Rawlings Marjorie Kinnan Lebettre-Laporte Madeleine
Reference : DNA3JR
ISBN : B0017Z9B20
Générique Broché D'occasion bon état 01/01/1954 150 pages
New York Armed Services Edition Collection n° 724 1945 1 vol. broché in-12 oblong (115 x 165 mm), agrafé, couverture illustrée, 320 pp., texte sur 2 colonnes. Texte en anglais. Dos passé, petit pli au coin supérieur, sinon très bon exemplaire. La collection des Armed Services Editions (ASE), publiée de 1943 à 1946, présente des ouvrages en texte intégral mais compacts et légers à destination des soldats américains engagés dans la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Exemplaire provenant de la bibliothèque d'Alain Resnais.
.: 2. London, published by Clementi & C°, [...]. S.d. ( 1820), format 34 x 24,2 cm . Engraved title + 6 + 3 lvs of engraved music, second, 14th , 15th and last page blank (as issued). No plate number , but at the foot of each plate '' The Minstel's Harp Rawlings''. Price 4s/. Disbound, removed from a binding , with some minor damage at inner margin. . Scores for piano forte and flute (last 2 leaves).
.: 2. London, printed by Goulding & D'Almaine , [...]. S.d. ( 1820), format 34 x 24,2 cm . Engraved title + 4 lvs of engraved music, second and last page blank (as issued). No plate number , but at the foot of each plate '' Beautiful are & My Arab by Rawlings''. Price 2/6. Disbound, removed from a binding , with some minor damage at inner margin..
.: 2. London, printed by Goulding & D'Almaine , [...]. S.d. ( 1820), format 34 x 24,2 cm . Engraved title + 4 lvs of engraved music, second and last page blank (as issued). No plate number , but at the foot of each plate '' Are you angry by Rawlings''. Price 2/6. Disbound, removed from a binding , with some minor damage at inner margin..
.: 2. London, printed by Goulding & D'Almaine , [...]. S.d. ( 1820), format 34 x 24,2 cm . Engraved title + 6 lvs of engraved music, second and last page blank (as issued). No plate number , but at the foot of each plate '' Hark the convent bells ( Rawlings) ''. Price 3/6. Disbound, removed from a binding , with some minor damage at inner margin..
Dover Publications. 1977. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Env. 50 pages. Illustré de 24 planches de dessins en couleur.. . . . Classification Dewey : 598-Ornithologie
Selected and with Intro. for decoupage by E. Hasbrouck Rawlings. Classification Dewey : 598-Ornithologie
Paris, Albin Michel, 1946 ; in-8, broché, 346 pp.
Première traduction française. Photos sur demande.
ALBIN MICHEL. 1954. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Quelques rousseurs. 325 pages - rousseurs sur la couverture. . . . Classification Dewey : 810-Littérature américaine
Classification Dewey : 810-Littérature américaine
Albin Michel (11/2023)
Jerusalem 1985 in8. 1985. broché. 242 pages. Etat Correct d'usage
Albin Michel. 1947. In-8. Relié toilé. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos frotté, Papier jauni. 366 pages. Plats et contreplats jaspés. Papier jaspe sur les plats déchiré. Dos cuir à 4 nerfs, titre et auteur dorés.. . . . Classification Dewey : 810-Littérature américaine
Trad. de l'américain par Denise van Moppès. Classification Dewey : 810-Littérature américaine
Albin michel 1946 in8. 1946. Cartonné.
Etat correct jaquette défraîchie livre en bon état intérieur propre
.: 2. London, printed by Goulding & D'Almaine , [...]. S.d. ( 1830), format 34 x 24,2 cm . Engraved title + 7 lvs of engraved music, second and last page blank (as issued). No plate number , but at the foot of each plate '' Home Sweet Home P.F.''. Price 3/6. Disbound, removed from a binding , with some minor damage at inner margin..
.: 2. London, printed & sold by Chappell & C°. [...]. S.d. ( 1830), format 34 x 24,2 cm . Engraved title + 4 lvs of engraved music, second and last page blank (as issued). Plate number 539. Price 3s. Disbound, removed from a binding , with some minor damage at inner margin..
.: 2. London, printed & sold by Chappell & C°. [...]. S.d. ( 1830), format 34 x 24,2 cm . Engraved title + 6 lvs of engraved music, second, third and last page blank (as issued). Plate number 2598. Price 3s. Disbound, removed from a binding , with some minor damage at inner margin..
.: 0. London, printed & sold by Chappell & C°. [...]. S.d. ( 1830), format 34 x 24,2 cm . Engraved title + 6 lvs of engraved music, second, third and last page blank (as issued). Plate number 2196. Price 4s. Disbound, removed from a binding , with some minor damage at inner margin. This copy rather seriously browned.
.: 2. London, published by the Royal Harmonic Institution. [...]. S.d. ( 1830), format 34 x 24,2 cm . Engraved title + 4 lvs of engraved music, second, third and last page blank (as issued). Plate number 1213. Price 2/6. Disbound, removed from a binding , with some minor damage at inner margin. This copy with a dust soiled title page.
.: 2. London, published by the Royal Harmonic Institution. [...]. S.d. ( 1830), format 34 x 24,2 cm . Engraved title + 4 lvs of engraved music, second and last page blank (as issued). Plate number 1417. Price 2/6. Disbound, removed from a binding , with some minor damage at inner margin. This copy uniformly browned throughout.