, Darling Publications, 2007 Hardcover, 56 pages, ENG / GER , 220 x 170 x 15 mm, NEW, ill. in colour / b/w. ISBN 9783939130475.
When confronted with Lukas Roth s photography one is immediately struck by its variety of subject, because the work doesn t follow a single unified theme. The photos present urban scenes, isolated architecture and housing blocks as well as landscapes. People move about within these spaces but they could just as well be empty. It isn t the objective documentation of an object or a situation that is the focus of interest here in the sense of an ?industrial archaeology?, but rather the opposite.
, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, 260 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:1 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503588216.
Summary The mythology of the Norse world has long been a source of fascination, from the first written texts of thirteenth-century Iceland up to the modern period. Most studies, however, have focused on the content of the narratives themselves, rather than the broader political contexts in which these myths have been explored. This volume offers a timely corrective to this broader trend by offering one of the first in-depth examinations of the political uses of Norse mythology within specific historical contexts. Tracing the changing interests and usages of Norse myths from the medieval period, via the nineteenth century and the importance of ancient Norse beliefs to both the Romantic and v lkisch movements, up to the co-option of mythology and symbolism by political groups across the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, the papers gathered here offer new and critical insights into the changing nature of historiography and the political agendas that Old Norse myths are made to serve, as well as shedding new light on the way in which 'myths' are conceptualized. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction - NICOLAS MEYLAN and LUKAS R SLI sirism: The Impossibility of Ideological Neutrality in Snorra Edda - RICHARD COLE 'Reconciling' Ancient Paganism and Modern Protestantism: On the Scholarly Reception of Old Norse Mythology in the German Romantic Period - MARGOT DAMIENS Desirable Plainness? Friedrich von der Leyen's Writings on Education and Mythology between Johann Gottfried Herder and Nationalist Ideology - LEA BAUMGARTEN Otto H fler's M nnerb nde and V lkisch Ideology - COURTNEY MARIE BURELL Archaeology and Textuality in the Study of Pre-Christian Scandinavian Religion - MARGARET CLUNIES ROSS The Revival of Archaic Traditions in Modern Times: V lkisch Imaginations in the Context of European Nordicism - HORST JUNGINGER Feminist Vikings, Ecological Gods and National Warriors; The Reception of Old Norse Religion and Culture in Sweden - FREDRIK GREGORIUS Barbaric Lands of the North in a Massively Multi-Player Role-Playing Game - LAURENT DI FILIPPO Reception of the Past, Projection of the Present: Creating Viking Masculinities - BARBORA DAVIDEK 'Re-Wild Yourself': Old Norse Myth and Radical White Nationalist Groups in Trump's America - VERENA H FIG The State of Vinland - MERRILL KAPLAN
, Brepols, 2022 Hardback, 465 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Language(s):English, Arabic, Hebrew. ISBN 9782503577838.
Summary This volume explores attempts at the popularization of philosophy and natural science in medieval Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Medieval philosophers usually wrote their philosophical books for philosophers, so the desire to convey psychological, cosmological, metaphysical, or even physical teachings to the 'vulgus' may seem surprising. This disdain for the multitude and their weak intellectual capabilities is expressed most clearly in the medieval Islamic and Jewish Aristotelian traditions of philosophy, but is certainly found among the Scholastics as well. Yet philosophy was taught to non-philosophers and via a variety of literary genres. Indeed, scholars have argued that philosophy most influenced medieval society through popular forms of transmission. Among the questions this volume addresses are the following: Which philosophers or theologians sought to direct their philosophical writings to the many? For what purposes did they seek to popularize philosophy? Was the goal to teach philosophical truths? Were certain teachings not transmitted? Which teachings were transmitted most often? For whom exactly were these popularized texts