[" The Artist "] - Nicholas Penny, Robert Flynn Johnson ; Lucian Freud
Reference : 59916
, Thames & Hudson, 1988 Hardcover, 128 pages, ENG, 285 x 260 mm, dustjacket, book is as new, with illustrations in color and b/w, here and there some texts underlined with pencil, better that than with a ballpoint pen, apart from that, the book is really as new. ISBN 9780500091852.
Lucian Michael Freud ( 8 December 1922 - 20 July 2011) was a British painter and draughtsman, specialising in figurative art, and is known as one of the foremost 20th-century English portraitists. He was born in Berlin, the son of Jewish architect Ernst L. Freud and the grandson of Sigmund Freud. Freud got his first name "Lucian" from his mother in memory of the ancient writer Lucian of Samosata. His family moved to England in 1933 to escape the rise of Nazism. From 1942 to 1943 he attended Goldsmiths College, London. He served at sea with the British Merchant Navy during the Second World War. His early career as a painter was influenced by surrealism, but by the early 1950s his often stark and alienated paintings tended towards realism. Freud was an intensely private and guarded man, and his paintings, completed over a 60-year career, are mostly of friends and family. They are generally sombre and thickly impastoed, often set in unsettling interiors and urban landscapes. The works are noted for their psychological penetration and often discomforting examination of the relationship between artist and model. Freud worked from life studies, and was known for asking for extended and punishing sittings from his models
Amsterdam, Ravestein, 1664. 8vo. In a nice contemporary Cambridge-style mirror binding with four raised bands and richly gilt spine. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. Light wear to extremities. Ex-libris pasted on to pasted down front end-paper. Title-page with red underlignings. Vague dampstain throughout, primarily affecting last leaves. (14), 418, (14), 450, (22) pp. + frontispiece.
The Fourth French edition of Lucian’s collected works, translated by Nicolas Perrot. Lucian of Samosata (c. 120-180 AD) was a Syrian rhetorician and satirist known for his witty and humorous works that criticized society and religious beliefs. His writings, nearly all of which have survived, are celebrated for their sharp satire and influence on later literature.
1891 - i lilas de Paris, estanparie felibrenco de Lucian Duc 1891, in-8 broché,sur Hollande non rogné, de 71p quelques rousseurs Bel envoi de l'auteur, fort rare
2013 Paris, Gaïa Editions, 2013 13 x 22 cm, 440 pp, broché, couverture souple à rabats, état neuf,
traduit du roumain par Laure Hinkel. Service de Presse.
Short description: In Russian. Lucian,. Selected atheistic works. Moscow: Publishing House of Akad. Sciences of the USSR, 1955. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU5890680
Short description: In Russian. Klimovich, Lucian Ippolitovich. Literature of the peoples of the USSR. Moscow: Uchpedgiz, 1959. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU6306144
Short description: In Russian. Klimovich, Lucian Ippolitovich. Islam and Woman. Moscow: 1958. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU6306140
Short description: In Russian. Klimovich, Lucian Ippolitovich. Islam. Moscow: Science, 1965. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU6306139
Short description: In Russian. Godzishevsky, Lucian Frantsevich. Sicily and its Earthquakes: Moscow: A-vo spespespespepec. A.A. Levenson, 1909. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU3756491
Paris Librairie de la Provence 1894 in 8 (22x15) 1 volume reliure demi toile noire à coins, dos lisse muet, 390 pages [1]. Edition bilingue, texte provençal et traduction française en regard. Edition originale. Bon exemplaire, reliure modeste ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request )
Bon Reliure
The British Council Visual Arts Publications (1 mars 2003)
Hardcover as new.
Golden Cockerel Press, 1927, lg. in-4to, 5 ll. + 43 p. + 1 ll., illustrated with woodcuts, topedge gilt, others untrimmed, N° 249 / out of 275 copies, 2 ex-libris ‘Charles Willard Stage’ & ‘John.-E. Ward’, + small booksellers ticket on verso-inside ‘Philip C. Duschnes Rare Books New York’. quarter brown morocco, spine on 5 bands with title gilt, spine slightly sunned. Binding signed ’Sangorski and Sutcliffe’. Fine copy.
Colophon: ‘This book was printed by Robert Gibbings at the Golden Cockerel Press, Waltham Saint Lawrence in Berkshire and completed on the 10th Day of November 1927. The text of the Greek, set with the assistance of the Oxford University Press, is that of the Jacobitz Edition (1852). The English is taken from the first edition (1634) in the British Museum. This edition is limited to 275 copies, of which this is number (handwritten:) 249. image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
"2009. Paris Éditions l'Entretemps 2009 - Broché couv. à rabat 15 cm x 21 cm 480 pages ills in et hors-texte noir et blanc et couleur - Texte de Lucian Pintilié postface de Bertrand Tavernier trad. de Marie-France Ionesco - Bien complet de la bande annonce état neuf"
Bielefeld, Kerber, 1997, in-4°, 77 S., reichhaltig illustriert mit jeweils ganzseitigen Radierungen, Original-Leinenband mit illustriertem Umschlag.
