10 books for « libertus m br »Edit

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Reference : R68044


‎Liberti Fromondi Commentaria in Sacram Scripturam, in duas partes distributa quarum secunda continet Actus apostolorum, Apocalypsin S. Joannis apostoli et Canticum canticorum, cum indice rerum et verborum [2 parts in 1 volume]‎

‎Rothomagi [Rouen], Nicolas Boucher, Eustachius Herault, Jacobus Besingne, Petrus le Boucher & Franciscus Vaultier 1709 2 parts in 1 volume: [8] + 493 + [39] + [8] + 294 + [1] pp.with ornamental initials and vignettes, 41cm., text in Latin, full brown leather binding (professionally restored with modern leather at the bottom of the spine, gilt title and decorations on spine), some foxing, very good copy, R68044‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR600.00 (€600.00 )


Reference : S79461


‎Lucas Faydherbe, beeldhouwer en bouwmeester 1617-1697‎

‎Antwerpen, De Sikkel 1938 230pp. met 73 illustraties, geïllustreerde omslag, 26cm., goede staat, gewicht: 1kg., S79461‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )

‎[J.P. Migne] - ‎ ‎Collectif ; Bernardin Picquigny (Pequigny) (a Piconio) ; Willem Hessels Estius (Van Est) ; Johannes a (Jean) Gorcum (Van Gorcum) ; Cornelius a Lapide ; Martin Wouters ; Libertus Fromondus ; Jacques Bénigne Bossuet ; Jean de Gagnaeus (Gaigny) (Gagny) (Gagnée)‎

Reference : 40796


‎Scripturae sacrae, cursus completus. Tome XXV : Pequigny - Joannes a Gorcum - Estius - Cornelius a Lapide : In epistolas D. Pauli I et II ad Timotheum ; ad Titum ; ad Philemonem ; ad Hebraeos commentaria ; Wouters : Quaestionum selectarum in epistolas D. Pauli dilucidatio ; Fromondus : In epistolas catholicas de Jacobi ; I et II de Petri ; I, II et III de Joannis ; et D. Judae commentaria ; Wouters : In epistolas catholicas dilucidatio ; Quaestionum selectarum In Apocalypsim D. Joannis dilucidatio ; Gagnaeus - Bossuet : In Apocalypsim commentaria‎

‎Ex. commentariis omnium perfectissimis ubique habitis, et a magna parte episcoporum necnon theologorum europe catholicae, universim ad hoc interrogatorum, designatis, unicè conflatus, plurimis annotantibus presbyteris ad docendo levitas pascendove populos altè positis. Annotavit vero simul et edidit J.P. Migne, 1 vol. in-4 reliure demi-basane bordeaux, Apud Editores, 1840, 1456 pp. Contient : Tome 25 : Pequigny - Joannes a Gorcum - Estius - Cornelius a Lapide : In epistolas D. Pauli I et II ad Timotheum ; ad Titum ; ad Philemonem ; ad Hebraeos commentaria ; Wouters : Quaestionum selectarum in epistolas D. Pauli dilucidatio ; Fromondus : In epistolas catholicas de Jacobi ; I et II de Petri ; I, II et III de Joannis ; et D. Judae commentaria ; Wouters : In epistolas catholicas dilucidatio ; Quaestionum selectarum In Apocalypsim D. Joannis dilucidatio ; Gagnaeus - Bossuet : In Apocalypsim commentaria‎

‎Tome 25 seul. Agréable exemplaire de bibliothèque (anciens cachets d'institution religieuse et étiquette de cote en garde, bon exemplaire par ailleurs).‎

Phone number : 09 82 20 86 11

EUR39.00 (€39.00 )

‎ROGGEN D. - A. DE SCHRYVER - R.A. D'HULST (editors) - H van de Velde - L. Speleers - F. van der Mueren - D. Roggen - F.M. Olbrechts - M. Libertus (authors). ::[ ] GHENDT UNIVERSITY (Art Department) - GENTSE BIJDRAGEN TOT DE KUNSTGESC:HIEDENIS :‎

Reference : 25436

‎Gentse (Gentsche) Bijdragen tot de Kunstgeschiedenis. Deel II 1935. (Gent university - 'Hoger Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis en Oudheidkunde Universiteit Gent' - art history yearbook.)‎

‎".: 0. Antwerpen, De Sikkel, 1935, small in-4°, publisher's half cloth, 277 pp, a 80 b/w ills some in color. Yearbook on art history which contains several scholarly articles and longer essays. Most texts are in Dutch, some with a summary in French. H. van de Velde; Een nieuwe Klassificatie der ornamenten (12 pp). L. Speleers; Egyptische oudheidkunde en bepalingstekens in de Pyramidetexten. (ca. 60 pp). D. Roggen; several texts on Claus Sluter (ca. 90 pp). F.M. Olbrechts; Enkele Ethnographica uit Melanezia (ca. 30 pp). M. Libertus; Lucas Faydherbe 1617 - 1697 Beeldhouwer en Bouwmeester. (ca. 50 pp). (We can quote you also for a complete run of the first 22 volumes; 1934 -1972)."‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR85.00 (€85.00 )