written? Were the authors of popularized philosophy always aware they were writing for non-philosophers? How did they go about teaching philosophy to a wide audience? How successful were these attempts? In what ways did popularized philosophy impact upon society? To what extent were the considerations and problems in the medieval popularization of philosophy the same or different in the various religious traditions of philosophy? How philosophical was the popularized philosophy? In addressing these questions, this pioneering volume is the first of its kind to bring together scholars of medieval Islamic, Jewish, and Christian thought to discuss the popularization of philosophy in these three religious traditions of philosophy. TABLE OF CONTENTS General Introduction ? Marieke Abram and Steven Harvey PART I: INTRODUCTORY REMARKS 1. Philosophy as Literature: Appraisal, Defence, and Satire of Rational Thought in Classical Arabic Poetry and Prose ? Gerhard Endress 2. Broadening the Audience for Philosophy Among Medieval Jews ? Charles H. Manekin 3. Popularization of Philosophy in the Latin West: The Philosophical Opportunities of Popularization ? John Marenbon PART II: POPULARIZATION OF PHILOSOPHY VIA THE MEDIEVAL ENCYCLOPEDIAS 4. Introduction ? Steven Harvey 5. Anonymous Philosophical Compendia: An Attempt at Vulgarization? ? Elvira Wakelnig 6. Levels of Philosophical Sophistication in Medieval Hebrew Encyclopedias of Philosophy and Science ? Resianne Fontaine 7. The Summa dictorum: A Theological-Philosophical Encyclopedia for Monks ? Guy Guldentops PART III: POPULARIZATION OF PHILOSOPHY VIA BOOKS OF INSTRUCTION 8. Introduction ? Sarah Stroumsa 9. Between Popularity and Marginality: al-Ba?alyaws?'s Book of Imaginary Circles ? Ayala Eliyahu 10. Rua? ?en: An Early Popular Hebrew Introduction to Science ? Ofer Elior 11. Medieval Philosophy of Nature Popularised? Albert the Great's De animalibus ? Katja Krause PART IV: POPULARIZATION OF PHILOSOPHY VIA MYSTICAL LITERATURE 12. Introduction ? Yossef Schwartz 13. Popularization of Philosophy in the Sufi Milieu: The Reception of Avicenna's Doctrine of the Origination of the Human Soul in ?Ayn al-Qu??t al-Hamad?n?'s Writings ? Salimeh Maghsoudlou 14. Myth and Metaphysics: The Popularization of Platonic and Neo-Platonic Motifs through Kabbalistic Theosophy ? Tanja Werthmann 15. Popularized Philosophy in Hendrik Herp's Mystical Guide, the Spieghel der volcomenheit ? Marieke Abram PART V: POPULARIZATION OF PHILOSOPHY VIA SCRIPTURAL EXEGESIS AND SERMONS 16. Introduction ? Howard Kreisel 17. The Conception of Philosophical Problems in Fakhr al-D?n al-R?z?'s Qur??n Commentary (Maf?t?? al-ghayb) and the Popularization of Philosophy ? Lukas Muehlethaler 18. Fifteenth-Century Synagogue Sermons ? Chaim Meir Neria 19. Approaching Wisdom: The 'Anonymous of Tegernsee' and his Translation of Bernard's Sermones super Cantica Canticorum ? Lydia Wegener PART VI: POPULARIZATION OF PHILOSOPHY VIA POETRY 20. Introduction ? Anne Eusterschulte 21. Intellectual Poetry in the Medieval Islamicate World: Verse and the Popularization of Philosophical Knowledge ? M. A. Mujeeb Khan 22. The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Philosophers: The Ladder of Knowledge in Immanuel of Rome's Hell and Heaven ? Yehuda Halper 23. 'Donna gentile': Philosophy in and around the Vita nuova ? Myrtha de Meo-Ehlert PART VII: CONCLUDING REFLECTIONS 24. Religious Critique as a Popularization of Philosophy ? Frank Griffel 25. Jewish Averroists contra the Popularization of Philosophy: The Case of the Philosophists ? Shalom Sadik 26. Popular Philosophy is the True Philosophy ? Warren Zev Harvey 27. The Modern Popularization of Medieval Philosophy ? Peter Adamson 28. Some Remarks on Vulgarization of Philosophy in the Middle Ages ? Loris Sturlese INDICES Index of Names, Ancient and Premodern Index of Names, Modern and Contemporary Index of Books, Ancient and Premodern Index of Subjects
Bern, Schweizer Flöten Gesellschaft. 2000. Folio. 71 S. Originalpappbband.
Rücken leicht bestossen.
Basel Gryff-Präss. 43x32,5 cm. 1 Doppelbatt (Titel und Kolophon), 14 Doppelblatt mit je 1 S. Text und 1 ganzseitigem Holzschnitt, 1 doppelbattgrosser Holzschnitt. In Originalbroschurmappe
Eines von 170 numerierten Exemplaren. - "Dr Tägscht het dr Lukas Merz zämmegschtellt und dr Hanns Studer het d'Helge drzue gschnitte." - Mappe etwas angestaubt und am Rücken mit winzigen Einrissen. Titelblatt etwas knittrig. - Sonst sauber.
