Lausanne & Genève, Bousquet, 1745, 2 volumes in 4 reliés en plein chagrin noir, toutes tranches dorées, (dos légèrement frottés, quelques rousseurs), T.1 : (2), 28pp., 484pp., T.2 : (1), 493pp., 23 planches
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- Sans le portrait qui manque souvent. Celui-ci fait également défaut aux exemplaires mentionnés dans la Babson collection sous le N° 196 (2 exemplaires), dans Ravier (bibliographie des oeuvres de Leibnitz) N° 427 et dans Honeyman ---- "Important for containing the evidence, as embodied in the correspondence between Leibnitz and Jean Bernoulli, on the question of the rival claims to priority in the invention of the calculus, between Newton and Leibnitz. It was the only serious claim published in Leibnitz's favor and a tardy answer to the Commercium Epistolicum, which gave the evidence in Newton's favor. However little the merits of Leibnitz's claim may be, as to its origination (although it is now generally acknowledged that his invention was an independent one), there can be no doubt as to the superiority of his notation to Newton's fluxional one, which was stubbornly adhered to at the english universities and prevented this country from having any important share in the progress of the calculus for more than a century after its invention". (Babson N° 196) -- Honeyman N° 1975**3242/ARB2