Reference : 61109
Hamburg, Bey Carl Ernst Bohn (+) Altona, Christian Julius Bulow, 1778 & 1779. 8vo. Uniformly bound in 4 contemporary half calf bindings with gilt lettering to spine. Paper-label pasted on to top of spines. Wear to extremities. Corner worn off on two of the bindings. Front board on vol. 3/4 bended, but still attached. 2 small worm-tracts in vol. 3/4. Internally nice and clean. XVI, 400, (2), 427 pp.; IV, 396, (2), 406 pp.; (2), 478, (2), 382 pp.; 446, 448 pp.
Oxford, Talboys, 1840-41. 8vo. 4 beautiful full vellum bindings with richly gilt spines, gilt title- and tome-labels and gilt allegorical centre-peices to front boards. Marbled edges. A very nice and clean set. Front hinge of vol. 1 cracked, but binding still tight. A lovely copy. With a contemporary gift-inscription to front free end-paper of vol. 1. VIII, 616; (4), 548; (4), 484; (4), 521, (1), (160, - Index) pp.
First edition thus of this learned and esteemed edition of Livius' History of Rome.Travers Twiss' carefully revised text is still considered one of the most important versions and the many notes and commentaries in the present edition are considered excellent and valuable.
3 Bände. Amsterdam, Ludwig und Daniel Elzevier (Band 2 und 3: nur Daniel Elzevier). 1665, 1664, 1664. 8°. 23 n.n. Bl., 820 S., 73 n.n. S. Index; 842 S., 67 n.n. S. Index; 997 S., 90 n.n. S. Index. Mit gestochenem Titel in Band 1 und Holzschnittdruckermarke als Titelvignette in den Bänden 2 und 3. Geflammte Kalblederbände der Zeit im Duseuil Stil mit zweifacher doppelter Deckelfiletierung, Eckfleurons, goldgeprägten Rückentiteln und floraler Rückenvergoldung.
Willems 1358. - Erste bei Elzevier erschienene von Gronovius herausgegebene Livius-Ausgabe. Erschien zum Zeitpunkt der Trennung von Ludwig und Daniel Elzevier mit der früheren Datierung (1664) für den 2. und 3. Band. Zur Zeit geschätzt für die Anmerkungen von Gronovius, wurde die Ausgabe 1678 im typischen Elzevierformat neu herausgegeben. - Der erste Band mit Besitzerstempel im Innendeckel und einem handschriftlichen Kommentar zur Ausgabe. Oberes Kapital des 3. Bandes leicht angebrochen. Die ursprüngichen Leinenschliessen nicht mehr vorhanden. - Annähernd Exemplar in dekorativen Einbänden der Zeit.
Stuttgart, Societatis Wuertembergicae, 1820-28. 8vo. Bound in 17 uniform contemp. hcalf. Spines gilt, titlelabels with gilt lettering. Wear to spine on volume one, especially at upper compartment.
Second, enlarged edition of Drakenborch's noted edition of Livius. ""The labours of Drakenborch have entitled his edition to a superiority over every preceding one. Ernesti, Harles, and the Bipont editors, are unanimous in their approbation of this truly critical production...""(Dibdin II, p. 169 (the 7 vols. edition of 1738).
Amsterdam, apud Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevirios, 1665 (1664, 1664). 8vo. 3 contemp. full vellum. Faint Ms title on spines. Enraved titlepage. (48 incl. titlepage),820,(76);842,(70);997,(180) pp. The 10 first leaves in vol. 3 with faint dampstain on inner corners. Front-free endpaper in vol. 2 removed. Printers woodcut device on the printed title-pages in vol. 2 and 3. A few old annotations. Internally clean.
First edition of the first noted 8vo-edition printed by Elzevier. - Willems No 1358.
Amsterdam, apud Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevirios, 1665 (1664, 1664). 8vo. 3 contemp. full calf. Spines gilt. Spine with some wear. Engraved titlepage. (48 incl. titlepage),820,(76);842,(70);997,(180) pp. Internally with traces of use and with annotations in old hand throughout.
First edition of the first noted 8vo-edition printed by Elzevier. - Willems No 1358.
