[Dionysii De La Nouë [ Denys De la Noue ]] - DE SANCTO CARO, Hugo ; [DE SAINT CHER, Hugues ] ; LUCAS BRUGENSIS, Franciscus ; [ FRANCOIS LUC, de BRUGES ; LUCAS DE BRUGES, François ]
Reference : 42620
, 1 vol. fort in-8 reliure postérieure XIXe demi-chagrin rouge, dos à 5 nerfs orné, Sumptibus Dionysii De La Nouë [ Denys Delanoue ] , Paris, 1635, Signatures : aij-A-Oooo. Titre complet : Concordantiae Bibliorum Sacrorum Vulgatae Editionis, Hugone Cardinali ordinis praedicatorum authore, ad Recognitionem Iussu Sixti V. Opera & Studio Francisci Lucae Brugensis, Theologi & Decani Audomaropolitani. Accessit correctorum Plantinianorum industria qui singulis cum sacro texto collatis sententiis, innumeros vocum & numerorum errores sustulere, qui in omnes hactenus concordantiarum editiones irrepserunt & nuperrime correctorum Parisiensium diligentia, qui residuos tam circa dictiones, quam circa numeros, errores postremarum editionum incuria invectos emendarunt
Bel exemplaire (coupes lég. frottées) de cette belle impression.
HUGO DE SANCTO CHARO O.P. (& Lucas Brugensis Franciscus & Phalesius Hubertus)
Reference : R57536
Lugduni [Lyon], sumptibus Ioannis-Antonii Huguetan (ex typographia Iacobi Faeton] 1677 [2bl], [1279], [1bl] pp., "Editio novissima, prioribus longe auctior & correctior, & cum ipso bibliorum textu accuratissime collata", 25cm., black & red lettering on titlepage, full-leather binding (edges of plates bit used, small piecxe of leather detached at top of spine), some use, name of previous owners on first (blanco) leave, good copy
Fort in-8,reliure d'époque Maroquin rouge, dos à nerfs, tranches dorées, titre doré, fleurons dorés, dentelle dorée bornant les plats, double filet aux coupes. Texte sur six colonnes.Intérieur frais. Dorure des tranches estompée en petites zones, petit manque sur 3 coins. Trés bon état général. coloniae agrippinae. apud balthasarum ab egmond.
Pour trouver tous les mots de la bible selon les versions et traductions. En l'état..Hors frais d'envoi.
".: Antverpiae ( Antwerpen ) , Ex officina Plantiniana, apud Ioannem Moretum, 1606, in-folio, 2 parts in one volume. [Part I] (12)nn pp ( with engraved title page) + xxiii pp + (1)nn pp + 571 pp + (1)nn pp ; [Part II] (2) nn pp (title with engraved printer's mark) + pp 573 - 1017 + (1)nn pp + pp 1019-1124 + (6)nn pp. (complete, collation in conformity to Imhof L-79). Bound in full (contemorary ?) calf. Raised spine with small gilt decoration, unidentified small supra libro. Both covers with gilt and blind tooling. Spickled edges. Binding with rather heavy traces of use, corners bumped and with loss of leather due to wear, top of spine repaired with stroke of leather. Ex-library with a circular rubber stamp of a Roman Catholic institute on the half title. Title cut by binder in the upper left margin (only for a few millimeters). Nothwithstanding these defects still an acceptable complete copy in a still sound binding. This first edition contains the commentaries of Franciscus Lucas on the gospels of Mattheus and Johannes. The author is famous for the publication of a bible concordance. He also worked together with Arias Montanus on the ''Biblia Regia'' also published by the Plantin Press. In 1612 and 1616 respectively the Plantin Press published the commentaries on the two remaining gospels . USTC 1003464. ; Imhof L-79."