‎ROGGEN D. - A. DE SCHRYVER - R.A. D'HULST (editors) - H van de Velde - F. van der Mueren - D. Roggen - R. Matthys - M. Libertus (authors). ::[ ] GHENDT UNIVERSITY (Art Department) - GENTSE BIJDRAGEN TOT DE KUNSTGESC:HIEDENIS :‎

Reference : 25438

‎Gentse (Gentsche) Bijdragen tot de Kunstgeschiedenis. Deel III 1936. (Gent university - 'Hoger Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis en Oudheidkunde Universiteit Gent' - art history yearbook.)‎

‎".: 0. Antwerpen, De Sikkel, 1936, small in-4°, publisher's half cloth, 197 pp, 50 b/w ills. Yearbook on art history which contains several scholarly articles and longer essays. Most texts are in Dutch with sometimes a summary in French. H. van de Velde; Uit de ""Laatste Les"" (9 pp). D. Roggen; several texts on statues at Champmol, Mechelen, ... (84 pp). R. Matthys, Portretten naar Van Dijck (14 pp). M. Libertus, Lucas Faydherbe (63 pp). (We can quote you also for a complete run of the first 22 volumes; 1934 -1972)."‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR85.00 (€85.00 )

‎ROGGEN D. - A. DE SCHRYVER - R.A. D'HULST (editors) - M.J. Friedländer - L. Speleers - D. Roggen - M. Libertus (authors). :[ ] GHENDT UNIVERSITY (Art Department) - GENTSE BIJDRAGEN TOT DE KUNSTGESC:HIEDENIS :‎

Reference : 25439

‎Gentse (Gentsche ) Bijdragen tot de Kunstgeschiedenis. Deel IV 1937. (Gent university - 'Hoger Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis en Oudheidkunde Universiteit Gent' - art history yearbook.)‎

‎".: 0. Antwerpen, De Sikkel, 1937, small in-4°, publisher's half cloth, 239 pp, 58 b/w ills. Yearbook on art history which contains several scholarly articles and longer essays. Most texts are in Dutch with sometimes a summary in French. M.J. Friedländer, Ein vlämischer Portraitmaler in England (14 pp). L. Speleers, Egyptische oudheidkunde en bepalingstekens in de Pyramidetexten (ca. 72 pp). D. Roggen; De portaalsculpturen van Champmol, De rekeningen ... Sluter (55 pp). M. Libertus, Lucas Faydherbe (63 pp). (We can quote you also for a complete run of the first 22 volumes; 1934 -1972)."‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR85.00 (€85.00 )

‎[Hieronymi Nempaei] - ‎ ‎FROMONDUS; Libertus ; [ FROMOND, Libert ; FROMONT, Libert ]‎

Reference : 35657


‎Actus Apostolorum Brevi et Dilucido Commentario Illustrati, Auctore Liberto Fromondo, S. Theologiae Doctore, et Sacrarum Litterarum in Acad. Lovaniensi.‎

‎1 vol. petit in-4 reliure de l'époque pleine basane marbrée, dos à 5 nerfs orné, double filet d'encadrement sur plats, Typis Hieronymi Nempaei, 1654, 6 ff., 392 pp. et 66 ff. n. ch. (index)‎

‎Etat satisfaisant (petit mq. en coiffe sup., petite piq. de vers sur 3 premiers ff., mouill. aux derniers ff.). Ami de Jansénius, celui-ci lui confia, avec d'autres le soin d'imprimer son Augustinus.‎

Phone number : 09 82 20 86 11

EUR165.00 (€165.00 )


Reference : 16814


‎Fabularum Aesopiarum libri quinque Cum Novo Commentario Petri Burmanni. ‎

‎Leiden, Sam. Luchtmans, 1727. 4to. Cont. full calf. 5 raised bands. Richly gilt back. Fine. Engraved Frontispiece, printers woodcut device on title. (52),263 pp. + Index. Some leaves slightly yellowing.‎

‎Brunet IV,588. ""Edition fort estimée, surtout à cause de la préface critique contre Bentley.""‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,800.00 (€375.54 )


Reference : 49966


‎Fabularum Aesopiarum Libri quinque. Cum novo Commentario Petri Burmanni. (+) Epistola Critica ad H.B. S.E.I. (Bentleji).‎

‎Leidae, Samuelem Luchtmans, 1727. 4to. Contemp. full vellum. Vellum a bit soiled, but fully intact. Spinetitle gone. Engraved Frontispiece, printers woodcut device on title. (52),263 pp. + Index and Errata-leaf,93 pp. A faint narrow marginal dampstain to the first leaves.Otherwise internally clean.‎

‎First printing of Burman's best edition. ""This is the celebrated edition of Burman, which was preceded by some smaller ones in 1698, 1718, and 1719. It contains the notes of Burman and Bentley, a new Commentary, and a admirable critical preface, in which the modesty of Burman is contrasted with the boldness of Bentley..."" (Dibdin II:281).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK3,800.00 (€509.66 )

‎LIBERTUS M. Br. - [ ] Lucas FAYDHERBE :‎

Reference : 124

‎Lucas Faydherbe Beeldhouwer en Bouwmeester 1617-1697 .‎

‎.: @@. Antwerpen, De Sikkel 1938, in-4° 230 pp + ill. index, bibliography. Genaaid, originele slappe kaft. Mooi exemplaar.. (Standard biography on this architect and sculptor, pupil of Rubens.).‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR125.00 (€125.00 )
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