[n colophon:] Strassburg, Theodosius Rihel, 1594. Folio. Contemporary full blindstamped pigskin-binding over wooden boards. Five raised bands to spine. Brass clasps to boards. Handwritten title to spine. Richly ornamented blindstamped borders to boards, with portrait of God and Jesus to the centre of front board and Jesus on the cross to back board. Corners and extremities a bit worn, but binding overall in excellent condition. Also internally very well preserved, with light browning to some leaves and a few marginal nicks to title-page, otherwise in very fine condition. Very neat handwritten additions to the Chronica"""". Title in red and black within a large woodcut pictorial border, 131 fabulous woodcut illustrations, each measuring 10,8x14,5 cm, one (p. 152) with a small flaw in the paper, stemming from the printing of the work, one (p. 341) with a spot (seems like rust). A beautiful printing, with numerous woodcut initials. 28, 887, (1, blank) pp + 21 pp. of index + 1 p. colophon, with a large woodcut pictorial printer's device.
An excellent copy, in a beautiful, very well preserved contemporary Renaissance binding, of this 1594-reprint of the first Strassburg-edition (1574), printed by Theodor Rihel. The excellent woodcut illustrations, all within an ornamental border, are by T. Stimmer, Bocksberger, et al. The translation is that of Zacharias Müntzer (which appeared for the first time in 1562). The work was extremely popolar, not least due to the rich illustrations, and it went through numerous editions throughout the 17th century also. Graesse IV:232.
Cum supplementis in postremos libros ab J.B.L. Crevier. Editio postrema, in sex Tomos distributa.. Patavii, 1759. In-16 p. (mm. 162 x 92), 6 volumi in 3 tomi, mz. pelle coeva, fregi e tit. oro al dorso, pp. XXXII,432;428; 423;382; 328;355; bella antiporta allegorica inc. in rame. Il 6° volume contiene: Exercitationes Rhetoricae in orationes T. Livii quibus accedunt Joannis Clerici integrae adnotationes. Variorum ex editione Oxoniensi a. 1708, animadversiones, atque ex aliis Scriptoribus... Esempl. ben conservato.
Cum notis integris Laur. Vallae - M. Ant. Sabellici - Beati Rhenani - Sigism. Gelenii - Henr. Loriti Glareani - Car. Sigonii - Fulvii Ursini - Franc. Sanctii - J. Fr. Gronovii - Tan. Fabri - Henr. Valesii - Jac. Perizonii - Jac. Gronovii - Curante Arn. Drakenborch, qui & suas adnotationes adjecit. apud Wetstenium / Luchtmans, Amstelaedami / Lugd. Batavor., 1738-1746. In-8 gr. (mm. 255x196), 7 volumi, p. pergamena coeva, dorso a cordoni con tit. oro su due tasselli, tagli rossi, pp. (14),1119; (4),1040; (4),1171; (4),1098; (4),1140; (4),996; (4),LXXXIV,348,310,(2); tit. in rosso e nero, primi 3 frontespizi con marca calcografica di Wetstenium (lima affilata su una pietra in medaglione, poggiato su due sfingi, e il motto Terar Dum Prosim) inc. in rame da Jongman; bellissima è l'antiporta allegorica disegnata da L.F. Duborg e inc. in rame da J. Folkema, con ritratto del curatore A. Drakenborch, inciso da J. Houbraken su disegno di J.M. Quinkhard. Questa ediz. è illustrata f.t. da 1 tav. ripieg. (nel 5° vol.) e da 3 pregevoli tavole, incluso il ritratto dell'Autore in medaglione (nel 7° vol.).Lo storico latino Tito Livio (Padova 59 a.C. - 17 d.C.) in questa sua celebre opera fa la storia di Roma dalla fondazione della città alla morte di Druso (9 a.C.). Di questa vasta trattazione in forma annalistica sono giunti a noi i libri I-X (dal 754 -53 al 293 a.C.) e XXI-XLV (dal 218 al 167 a.C.) oltre a numerosi frammenti, cioè ca. un quarto dell'opera che, come ci informano i sommari, era costituita di 142 libri. Così Diz. Treccani,VII, p. 75.Cfr. Brunet,III,1108: cette édition, pour laquelle l'éditeur a consulté cinquante manuscrits et cent treize textes imprimés, est, au jugement des savants, un chef-d'oeuvre d'exactitude et d'érudition; nous pouvons ajouter que le mérite de l'exécution typographique égale celui du texte.Esemplare ben conservato: purtroppo con bruniture per la qualità della carta.
