, Stuttgart, Arnoldsche, 2007, Bound, illustrated cardboard and dustjacket, frontispice in colour, 235 x 305mm., 216pp., beautiful and profound colour illustration GERMAN / ENGLISH TEXT. ISBN 9783897901797.
Art Deco Jewelry, Jakob Bengel, Idar-Oberstein (2nd ed.) in 2002. Until then entirely unknown, the costume-jewellery maker Jakob Bengel was thus introduced to the annals of jewellery history. The discovery of this Art Deco collection, that is unique in 1930s European jewellery, focused public attention on the business (est. 1873). Comprising a factory, with a villa for the proprietor and housing for the workforce, it had been preserved in its building, replete with machinery and tools as a relic of 1870s boom era costume jewellery. Turned into a cultural monument through the establishment of a foundation in 2001, today it makes 130 years of costume jewellery history come alive and is being successfully transformed into a centre for contemporary art jewellery. Rotating exhibitions, artists-in-residence and studios for young artists in jewellery link tradition and future at a unique place. This new publication showcases 100 hitherto unknown pieces of jewellery from the historic Art Deco collection owned by the Jakob Bengel company. The authors, however, approach both the past and the future of this unique industrial monument and the Art Deco jewellery made there. New book, text in German and English.
Stuttgart, Arnoldsche, 2009 Bound, illustrated cardboard and dito dustjacket, 230 x 295mm., 192pp., beautiful and profound illustration in colour and b/w. ISBN 9783897903142.
From the latter half of the nineteenth century, Idar-Oberstein developed into an important centre of costume jewellery production. Numerous factories, large and small, produced costume jewellery for the world into the 1980s although today this trade has virtually lost its former significance. During that long time span, Idar-Oberstein was one of the four major German jewellery centres along with Pforzheim, Schwabisch Gmund and Hanau. Idar-Oberstein costume jewellery reflects each of the prevailing fashions in turn: Historicism, Jugendstil/Art Nouveau, Art Deco... to 1960s and 1970s Informel and Zero. Innovative handling of simple (inexpensive) materials soon led to an aesthetic that stood on its own merits, independently of -real- jewellery. Here the Bengel company - with its sophisticated Art Deco jewellery - exemplifies innovative models and business policy. The author was able to study many early documents and photographs in Idar-Oberstein archives as well as pieces of jewellery that, taken together, are highly instructive on the history of costume jewellery. A vivid image of twelve jewellery manufacturers is evoked; proprietors and employees, production conditions, models policy, pieces of jewellery in each period style and worldwide marketing and distribution. Costume jewellery from Idar-Oberstein was not usually marked (stamped) because it was sold through wholesalers; this is what makes attribution to specific makers quite difficult today. The present publication time-travels through a century of creative jewellery production in Idar-Oberstein, which has hitherto remained largely unexplored so that exciting discoveries are still to be made. New book.
Wageningen, Veen, 1976 Paperback, originele uitgeversomslag, 19.6x12.4 cm., 160 pp. ISBN 9020432435.
Worden de spanningen van alledag U te veel ? Dit boek van een arts vertelt U hoe U onder de dictatuur van de stress vandaan kunt komen. Het bevat een volledig anti-stress-programma met tests, oefeningen en adviezen. Psychohygiene, lichaamsbeweging, voeding !
[Richard Phillips] - Lindemann, Adam
Reference : 096618
ISBN : 9780847840670
Lindemann, Adam: Richard Phillips. Exhibition: New York, Gagosian Gallery, 2013. 120pp., fully illustrated throughout. Cloth. 35 x 30cms. Presents a new series of paintings and films by the American artist, Richard Phillips (b. 1962) which continue to explore the artist's fascination with celebrity culture, beauty and self-conscious forms of performance. Here, Phillips has collaborated with Lindsay Lohan, Sasha Grey and Brazilian supermodel Adriana Lima, to create realist portraits of the celebrities both in motion, and posed, seductively still.
Presents a new series of paintings and films by the American artist, Richard Phillips (b. 1962) which continue to explore the artist's fascination with celebrity culture, beauty and self-conscious forms of performance. Here, Phillips has collaborated with Lindsay Lohan, Sasha Grey and Brazilian supermodel Adriana Lima, to create realist portraits of the celebrities both in motion, and posed, seductively still.
Couverture rigide. Cartonné. 237 et 232 pages.
Livre en allemand. Georg Westermann Verlag, 1975.
Arnoldsche Verlagsanstalt (3/2022)
Lübbe 2018 240 pages 12 5x18 3x2 2cm. 2018. Broché. 240 pages.
Etat correct
Leipzig, B. G. Teubner - F. Claude 1831, 255x220mm, VIII- 392Seiten, Pappband aus der Zeit.
