français. "one of the most charming books ever published in the Netherlands" (Arntz in Quaerendo).Planches sorties et perdues…
Phone number : 33 (0)3 85 53 99 03
Amsterdam, E. Maaskamp imprimeur-libraire, Amsterdam, E. Maaskamp imprimeur-libraire(vers 1810) ; in-8, broché, couverture muette brune, entièrement non rogné. Titre gravé sur papier fort, XII pp., 1 f. de table des gravures, 299 pp., 4 ff.Tome 2 seul de cette belle publication. 17 planches gravées hors-texte, dont 5 finement coloriées montrant des scènes de villageois costumés du Gueldrois, de Bois-le-Duc, de Zuidbeveland, de l’île de Walcheren, de Schouwen... et diverses vues en bistre (château de Duurstede, Nimègue, Flissingue, Dordrecht, Rotterdam, Leide, statues et monuments d’Erasme, Grotius, Boerhave, Laurent Koster à Haarlem). Bel exemplaire très frais sur papier vergé à toutes marges. Les planches sont toutes tirées sur papier fort.
1815 Amsterdam, E. Maaskamp, s.d. (1815 ?). In-8, demi-basane brune à coins, dos lisse orné, pièce de titre noire (Rel. du XXe s.).Dans ce rare guide d'Amsterdam, après les descriptions classiques de l'histoire de la ville et des édifices publics, une large place est faite aux églises catholiques, aux synagogues juives, et aux lieux de spectacles.Exemplaire complet des 2 grands plans dépliants en noir, une gravure au trait en noir et 12 très belles aquatintes imprimées en sépia, sur doubles pages : vues de la ville, des ponts, vues intérieures de palais ou du théâtre.Ex-libris gravé Marcel Dunan.
18. Amsterdam, Maaskamp, (1811), small in-folio, 30 x 24 cm, coloured engraved frontispiece plate + (8) nn pp + 20 text leaves + 20 handcoloured aquatint plates. Bilingual edition, text in Dutch & French. Second edition with the date 1811 and the names of Maaskamp and Colnaghi, London, engraved in the plates. Modern full blue leather binding with gilt floral fillet on both covers. Title page and some leaves with light spotting, margins of some illustrations slightly but evenly browned. Second edition of this well-known Dutch dress styles book. (See Colas N° 1681). The plates were engraved by L. Portman after paintings by J. Kuijper. The hand-colouring was done by J. Pieneman..
" Amsterdam, Maaskamp, 1829, small in-folio, 30 x 24 cm, title + coloured engraved frontispiece plate + 48 pp (numbered I- XXIV) + 24 handcoloured aquatint plates. Bilingual edition, text in Dutch & French. Contemporary half leather with gilt title on the smooth back and on the front cover. Nice spotless copy (binding slightly loosening). Very rare third edition on large paper of this well-known Dutch costume book; this edition with an enhanced number of plates (24 instead on 20). (See Colas N° 1682). The plates were engraved by L. Portman after paintings by J. Kuijper. The hand-colouring was done by J. Pieneman.."
Amsterdam, Chez C.G. Sulpke, (1834?) Title, list of plates, 20 nicely coloured plates, separated by tissue paper, by Portman after Kuyper, verso blank. Small 8vo. Contemporary boards, gilt fillet, title in gilt on frontcover. Landwehr, Coloured Plates, 368; Colas 737; Lipperheide 956. Twenty very nicely engraved plates depicting various costumes and scenes from Dutch daily life, all finely hand-coloured. This is a re-edition of the Costumes, Moeurs et Habillemens dans les Pays-Bas Unis. Bookplates: De la Bibliothèque Louis Becker, Paris (on front paste-down) and Lily Brockbank (recto first blank).
Phone number : 31 20 698 13 75