München und Zürich Artemis Verlag. 1987. Klein-8°. 682 S., 1 w. Bl. Originalleinwand mit Schutzumschlag.
"Sammlung Tusculum. Herausgegeben von Karl Bayer, Manfred Fuhrmann, Gerhard Jäger." - Texte in Lateinisch und Deutsch. - Schutzumschlag am Rücken gebräunt.
Darmstadt Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1991. Klein-8°. 538 S., 2 Bl. Originalleinwand mit Schutzumschlag.
"Sammlung Tusculum. Herausgeber: Karl Bayer, Manfred Fuhrmann, Gerhard Jäger." - Lizenzausgabe. - Texte in Lateinisch und Deutsch.
Zürich. Artemis & Winkler. 1994. Klein-8°. 710 S., 1 w. Bl. Originalleinwand mit Schutzumschlag.
"Sammlung Tusculum. Wissenschaftliche Beratung: Karl Bayer, Manfred Fuhrmann, Fritz Graf, Erik Hornung, Rainer Nickel." - Texte in Lateinisch und Deutsch. - Schutzumschlag mit Wasserrand am Rücken. Blindgeprägtes Exlibris auf Vorsatz.
München Heimeran Verlag. 1974. Klein-8°. 520 S., 1 S. Originalleinwand mit Schutzumschlag.
"Tusculum-Bücherei. Herausgeber: Hans Färber und Max Faltner." - Texte in Lateinisch und Deutsch. - Schutzumschlag am Rücken gebräunt und mit Einrissen im Gelenk.
München Heimeran Verlag. 1978. Klein-8°. 601 S., 2 S. Originalleinwand mit Schutzumschlag.
"Tusculum-Bücherei. Herausgeber: Karl Bayer, Hans Färber, Max Faltner." - Texte in Lateinisch und Deutsch. - Schutzumschlag am Rücken leichtd gebärunt. Blindgeprägtes Exlibris auf Vorsatz.
Amsterdam, Joannem Lanssonium, 1635.
Belle reliure de prix, dorée au petits fers, avec l'ex-dono d'Antoine Druot sur les plats. Il a été donné par le collège des Jésuites de Chalon-sur-Saône. Antoine Druot était sommelier du roi et capitaine des châteaux de Germolles et de Montaigu. Il a fait donation d'un de ses domaines à la ville de Chalon sur Saône. Les revenus de ces domaines permettaient de payer un professeur au collège de Chalon, ainsi que des livres de prix pour les meilleurs élèves. /// In-12 de frontispice, 1052 pp. Maroquin brun, dos orné, dentelles d'encadrement sur les plats avec "ex dono D. Anthonii Druot 1650" doré au centre d'une couronne de lauriers, avec écus de France et de Chalon-sur-Saone, tranches dorées. (Reliure de l'époque.) //// Beautiful price binding with an ex-dono gilted on boards, given by the college of Chalon-sur-Saône /// PLUS DE PHOTOS SUR WWW.LATUDE.NET
Hardcover Good
Titi Livi Ab Urbe Condita Libri. Editionem primam curavit Guilelmus Weissenborn. Editio altera quam curavit Mauritius Mueller. Pars I - Fasc. III - Libri VII-X. Editio Stereotypa. Lipsiae in aedibus B.G. Teubneri.
Venetiis (Venice), Paulum Manutium (Aldus), 1555. Folio (342 x 230 mm). In later half calf with five raised bands with gilt lettering to spine. Head of spine with repair, hindges bit weak and some scratches to boards. Ex-libris (H. P. Rohde, librarian at the Royal Danish Library) pasted on to verso of front board. Annotated by Rohde in pencil on front free end-paper. Title-page with a few dots and marks and light miscolouring to margins. First five leaves with small nick to upper margin, far from affrcting text. Damage to upper part of foreedge causing small hole to Pp. 30-130 in upper outer margin, far from affecting text. Very few sporadic dots throughout, overall internally very fine and clean. (4), 478 ff. (Wanting the 98 ff. of part II).
