Turnhout, Brepols, 2008 Hardback, LXIV+183 p., 2 b/w ill., 155 x 245 m. ISBN 9782503051611.
The present publication is the first printing of Constitutiones quae vocantur Ordinis Premonstratensis. The text is preserved uniquely in Trinity College Dublin manuscript 10810 of circa 1200. This manuscript with its rather frequent modifications, affords a rare view of a religious code in transition. The manuscript offers a valuable picture of the life of medieval canons. The work is rich in details about the duties of those holding positions of responsibility, about religious obligations and punishments, reading, clothes, food and drink, courtesy, and looking after the sick. Much attention is given to the schooling and behaviour of the young. An extensive introduction discusses the group of canons for whom the Constitutiones was intended, and examines the manuscript and characteristics of the text like vocabulary. Languages: Latin, English.