Dieses Buch erschien erstmals anlässlich der Verleihung des 9. internationalen Rubenspreises an einen Maler/Graphiker.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Paris, éd. La Découverte, octobre 1989, EDITION ORIGINALE, in-8, cartonnage souple, couv. ill. coul. sur fond blanc éd., 260 pp., nb. reproductions de documents anciens en noir, bibliographie, index, tabe des matières, "Lucian Boia étudie, sans jamais se départir de son humour, les diverses fins du monde - passées ou à venir - que l'humanité s'est inventées jusqu'à nos jours." Pas courant Très bon état
Libr. du Savoir Broché D'occasion bon état 01/01/1991 150 pages
Quatrième edition, nouvélment reveüe & corrigée. 2 Teile in 1 Band. Amsterdam, Jean de Raverstein, 1664. 8°. (14) S., 418 S., (14) S.; 450 S., (22) S. Mit gest. Titel. Pergamentband der Zeit.
Ausgewählte Schriften von Lucian von Samosata. Der syrische Rethoriker und Schriftsteller lebte ca. von 120 - 180 n.Chr. Mit seinem fast vollständig überliefeten Werk gehört er zu den witzigsten Autoren der späten Antike. Als Gelegenheitsschriftsteller mit seiner unruhigen und eher oberflächlichen Literatur überzeugt er aber durch seine mit Humor und Satire bespickten und eher zur Dekadenz neigenden Texte. Ins Französische übersetzt von Nicolas Perrot de Ablancourt (1606-1664). - Hübsches und wohlerhaltenes Exemplar.
"Pierre Delisle Paul Arnold A. Métérié André de Richaud Tudor Arghesi Lucian Blaga Jean-Paul Sartre François Le Lionnais Léon-Gabriel Gros"
Reference : 100073741
"Marseille/Paris. 17 cm x 23 cm. 1943. Broché. 95 pages. Marseille/Paris Les Cahiers du Sud novembre 1943. Broché 17 cm x 23 cm 95 pages. Directeur : Jean Ballard textes et poèmes de Pierre Delisle Paul Arnold A. Métérié André de Richaud Tudor Arghesi Lucian Blaga Jean-Paul Sartre François Le Lionnais Léon-Gabriel Gros; publicités marseillaises. Bon état" "Bon état"
Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung 1860, 195x125mm, XXXV - 100Seiten, Halbleinenband. In gutem Zustand.
Vorwort in Deutsch, Text in Altgriechisch, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal
" Lausanne ; l'Âge d'homme, 1988 " In-8° broché, couverture grise, 119 pages, bon état
1 volume in-4° broché, couverture illustrée à rabats, 256 p. + illustrations, nom de propriétaire manuscrit en page de garde. Très bel état.
Phone number :
Paris, Berggruen & Cie, 1990, 220x110mm, broché, non paginé. Très bon état. 34 reproductions. 99eme plaquette de la collection Berggruen.
Londres, Anthony d'Offay, 1978. In-8 broché, couverture à rabats. Catalogue de l'exposition organisée à Londres (Anthony d'Offay) puis à New-York (Davis & Long Company) en 1978. Portrait photo de Freud par Rose Boyt en frontispice. Les 17 toiles présentées sont toutes reproduites hors texte en noir. Cet élégant catalogue imprimé sur couché est à l'état de neuf.
Honoré Champion (21 février 2014)
Livre à l'état de neuf, très frais sans annotations ni défauts dissmulés.
Karlsruhe, Chr. Fr. Müller Hofbuchhandlung, 1856, in-8vo, (18,4 x 13 cm.), VIII S. + 1 Bl. + 289 S. Mit farblithographischem Titel und 10 getönten Lithographien von J. N. Heinemann, Vorsätze fleckig, Tafeln meist nur im Rand gebräunt. Brauner Original-Leinwandband mit Rückenvergoldung und goldgeprägtem Deckeltitel (vorderes Gelenk etwas angeplatzt, teilweise verblasst, Rücken mit Bibliotheksschild).
Einzige Ausgabe. Mit hübschen Ansichten der Insel Mainau (2), Hafen v. Konstanz, Mersburg, Kirchberg, Überlingen, Ludwigshafen, Frauenberg, Reichenau und Rudolfszell.– Die Tafeln leicht gebräunt und vorallem am Rand etwas stockfleckig, insgesamt wohl erhalten. Nicht bei Heyd. Image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808