in Roma, Per Biagio Diuersino, e Felice Cesaretti, 1664, in-12, (12)-298-(26) pp, et 126-(2) pp pour "Il Maestro di Camera", reliure vélin époque lég. abîmée, petit manque sur la marge inférieure des 60 premiers feuillets (sans atteinte au texte), causé par un rongeur (d'époque)
Etude critique sur la Cour papale. "Lunadoro" est un pseudonyme, peut-être celui du biographe et historien Gregorio Leti, auteur de pamphlets anti-catholiques et anti-papauté (Il nipotismo di Roma, Il putanismo romano, Vita di Donna Olimpia Maidalchini Pamfili). "Il Maestro di Camera" a droit a sa propre page de titre (même éditeurs et même année d'édition 1664). A critical look at the Papal court. "Lunadoro" has been tentatively identified as the pseudonym of biographer and historian Gregorio Leti, author of anti-Catholic and anti-Papal polemics including Il nipotismo di Roma, Il putanismo romano, and the Vita di Donna Olimpia Maidalchini Pamfili. The Catholic Encyclopedia (online) refers to Leti as "mendacious and inexact," though contemporary readers found this and nearly all of his other works sufficiently interesting to call for numerous editions and translations. Francesco Sestini's Il Maestro di Camera has its own title-page, dated 1664 (same publishers)