Welcher allerhand Sorten von solchen Machinen, die man Mühlen nennet, so wohl historisch als practisch, nebst ihren Grund- und Auf-Rissen vorstellet... als Der Neundte Theil von ... Jacob LEUPOLDS Theatro Machinarum ... Ausgefertigt ... von Johann Matthias BEYERN und Consorten. verlegts Wolffgang Deer, Leipzig, 1735. In folio (mm. 387 x 236), 2 parti in 1 vol., p. pergamena coeva, pp. (14),125,(5); (12),206,49,(5) (errori nella numeraz. delle pagine - manca l'occhietto); frontespizio della prima parte stampato in rosso e nero, ornato da belle testate, grandi capilettera e finali inc. su legno, con pregevole ritratto in medaglione di Francesco Stefano Duca di Lorena, alla dedica.Il volume è molto ben illustrato f.t. da 43 interessantissime tavole sull'arte molitoria, raffiguranti macchinari, macine, ingranaggi, piante e sezioni relative alla costruzione di mulini e loro locazione, inc. in rame e ripieg. Nella prima parte: Von Untersuchung des Gefälles, der Quantität des Wassers, so ein Fluss in gewisser Zeit schüttet .. .Nella seconda: Schau-Platz der Mühlen-Bau-Kunst, oder Kern des Mühlen-Rechts, bestehet in allerhand im heiligen römischen Reich und andern Ländern eingeführten Mühl-Ordnungen und Befehligen, zusamt demjenigen, was bey Mühlen-Sachen, sonderlich in Chur-Sächsischen Landen und sonsten Rechtens ist ."Prima e rara edizione" di questa importante opera dedicata ai vari tipi di molini. Cfr. Berlin Katalog,I,1791 - Pggendorff,I,1438 - Brunet,III,1033 che del Theatrum machinarum generale precisa: le plus considérable ouvrage qu'on eut alors sur la mécanique - Graesse,IV,188. Jacob Leupold, ingegnere meccanico (Planitz 1674 - Lipsia 1727), fin da giovane dimostrò un gusto appassionato per il disegno delle macchine; aprì a Lipsia (1699) una officina meccanica e costruì una pompa d'aria, della quale fornì molti esemplari ai laboratori dell'epoca; ideò una macchina a vapore più semplice di quella di Papin, e perfezionò molti strumenti di fisica. Fu nominato dall'elettore di Sassonia commissario per le miniere e fu corrispondente dell'Accademia delle Scienze di Berlino. Pubblicò a Lipsia il "Theatrum machinarum generale" (1723-27) che contiene una completa esposizione di tutta la tecnica meccanica e idraulica del suo tempo, in 7 volumi + un volume di supplemento che uscì nel 1739 per conto di J.E. Scheffler.Nel 1735 Johann Matthias Beyer dette alle stampe il Teatro dell'architettura dei mulini, in 2 parti, pubblicato dopo la morte di Leupold, che costituisce il nono volume dell'enciclopedico Theatrum Machinarum. Così Diz. Treccani,VI, p. 840.Solo una tav. con manc. margin., altrimenti fresco e bell'esemplare.Importante è la provenienza di questo volume: al risguardo figura l'ex libris di Carl Friedrich Gebhard Graf von der Schulenburg (1763 - 1818). Durante l' Ancien Régime fu alto funzionario di corte nel Principato di Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel; nel Regno di Westfalia fu Presidente degli Stati Imperiali e nel Ducato di Brunswick fu un politico di primo piano.Al frontesp. timbro di Gotthard Sachsenberg.
Leipzig: Christoph Zunkel and Bernhard Christoph Breitkopf, 1727-1739. Folio. (372x239mm). Two parts in one volume. Contemporary vellum, two cuts in spine, modern slip case. Provenance: Book plates of Arnaud de Vitry and Andras Gedeon. Stamps to half-title and title-page, from Stadtbibliothek Augsburg - sold as duplicate. First part: (14], 200, (4) pp. and 45 plates, numbered I-XLIII (plate III with volvelle). Second part: (12), 100, (94) pp. and 40 plates on 36 sheets, numbered I-XL. All plates intact. An exceptionally fine copy.
