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Reference : 53073


‎Lex Regia Det er: Den souveraine Konge-Lov, sat og given af Friderich den Tredie...14. Novemb. 1665. Som...Friderich den Fierde...Allernaadigst haver befalet ved offentlig Tryk at vorde publiceret...den fierde Septemb. Aar 1709.‎

‎(København), 1709. Folio. (53x36,5 cm.). Nyere smukt helldrbd. i lysebrun kalv. Ryg med 5 ophøjede bind. Forgyldt skindtitel på ryg. Stregforgyldninger på permer samt stor oval med forgyldt titel på forpermen. Indvendige false i skind. I matchende kassette med kanter i skind. 19 kobberstukne folioblade. Trykt på svært skrivepapir. Velbevaret eksemplar.‎

‎Genoptrykket (eller måske mere korrekt: andet oplag eller re-issue !) af den danske Enevældes Grundlov, Kongeloven, som først blev udgivet 44 år efter udstedelsen (1665). Her foreligger loven som genudgivelsen fra ca. 1880, men trykt med de originale kobberplader, således at den kun adskiller sig fra det oprindelige tryk ved papirets alder og kvalitet. Teksten blev udfærdiget i kobberstik udelukkende for at afskære muligheden for eftertryk, en fremgangsmåde, som er enestående i Danmark. Frederik Rostgaard stod for udfærdigelsen, og det skyldes ham, at værket er blevet et af højdepunkterne i dansk bogkunst.Second issue (around 1880, printed with the original copper-plates) of this monumental work in Danish bookproduction. The Royal Law established the absolute right of the Monarch to rule and defined the line of royal succession, and was more rigorous than other monarchal laws of Europe at the time. The titles and the text are engraved throughout by Michael Røg.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK15,000.00 (€2,011.83 )


Reference : 54195


‎Lex Regia Det er: Den Souveraine Konge=Lov, sat og given af den Stormegtigste Höibaarne Fyrste og Herre Herr Fridrich Den tredie...og Hans Maj. underskreven d. 14. Novemb. 1665. Som...Friderich den Fierde...Allernaadigst haver befalet ved offentlig Tr... - [DANISH BOOK PRODUCTION AT ITS PEAK]‎

‎(København), 1709. Folio. In contemporary full calf Cambridge-style mirror binding with blindstamped borders. Light wear to extremities. Seven leaves with minor repairs to margins, one leaf with a 15 cm long closed tear, and one leaf with an 30 cm long closed tear, all professionally executed and with no loss of imprint. Margins slightly soiled. 19 leaves, -text and frames engraved. The broad frames that all differ from each other ornamentally depict animals and plants as well as the different trades of the country. A nice copy printed on thick, heavy paper. Housed in a cardboard box.Provenance: From the collection of Danish book collector Viggo Lohse. The present copy was exhibited at 'Dansk Bibliofil-Klubs 50 års Jubilæumsudstilling' in 1992 (The 50 year anniversary exhibition for the Danish Society of Bibliophiles), no. 94.‎

‎First edition of this landmark work of Danish book production and the constitution of the Danish absolute monarchy. The Royal Law established the absolute right of the Monarch to rule, and it defined the line of royal succession. It was more rigorous than the other monarchal laws of Europe at the time.The text which is written by Peder Griffenfeld is engraved in copper throughout, in order to prevent the possibility of re-printing, pirated editions and text-counterfeiting. Frederik Rostgaard, the King's state archivist who was famous for his excellent taste in books, was in charge of the editing and issuing of the work. In front of the actual law text a leaf is inserted with the portrait of King Frederik III on his horse, and everything, except for the head of the king which was engraved after his death-mask, is executed in the beloved flourishing- or scroll- manner of the time. The titles and the text are engraved throughout by Michael Røg. ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK35,000.00 (€4,694.27 )


Reference : 59593


‎Lex Regia det er: Den Souveraine Konge=Lov, sat og given af den Stormegtigste Höibaarne Fyrste og Herre Herr Fridrich Den tredie...og Hans Maj. underskreven d. 14. Novemb. 1665. Som...Friderich den Fierde...Allernaadigst haver befalet ved offentlig Tr... - [DANISH BOOK PRODUCTION AT ITS PEAK]‎