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Partitions sur l'Alsace Chappell 1928
Bon état Petit format
Kiliae [Kiel], H. Fiencke 1889 98pp., 23cm., Doctoral Dissertation at the University of Kiel, modern blind wrappers, small stamp, text in Latin, text is clean and bright, K115257
Buchet Chastel / Corrêa 1958 in8. 1958. Broché.
dos un peu écrasé accroc en haut du dos intérieur propre
[Herzig ] - - Perez Freire Osman,Llossas J.,Gade Jacob,Lindemann Wilhelm,Bianco Edouard,Rixner Jos.,Codevilla P.,Pörschmann Walter,Nicolas Luis,Cantico J. -
Reference : 85316
Apollo Verlag 1938 approx.
Etat moyen Grand format Accordéon
Erlangen, 1964 285pp., 21cm., softcover, text in German, Doctoral dissertation (Inaugural-Dissertation der Philosophischen Fakultät der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität zu Erlangen-Nürnberg), stamp at verso of title page, text is clean and bright, good condition, F109066
Partitions sur les Insectes Bosworth 1908
Bon état Grand format Piano
Husum, Matthiesen Verlag 2018, gr. in-8vo, 329 S. + 3 Bl., illustrierte Original-Broschüre. (Paperback).
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
B.G. Teubner, sd 1910 Album in-4 oblong bradel percaline, 23 reproductions photos B.G. Teubner en noir et blanc sur onglet, légendées en français, anglais et allemand, illustrant l’egrenage, le négoce et l’acheminement du coton. Infimes usures. Bon exemplaire.
Bel album publicitaire de la société allemande, pionnière sur le marche a terme d'Alexandrie, l’un des plus ancien au monde. Bon état d’occasion
, Arnoldsche Art Publishers, 2016 Size: 305 mm x 240 mm. Pages: 352. Illustrations: 250 colour. Hardback with dustjacket. ISBN 9783897904651.
The fascinating history of gemstones in art and jewellery Gemstones have always been, since time immemorial, heavily charged with meaning and have even been regarded as magical objects. For that reason they have also been an art medium since the early modern age and have shaped as art symbols - in the form of the crystal - both Romanticism and Modernism, for example in the works of Caspar David Friedrich, Lyonel Feininger and many more. In the latter half of the twentieth century, not only have such artists as Bernd Munsteiner, Ute Eitzenhofer and Bernhard Schobinger rediscovered the gemstone; through the Hochschule fur Edelstein und Schmuck Trier/Idar-Oberstein and other similar specialist institutions it is also undergoing a revival in today's art production - right up to Damien Hirst. Text in English and German.
Paris, Hatier, 1968; in-4, 192 pp., cartonnage de l'éditeur.
Freiburg in Breisgau, Herder, 1889, gr. in-8°, XII + 976 S., Ex Libris Ex bibliotheca Collegii Mariani Soc. Div. Salv. Friburgi Helvetiorum + Idem, Rundstempel auf Titelblatt. Original-Halblederband, Rücken verziert mit Blindpressung. Schönes Exemplar
Image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Genève, Editions Labor et Fides 1999, 225x150mm, 603pages, broché. Bel exemplaire.
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Avignon Aubanel 1978 In 8 Le training autogène aide l'homme moderne à retrouver un équilibre physique et psychique constamment en péril . Les six exercices de bases répétés régulièrement donnent des résultats étonnants : la capacité de concentration personnelle augmente , la nervosité décroît , les maladies d'origine psychosomatique ( maux d'estomac , asthme , pertubations de la sexualité et du sommeil ) s'estompent ou guérissent complètement . - 196 p. , 350 gr.
Couverture rigide Parfait État . 1° édition
Corrêa Buchet/Chastel. 1958. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Papier jauni. 226 pages - quelques planches en noir et blanc - légères rousseurs sur le second plat.. . . . Classification Dewey : 830-Littératures des langues germaniques
Traduit de l'allemand par R.Jouan. Classification Dewey : 830-Littératures des langues germaniques
2 volumes grand in-8, pleine toile beige de l'éditeur, titre au dos et sur les plats sup., frontispice en couleurs, 363, (18) p., 6 planches hors texte, dont 2 à double page et frontispice en couleurs, viii, 385, (16) p., 9 planches hors texte dont une à double page, très nombreuses figures, tableaux et cartes in texte. Stuttgart, Kosmos, Gesellschaft der Naturfreunde, 1925-1927.
De la bibliothèque d'Otto Dix.Ex-libris manuscrit "Ursus Dix", fils d'Otto Dix.Bon exemplaire.(Aus der Bibliothek von Otto Dix.Handschriftlicher Exlibris "Ursus Dix", Sohn von Otto Dix.Gute Kopie.)
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