Zürich, Diogenes, 2014. 20x12.5 cm. 197 S., 1 S., 1 Bl. Nachwort, 4 Bl. Anzeigen, 1 Bl. leer. Pappband.
Exemplar mit handschriftlicher Widmung: "damit sie wieder mal, wie in einem Dickens-Roman, einem Kind in viele Abenteuer folgen können! Mit allen guten Wünschen, Lukas Hartmann (=HR)" - Umschlagillustration von Kobi Benezri - Deckel leicht zerkratzt.
Charta Broché D'occasion très bon état 01/01/1999 144 pages
BOER Lukas Johann, Libri de Arte Obstetricia. Viennae, typis Haeredum van Ghelen, 1830. In-8, 22x14 cm., [1] f., viii-384 pp., [1] f., reliure d'attente. Exemplaire d'étude en état correct, reliure de bibliothèque usée, mouillure marginale, quelques rousseurs. Très rare traité latin d'obstétrique dans sa version originale, paru quatre ans plus tard en allemand sous le titre Sieben Bücher über natürliche Geburtshilfe. Lukas Johann Boër (1751-1835), célèbre obstétricien, fut médecin de l'empereur d'Autriche et directeur de la maternité du Wiener Allgemeine Krankenhaus.
( Cinéma - Dossier de Presse - Walt Disney Productions ) - Jules Verne - Richard Fleischer - Kirk Douglas - James Mason - Paul Lukas - Peter Lorre.
Reference : 11693
Editions Cinédis / Walt Disney Productions 1955. In-8 reliure à spirale, à l'italienne, de 24 pages au format 30 x 24 cm. Superbe couverture illustrée. Plats avec petits tassements et frottis aux coins. Très légère trace de pliure verticale. Contient la présentation de Jules Vernes, suivie d'un résumé du film et d'une fiche technique. Nombreuses photographies en couleurs imprimées en héliogravure, en mai 1955 sur les presses Hélio-Lorraine à Nancy pour Cinédis, Le film fut réalisé par Richard Fleischer en 1954, sur scénario de Earl Felton, d'après le roman éponyme de Jules Verne, avec dans les rôles principaux : Kirk Douglas (Ned Land), James Mason (le Capitaine Nemo), Paul Lukas ( le Professeur Pierre Aronnax),Peter Lorre (Conseil). Ce film est la premièregrosse productiondes studios Disney réalisée en prise de vue réelle. Il était à l'époque le film le plus cher de l'histoire du cinéma avec un budget de cinq millions de dollars. Cette ambitieuse production a été récompensée en 1955 par l'Oscar des meilleurs décors et l'Oscar des meilleurs effets visuels. Très bel état général pour ce livre très fragile. Rarissime édition originale.
Site Internet : Http://librairie-victor-sevilla.fr.Vente exclusivement par correspondance. Le libraire ne reçoit, exceptionnellement que sur rendez-vous. Il est préférable de téléphoner avant tout déplacement.Forfait de port pour un livre 7 €, sauf si épaisseur supérieure à 3 cm ou valeur supérieure ou égale à 100 €, dans ce cas expédition obligatoire au tarif Colissimo en vigueur. A partir de 2 livres envoi en colissimo obligatoire. Port à la charge de l'acheteur pour le reste du monde.Les Chèques ne sont plus acceptés.Pour destinations extra-planétaire s'adresser à la NASA.Membre du Syndicat Lusitanien Amateurs Morues
.: Gent, 1927, in-4°, 43 pp, black/white illustrations, sewn, original wrapper (a bit frayed and dustsoiled, ex-library copy with some stamps). Loosely inserted, 8 pp, Statuten en huishoudelijk reglement van het Sint-Lukas en Sint-Jozef Gilde.
.: Gent, Sint-Lukas, Jubelboek 1862-1938, in-4°, met palmares 1937. 111 pp, z/w ills.
.: Gent, Gild Sint-Lukas & Sint-Jozef, 1937, in-4°, 141 pp + ill. genaaid, orig. slappe kaft. Kaft iets bevuild en bestofd.
, MER Paper Kunsthalle, 2002 Oorspronkelijk uitgevers omslag, GROOT FORMAT, 16 PAGES, 42 x 30 cm. Language ENG. ISBN 9789076979076.
