Ladvocat 1822 530 pages in8. 1822. Relié. 530 pages.
Etat Correct pour son page bords abimé couverture usagé
Ohne Ort, Ohne Verleger (Berlin, Voss), 1779. Nice cont. hcalf. Back divided in five compartments, gilt. Upper compartment neatly repaired. (4),276 pp. As always a little browned and slightly brownspotted.
The scarce first edition, first issue w. ""Ein reichre Mann"" on p. 95 line 11 of the first ""Ideendrama"", the first ideological idea drama. This is the dramatic plea for religious tolerance, the performance of which was forbidden by the Church shortly after its appearance. One of the main works by the most important German poets of the Enlightenment. ""He [Lessing] became involved in the theological controversy due to his publication of the so-called ""Wolfenbüttel fragments"" of the deistic work of H.S. Reimarus. Assailed by every kind of sectarian prejudice, and prevented from answering by the government, Lessing returned to ""my old pulpit, the stage"", with ""Nathan der Weisse"" (1779), a noble plea for toleration which put his adversaries to shame."" (Printing and the Mind of Man p. 129).Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729 - 1781) was one of the most important and influential German writers. He was a poet, publicist, art critic and philosopher, and his literary writings greatly influenced later German literature. He became a leading figure of German Enlightenment, and his works are renowned for their literary style, their wit and their irony, and for him the dialogue plays a central role as a means of reaching the truth.Early on Lessing showed a considerable interest in the theatre, and with his works on and within this subject, he wished to help found the development of the new German bourgeois theatre. The idea was to create something new that was not just an imitation of French theatre, and he enlivened the thoughts of Aristotle and the reception of Shakespeare in order to create the ultimate theatre.All of his thoughts and writings are governed by the idea of freedom, and thus also his thoughts on theatre"" his ideas of freeing the theatre from the dominance of the French model reflects his ideas of freeing religion from the dogma of the Church. And it is this freedom that is defended in his dramatic work ""Nathan the Wise"". After having published a number of theoretical writings, he was forbidden to publish any more, and he worked his religious position into his dramatic work. As in his other philosophical and religious writings, he here argues against the belief in revelation and a literal interpretation of the Bible by the predominant orthodox doctrine. He defends other world religions and preaches tolerance for these.The play takes place in Jerusalem during the Third Crusade, and it is the story of bridging the gaps of the three main religions, Judaism (Nathan), Christianity (the Templar) and Islam (Sultan Saladin), -a theme that cannot be said to have lost its relevance a couple of centuries later. Nathan believes that every man lives by the religion that he has been taught by those he respects, and Nathan, the Wise, is partly modelled after Lessing's close friend Moses Mendelssohn. Wilpert/ Gühring: Lessing:77
Weidenfeld & Nicolson History 1970 312 pages in12. 1970. Cartonné jaquette. 312 pages.
Bon état intérieur propre avec sa jaquette (défraîchie)
Centro de estudios filosoficos 1959 in8. 1959. Agrafé.
bon état de conservation intérieur propre
Wissenschaftliche buchgesellschaft 1972 in12. 1972. Cartonné.
Bon état intérieur propre bonne tenue sans jaquette
Wolters-Noordhoff 1994 in12. 1994. Broché.
tranches légèrement fânées intérieur propre
Flammarion 2001 488 pages in8. 2001. Broché. 488 pages.
Très bon état tranches fânées
Ernest flammarion 1900 in12. 1900. Relié.
Bon Etat bords frottés couverture jauni et ternie intérieur propre reliure en bon état
Reference : 100095858
ISBN : 9783800031573
Wien 1978 21x24x1cm. 1978. Broché. iconographie en noir et blanc
Bon état couverture défraîchie intérieur propre
Flammarion 2010 150 pages 13x21x2cm. 2010. Broché. 150 pages.
Très bon état
Le livre de poche 1992 320 pages in12. 1992. Broché. 320 pages.
Très Bon Etat
Hatier 1978 in4. 1978. Relié jaquette.
Bon Etat très légères déchirures bordure jaquette
HATIER 1969 in4. 1969. Cartonné jaquette.
Bon Etat légèrement jauni déchirures jaquette
France loisirs 1998 256 pages in4. 1998. Relié jaquette. 256 pages.
Etat de Neuf emboitement cartonné éditeur
Ernest flammarion 1930 385 pages collection les meilleurs auteurs classiques. in12. 1930. Broché. 385 pages. traduction de M. R. Bastian Trois comédies allemandes
Bon Etat sous papier de soie jauni aspect ancien
Hachette 1975 249 pages in4. 1975. Cartonné jaquette. 249 pages. Annexes; relié toile rouge sous jaquette illustrée. Préface de François Le Lionnais. Riche iconographie
Bon Etat de conservation du livre manque en haut du dos de la jaquette intérieur propre
Ernest flammarion 1900 in12. 1900. Broché.
Etat Correct dos recollé entièrement couverture très défraîchie intérieur jauni
Lessing G. E. Nathan the Sage. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Lessing G. E. Nat. Translation from German by V. S. Likhachov. St. Petersburg 1897. 120 p. SKUalb5c326124bc5b8849.
Lessing G. Nathan the Wise. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Lessing G. Natan mudryy. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).SPB Marx 1897 402s. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb731f46d09eb002d7
Lessing H.E. Dramy.-Basney in prose. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Lessing G.E. Library of World Literature (BVL). Series 1. Literature of the Ancient East the Ancient World the Middle Ages the Renaissance the 17th and 18th Centuries Volume 54). SKUalbd8cef31b58ebc039.
Lessing G. Laokoon. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Lessing G. Laokoon.. Moscow. 1859. 206 pp. SKUalbfbf0d809a44e7798.
Lessing G. E. Hamburg Drama. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Lessing G. E. Gamburgskaya dramaturgiya. Translation from German-I.P. Rassadin. M. Soldatenkov Edition. 1883. 2 and 8 and 503 and 20 s. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb97b9a5d517698dc0