.: Lovanii (Leuven), E Typographia Academica, 1775, in-8°, 19 x 12 cm, title + (2)(index) + 199 pp + (30)(blank) + 20 folding engraved plates, contemporary full calf, a bit worn, ends of spine damaged or missing, title with tear repaired (mounted), blue oval library stamp on title, apart from these defects a fine copy. Rare illustrated 18th century printed university course on optics and perspective.
UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN LOUVAIN - Paus Martinus V - Louvain University - Pope Martinus V :
Reference : 5947
".: S.l. ( Leuven ?) s.d. ( ca. 1650), in-4°, 23 x 17 cm, 4 pp, two copies in-plano, printed head to head, uncut, unopened . The text of the Papal Bull, dated 9th december 1425 on the founding of Louvain University. This imprint of the bull was probably made at Louvain in the 17th century. Watermark; a rectangle (20 x 12 mm) with on top a small circle (2 mm) and a crown (17 x 13 mm), elsewhere on the page grapes in rhomb form. Rare 17th c. edition of one of the juridical privileges of Louvain University, granted by Pope Martinus V on 9th september 1427. Only one other copy known ( a copy sold at auction in Brussels, Romantic Agony, june 2006)."