, London, Smith, Elder & C? , 1898, Bound, blue cloth, gold print on back and front, frontispice, original title page, 135 x 205mm., 479pp., b/w plates.
In good condition.
, New York, George D. Sproul, 1908., Bound, half cloth ( spine, coins), original frontispice by Cowper, F.C. b/w, 21,5x29,5cm, 155pp,
Numbered Edition. The University Press Shakespeare. Volume XXVI. nr. 117 from the 250 sets limited for sale in America and England, Volume XXVI. With annotations and a general introduction by Sidney Lee.With a special introduction by Edward Dowden and an original frontispice by Cowper, F.C.
Londres, Smith Elder and Co, 1899. Préface et index numérotés de v à xxiii. 5 planches en noir hors-texte. (21x14 Cm). Plein-cartonnage bleu. Dos lisse doré. Couverture illustrée en doré. Petites rousseurs en tranches. Exemplaire frais en très bon état. Jolie conservation.
London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd., 1925. First edition. HB. VG, teg, in G red cloth,fort in8 toile dec .editeur, 831p ,tableau généalogique dépliant et ill.ht. ,tete dorée
bon éxemplaire
, New york, george D. Sproul, 1907., Bound, half cloth ( spine, coins), original frontispice by W.H. Margetson. b/w, 21,5x29,5cm, 129pp.
The University Press Shakespeare. Volume XXII. Numbered Edition. nr. 117 from the 250 sets limited for sale in America and England, Volume XXII. With annotations and a general introduction by Sidney Lee.With a special introduction by Richard Garnett and an original frontispice by W.H. Margetson.