LETI Gregorio (1630-1701) - Jean Baptiste RENOULT (translator) - Abbé GUALDI :
Reference : 29576
" Leyde (Leiden) (fictitious = Amsterdam), Jean Dv Val (= Abraham Wolfgang ), aux armes de Liège, 1666, in-12°, 213 +(1) pp , contemporary full vellum, small unidentifiable manuscript ex-libris note on title, fine copy. Sphere woodcut device on title , headpiece (Rahir 257). This is the first edition with ""DV'' instead of ""DU"" in the imprint. Willems attributes this imprint to Abraham Wolfgang (see Willems 1755) and this is corroborated by Rahir, who attributes the headpiece also to A. Wolfgang (see Rahir 3149). Gregorio Leti (1630-1701) wrote a number of anti-Catholic works, ""...The fact that his uncle was a prelate and Leti lived in his household...explains Leti's intimate knowledge of the abuses and intrigues which were present in the papal court."" Krivatsy ""Maldacini was the alleged power behind Innocent X. This Italian tale describes how she neglected her family to assist her brother-in-law until he was eventually elected pope. Leti claims they were lovers. '' Smith & Cardinale, Women and the Literature of the 17th Century'', p. 217. Krivatsy, Leti, 246. Willems 1755. Berghman 1942 (for the Du Val variant, printed by Foppens in Brussels), Rahir 3149."