‎(København), 1709. Folio. 53x35 cm. Contemporary full mottled calf. Boards with a bit of wear and a few scratches. Corners and capitals repaired. 19 leaves, all with engraved text and ornamental frames. The broad frames that all differ from each other ornamentally depict animals and plants as well as the different trades of the country. A few leaves with minor weak dampstaining to upper margin. Upper margin slightly soiled. Otherwise a nice and clean copy on thick heavy paper.‎

‎First edition of this main work of Danish book production and the constitution of the Danish absolute monarchy. The Royal Law established the absolute right of the Monarch to rule, and it defined the line of royal succession. It was more rigorous than the other monarchal laws of Europe at the time.The text which is written by Peder Griffenfeld is engraved in copper throughout, in order to prevent the possibility of re-printing, pirated editions and text-counterfeiting. Frederik Rostgaard, the King's state archivist who was famous for his excellent taste in books, was in charge of the editing and issuing of the work. In front of the actual law text a leaf is inserted with the portrait of King Frederik III on his horse, and everything, except for the head of the king which was engraved after his death-mask, is executed in the beloved flourishing- or scroll- manner of the time. The titles and the text are engraved throughout by Michael Røg.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK36,000.00 (€4,828.39 )


Reference : 55914


‎Lex Regia, oder Königl. Dänische Verordnung wegen der Souverainitè und Erb-Folge in Dero Reichen und Provintzien, Dänisch, Deutsch und Lateinisch.‎

‎(Hamburg, 1716). Lille 8vo. Samtidigt helldrbd. med rig rygforgyldning. Helt guldsnit og forgyldning på kanter. Ryg med lettere slid. Pp. (365-)454. Indvendig ren og velbevaret. Med Frederik Oldenburgs navnetræk og Poul Hauges exlibris.‎

‎Yderst sjældent varianttryk på tre sprog, som ikke er registreret i Bibliotheca Danica. Siderne 445-454 med titelblad dateret 1709 er Frederik Rostgaards selvstændige udgivelse af forordet til Kongeloven. Det ser ud til, at den foreliggende version blev udgivet i ""Bibliotheca dano-norvegia zu Hamburg 1716"" udgivet af Nicolai petri Sibbern.Ikke i Bibl. Danica. (II,739)‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,500.00 (€335.30 )


Reference : 39300


‎Lex Regia, det er: Den Souveraine Konge-Lov, Sat og Given Af den Stormegtigste....Friderich den Tredie....underskreven den 14. Novemb. 1665. (2 Afd.).‎

‎Kiøbenhavn, Joh. J. Höpffner, 1722. Lille 8vo. Samtidigt marmoreret papbd. Håndskreven titeletiket på forperm. 48 pp. Forrest en side med samtidige tilskrifter. Her og der lidt brunplettet, nederste højre bladhjørne af titelbladet repareret uden tab.‎

‎Den yderst sjældne 2. udgave af ""Kongeloven"", udgivet af Frederik Rostgaard. - ""Efter Hans Kongl. Mayst. allernaadigst Befaling...er den Souveraine Konge=lov i denne liden Format eftertrykt, paa det at de, som ikke have Leilighed at bekomme den meget ziirlige edition af samme Verk, so in ""folio"" paa Kobberplader ere udstukken, kunde for en gandske ringe Priis faa den til kiøbs i denne mindre format, om med allerstørste Fliid er efterseet, saa at enhver kand være fuldkommen forsikret o, at denne edition med Originalen er ligelydende"" Hvorved den kiøbende dog vilde i agt tage, at hvert Exemplar (som ikke skal ansees for u=rigtigt, , og af en falsk Eftertryk) med mit Signet bør være stemplet."" Rostgaard's efterskrift til udgivelsen). - Rostgaards signet-tryk foreliggernederst på sidste side. - Bibl. Danica II: 739.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,500.00 (€335.30 )
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