First edition of this monumental and landmark Livy-edition edited by Carlo Signonio, introducing critical methods for reconstructing the past which revolutionized the study of ancient Roman history and the Italian Middle Ages. This edition was the first systematically to apply critical method to the rendition of the text and to the chronology of Roman history, marking the beginning of a new approach in the study of Roman history. This edition ‘made Sigonio’s European reputation ... In the Aldine folio of 1555 the miscellaneous fragments of the various annotators were swept away, and readers were offered a revised text of Livy, majestically printed, and the imposing Scholia of Sigonio alone, scholia which in sheer mass, acumen, and acerbity, far outstripped the combined efforts of all his predecessors’ (W. McCuaig). ”This is one of the many editions which were published with the annotations of Sigonhjs—""quae quidem,"" says Harles, ""nonnullorum bilem moverunt."" Renouard says it is an elegantly printed book, but is rarely to be found in good condition. At Mr. Bridges's sale a superb copy of this edition, on laege paper, was sold for the extraordinary sum of 3bl. 10s. M. Renouard has also a copy on large paper, containing many notes in the hand-writing of De Thou.” (Dibdin) ""Belle édition bien imprimée, sur bon papier, et peut-être de toutes celles de cet historien, la plus amie de l'oeil et la plus facile à lire"" (Renouard, 166.15). Ahmanson-Murphy 477 Renouard 166:15 Brunet III:1106 Adams L1342; Dibdin II 166
CURTIUS RUFUS, Quintus (1er siècle ap. J.-C.) & LIVIUS, Titus & DESING, P.A.:
Reference : 54746aaf
Pedeponti, vulgò Stadt am Hof, sumptibus Joanis Gastl Bibliopolae, 1747, kl. in-8vo, gestoch. Frontispiz (kl. Tintefl. am Rand) + 5 Bl., einschl. Titel in Rot und Schwarz + 526 S. + 3 gest. Falttafeln mit 5 Fig. + (lose beil.) 1 Faltkarte (Tabula Expeditionis Alexandri ...), gest. von Thomas Boeck; 344 S., mit sep. Titelbl. «Excerpta electora ex Livio, Sallustio, Caesare, ...»; 264 S., mit sep. Titelbl. « Institutiones styli historici. ...», durchgehend wasserfleckig teils nur leicht sichtbar, gebräunt, hs. ‘Ex Libris Joannis Chrysostomi Relling Veldkirchensis ... 1755’ ... ‘Servio Joanni Antonio de Ceterelly’. Lederband auf Bünden, rotes Titel-Schildchen auf dem Rücken, beriebenzwei Schliessen aus Leder und Kupferstück,
Lateinischer Text mit Notizen in deutscher Sprache.Fine full calf binding with 2 clasps. In 3 parts complete with engravings showing war engines and a map of the expeditions of Alexander th Great. Image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Lipsiae (Leipzig), Teubner, MDCCCLXXI, (1874), pt. in-8vo, hs. Armand Dückert sur p. de garde, rel. en parchemin, pièce de titre orange au dos avec :Auteur tome 1 à 5 + ms. Opera.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
10 Bände. Wein und Prag, bey Franz Haas, 1798-99. 8°. Mit gest. Titeln, gest. Frontispizen von Weinrauch nach Kininger und gest. Titelvignetten. Jalbleder d.Zt. mit zwei Rückenschildchen und Rückenvergoldung.
Attraktive Ausgabe, mit den figürlichen Stichen von Caspar Weinrauch (1765-1846), auch "Wiener Chodowiecki" genannt, nach Vincenz Kininger (1767-1851), beide in Wien tätig und sehr geschätzt. Der Prediger Gottfried Grosse aus Pechau bei Madgeburg besorgte diese Ausgabe, die er dem Kronprinzen Friedrich Wilhelm von Preussen widmete. Er stütze sich dabei auf die berühmte lateinische Ausgabe von Arnold Drakenbroch (1684-1748) aus Utrecht, die dessen Ruhm begründetet und 1738-46 erschien.- Einbände leicht berieben, Wurmspur auf Deckel von Band I, allgemein saubere Reihe.
