London, Bradbury, Evans and Co., 1865, quer folio, 94 p. with approx. 340 comic ill. in woodcut + 1 l., original half-leather with ill. boards, top of spine damaged.
One of the first european comic strips. Born in Ireland, Leech already edited 1835 his first book and illustrated 1844 Dicken‘s "Christmas Carol". 1854 he edited the first volume of his "Punch" serie titled "Pictures of Life Character", which was highly praised by Thackeray in a famous recension (Quarterly review, Dec., 1854). Thieme/Becker XXII/542.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
London, Bradbury, Evans and Co., 1865, quer folio, 94 p. with approx. 340 comic ill. in woodcut + 1 l. / 96 p. without index, some stains, particularly on the title p. original half-leather with ill. boards, top of spine damaged / some damage to spine and upper corner.
One of the first european comic strips. Born in Ireland, Leech already edited 1835 his first book and illustrated 1844 Dicken‘s "Christmas Carol". 1854 he edited the first volume of his "Punch" serie titled "Pictures of Life Character", which was highly praised by Thackeray in a famous recension (Quarterly review, Dec., 1854). Thieme/Becker XXII/542.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808