A tree. The biggest and oldest living things on Earth are trees. All Live is shaped by a struggle for survival. Competition for nutrients and reproductive success is unceasing. In contrast to animals, which must move around in search of food and mates, the plant kingdom places a premium on patience. At first glance trees appear to embody this vegetative strategy to perfection: they seem to achieve all their goals by standing still. What could be more emblematic of patience than a tree that has been rooted in the same spot for hundreds or even thousands of years, taking all it needs from the air, the sun, and the soil? nAs for competition with other forms of life, a tree seems to operate on the principle that a good defence is the best offence .nIn addition to providing shade and cooling through evaporation, trees filter noise, dust, and chemical pollutants from the air. Curiously enough, one of the greatest benefits that trees can provide for human populations is being realised by extending and improving what todays foresters call the 'urban forest'. This includes all the trees in the city parks as well as all the trees planted along city streets and highways, and trees in peoples yards. The extent of this forest is surprising. About one third of the surface area of the average city is given over to streets and structures
, Eindhoven : Het Poirtersfonds, 1937, Gebonden, 148 pagina's.
Petrus Simons, Jozef Lukas Scheirs, Jef Antoon
A Paris chez Wild, s.d., vers 1840, 18.5x22.5 cm. Vue avec l’impressionant Mont-Blanc. Texte: ‘Vue de Suisse’. N° 22. 1 feuille.
Lukas Weber (1811-1860) exécuta un nombre considérable de vues à l’aquatinte pour les maisons d’édition Trachsler, Füssli (Fußly H.) & Cie et H.-F. Leuthold, toutes trois établies à Zürich. Très belle aquatinte mise en couleurs, montrant la campagne des environs de Genève, avec la ville de Genève au fond à droite, et la rive sud du Lac Léman surmontée du splendide Mont-Blanc. Qqs légères rousseurs dans les marges, sinon frais. cf. de Loës, Genéve par la gravure p. 128. Image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
2000 HISTOIRE DU PAYS DE PLOEMEUR. Palantines, 2007 , in4° relié, jaquette illustrée , 136pp. Abondantes illustrations.
O.O., um 1935. Altkolorierte Aquatinta von Lukas Weber. Bildgrösse: 24,8 x 17,3 cm. Blattgrösse: 28,3 x 20,2 cm.
Hübsches Blatt mit schönem Altkolorit. - Alt montiert auf braunes Papier.
Zürich, H. F. Leuthold, um 1840. Altkolorierte Aquatinta von Lukas Weber. Bildgrösse: 13 x 17,3 cm. Blattgrösse: 17,1 x 21,5 cm.
Alt auf braunes Papier montiert.
"Prague Editions Artia sans date (circa 1950) - Toilé bien complet de la jaquette 24 cm x 28 cm 21 pages + 80 pages de photos couleurs et noir & blanc de Jan Lukas - Texte en français anglais et allemand d' Edvard Valenta - Jaquette un peu usée sinon bon état"
Berlin Die Gestalten Verlag 2007 1 vol. relié in-4, cartonnage illustré de l'éditeur, nombreuses photos en couleurs. Texte en anglais. Très bon état.
[Chez Xhrouet, Déterville, Petit, Chez les Frères Seguin] - FORTIA D'URBAN ; (HOLSTENIUS ; HOLSTE, Lukas)
Reference : 57378
Publié pour la première fois, avec une traduction française, par M. de Fortia d'Urban, 1 vol. in-12 reliure demi-chagrin vert, dos à 4 nerfs, Chez Xhrouet, Déterville, Petit, Paris, Chez les Frères Seguin, à Avignon, Paris, 1809, 2 ff., 342 pp.Rappel du titre complet : Plan d'un Atlas historique portatif [ Edition originale ] Suivi d'une Liste des Ecrivains et Artistes célèbres jusques et y compris le troisième siècle avant l'ère chrétienne ; Terminé par un Catalogue raisonné des géographes grecs, composé en latin par Luc Holsténius [ Mélanges de Géographie et d'Histoire ]
Ainsi que Fortia d'Urban l'indique dans sa préface, "ces mélanges sont moins un ouvrage [ ... ] que l'annonce de plusieurs ouvrages". (ex-libris de René Amédée Choppin de Villy). Bon état pour ce titre peu commun, qui propose notamment la première traduction française de Catalogue des géographes grecs rédigé par l'humaniste Lukas Holste (1596-1661) plus connu sous sa forme latinisée de Lucas Holstenius. Quérard, III, 170
Autrement Flammarion (10/2022)
Rouergue (3/2018)