Franckfurt, (Corvinus), 1568. Large folio. (38 x 25 cm.). Later hcalf. Covers nearly detached and spine gone. Some old owners signatures on titlepage. The first ab. 50 leaves frayed in lower right corners, likewise some at end. Some quires loosening. In general sewing somewhat loose. Old underlinings in ink and some old annotations in margins. Titlepage with broad pictorial wood-cut border. (32),(2) blank,988,(20 - Register) pp. Profusely illustrated with smaller and larger wood-cut initials, and with more than 100 large, fine wood-cut engravings in the text (each ab. 11x15 cm.) by the well-known renaissance-illustrator Jost Ammon.With two traceable Danish ownerships (their names on titlepage). Axel Jul (Juul) 1606-1671. Danish numismatist. He acquired the book 1630. - Michael (Mikkel) Hvass from Sjørup or Søgaard( in Jutland 1583 - ca. 1655). Studied at Sorø Academy and the University atLeyden. Author of two works.
""A uncommon and magnificent edition: it has a number of curious wood-cuts, and the typography is exceedingly splendid. The connesseur will discover many singular traits in the engravings - the bustle of a battle and solemnity of a marsh are sometinmes well represented - but he will smile on finding cannons and bombs indtroduced in a Roman siege. The text is printed with frequent contractions, but, from what I have perused, it is not incorrect. The engravings, and general splendour of the volume, will always render it a great acquisition to the library of the curious."" (Dibdin II, p. 166).Jost (Ammon) Amman (1539 - 1591) was a Swiss artist, celebrated chiefly for his woodcuts, done mainly for book illustrations. ""Amman was born in Zurich, the son of a professor of Classics and Logic. He was himself well-educated. Little of his personal history is known beyond the fact that he moved to Nuremberg in 1560, where he continued to reside until his death in March 1591. He worked initially with Virgil Solis, then a leading producer of book illustrations. His productiveness was very remarkable, as may be gathered from the statement of one of his pupils, that the drawings he made during a period of four years would have filled a hay wagon. A large number of his original drawings are in the Berlin print room. About 1,500 prints are attributed to him. He was one of the last major producers of woodcuts for books, as during his career engravings were gradually taking over that role."" (Wikipedia).Adams L 1345.
Reference : 200613079
Paris, Colligebat Nicolaus Eligius lemaire, 1823; in-8, 747 pp., demi basane vert a nerfs. Con varietate lectionum ET SELECTIS COMMENTARIIS ITEM SUPPEMENTA J. FREINSHEMII curante N.E. Lemaire - VOLUMEN NOVUM -.
Reference : 200613076
Paris, Colligebat nicolaus eligius lemaire, 1822; in-8, 462-517 pp., demi basane vert passé dos a nerfs. Les 2 volumes. Item supplemta j. Freishemii curante N.E. Lemaire.
Item supplemta j. Freishemii curante N.E. Lemaire.
Paris, N.E. Lemaire, typis F. Didot 1822-1826, 220x145mm, 7054pages, relié percaline brune, étiquettes de titre au dos en cuir noir, tranches rognées, reliure moderne. Brunet, t. 3, 1109.
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Ad codices parisinos recensitus, cum varietate lectionum et selectis commentariis; item supplementa J. Freinshemii, curante N. E. Lemaire. Lemaire (typis F. Didot), Parisiis, 1822- 1825. In-8 p. (mm. 225x140), 12 volumi in 13 tomi, mz. pelle coeva, fregi e tit. oro al dorso, 460/750 pp. cad. vol., testo in solo latino, con 1 ritratto dell'Autore inc. in rame. Questa ediz. contiene: "Historiarum ab urbe condita" (8 volumi) - "Joannis Freinshemii Supplementorum Livianorum Libri" (3 volumi) - "Praefationibus tabulis nummorum et mensurarum; tabulis historicis antiquitatis monimentis.. curante N.E. Lemaire" (vol. XII, p. I) - "Indices" (XII, p. II). Volumi della importante Collana "Bibliotheca classica latina". Cfr. Brunet,III,1109. Con lievi e uniformi arross. e qualche fiorit., ma certamente un buon esempl. con barbe.