The scarce first edition of the of the eighth and tenth volumes (each volume being a complete work in itself) of Leupold's magnificent ten-volume ""Theatrum Machinarum"" - one of the first encyclopedias of technology, being the most complete and the most extensively illustrated work on mechanical engineering published hitherto. Complete sets of Leupold's Theatrum are virtually never found and Ferguson stated in his bibliography of technology that he had never seen a complete set. Each volume is complete in itself. The eighth volume is of particular interest in the history of computers, as it deals mainly with calculating machines. This volume contains detailed descriptions of the calculating machines of Schott (1668), Grillet (1673), Leibniz (1674), Poleni (1709), and Leupold himself. The tenth volume is a supplement to the series published after Leupold's death by Ernst Scheffler. It deals with odometers, gyrometers, step counters and other devices for the measurement of distances. This volume is furthermore of importance, because it contains the 90 page general index to the entire series. Hook & Norman: Origins of Cyberspace, no. 6 (volume 8 only).Honeyman Sale, lot 1997 (volume 7 and 8).Macclesfield Sale, lot 1242 (volume 8 only).Ferguson: Bibliography of the History of Technology, pp.45-46.Wolf: A History of Science, Technology, & Philosophy in the 18th Century, pp.657-8.
Hannover, Th. Schäfer Gmbh, 1981 ; in-4, environ 250 pages par volume, cartonnages modernes imitants une reliure plein vélin orné ancienne. Les 9 volumes. Reproduction en fac similé de la totalité de l'oeuvre de Jacob Leupold allant de 1724 à 1739.
Leipzig, Christoph Zunkel und (Bernhard Christoph Breitkopf), 1724-74. Folio. Bound in 8 nice hcalf, raised bands, gilt spine. Gilt lettering to spines. Pastiche-bindings, late19th century. Volume VII a. VIII in second edition (Neu aufgelegt, 1774). Some browning to textleaves in volume I. Minor scattered brownspots. Tear to lower right corner of halftitle in Vol. I, (repaired, no loss of text). With all 485 engraved plates.
The ""Theatrum"" is one of the first encyclopedias of technology, being the most complete and the most extensively illustrated work on mechanical engineering published hitherto. Complete sets of Leupold's Theatrum are virtually never found and Ferguson stated in his bibliography of technology that he had never seen a complete set. - The lacking volume 10 is a supplement-volume.Collation: Bd. I. Theatrum Machinarum Generale-Schauplatz Des Grundes Mechanischer Wissenschaften. (20),240,(4) pp., 71 plates. - Bd. II. Theatrum Machinarum Hydrotechnicarum, Schau-Platz der Wasser-Bau-Kunst. (12),184,(4) pp., 51 plates. -Bd. III. Theatrum Machinarum Hydraulicarum-Tomus I, oder: Schau-Platz der Wasser-Künste. (16),172 pp. 53 plates. - Bd.IV. Theatrum Machinarum Hydraulicarum-Tomus II, oder: Schau-Platz der Wasser-Künste. (20),165,(3), 54 plates. - Bd. V. Theatrum Machinarum oder: Schau-Platz der Heb-Zeuge. (14),162 pp., 56 plates. - Bd. VI. Theatrum Statici sive Theatrum Staticum, das ist: Schau-Platz der Gewicht-Kunst und Waagen. Pars I-IV. (10),332,(4) pp., 57 plates. - Bd.VII. Theatrum Pontificiale oder Schau-Platz der Brücken und Brücken-Baues. Neu aufgelegt 1774. (16),153,(4) pp., 57 plates. - Bd. VIII. Theatrum Arithmetico et Geometricum das ist" Schau-Platz der Rechen-und Meß-Kunst. Neu aufgelegt, 1774. (10),200,(4) pp., 43 plates. - Bd. IX. Theatrum Machinarum Molarium das ist: Schau-Platz der Mühlen-Bau-Kunst. 2 Theile. (16),127,(7)(12),206,49,(3) pp., 43 plates.Poggendorff I,1438.
.: Leipzig, gedruckt bey Christopf Zunkel, 1726, in-folio, 36 x 23,5 cm, (xvi) nn pp + 153 pp + (5) nn pp + 60 full page engraved plates, numbered I-LVII, IIA, XVIA and XLA, bound in contemporary half vellum with marbled boards, edges painted red, plates tipped on with a small inner margin to full blank pages so that when consulting the text the plate can be folded out. Fine copy allthough due to the paper quality there is some slight browing and foxing at some pages, a tear in the vellum at the top of the spine, and a tear in plate XXI have been repaired. Traces of a removed ex-libris at the first paste down. Leupold's treatise is the most comprehensive of all the early bridge books and the first to be published in Germany. It covers masonry, pontoons, floating and military bridges but is is especially interesting for its description of long-span timber bridges. This is the first edition, it was reprinted in 1774. (see item 87 in catalogue 14 of Elton Engineering books).
VDI Verlag 1981 VDI-Verlag, 1981, 164 p. et LVI planches, reproduction en fac-simile de l'édition de 1725 (typographie gothique, en allemand), cartonnage éditeur, environ 25x17cm. Trois petites taches blanches sur le premier plat, un timbre à sec sur la page de faux-titre et celle de titre, bon état néanmoins.
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