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‎Ledelii, S. / B. Scherfii / A. a Lebenwald / J.H. Peyer / S. Reiselii‎

Reference : ZG29713


‎Cerva Cornuta / Lactis copiosa quidem & diuturna e mammis mulieris gravidae, at inoxia effluxione / Aquae ex utero praegnantis, II. ante partum mentibus quotidianus quidem, at innoxius effluxux / Mensium per os exeutium curatione / Monstrum a constrictione (1 plate) / Asthma paralyticum siccum curatum / Febris quotidiana Uretico-Sputatoria / Ossibus Draconum vere existentium & corum usu / De Coecitate ex remedio superstitioso / De Sanguine caustico / De Mitro effectu Tabaci / De Visci querni admiranda Virtute / Gemellis monstrosis, coalitis partibus obscoenis / Tanaceti pro absinthio usurpati felici effectu / Diureticorum & inspecie pulveris Saxifragi... / Ischuria ex glandulis in & extra vesicam atque sphinctere calloso / Cerebello extra Cranium post terrorem gravidae a fele imposito / Ossiculo retro laryngem nato / Obstructione alvi lethali a suppressis haemorrhoidibus / Contractura ex mensibus supressis / De Ovo monstroso.‎

‎1684 30 p., 1 engraved plate (depicting a newly born siamese twin) disbound (no covers). Some worming in left blank margin (not affecting the text). Published in: Miscellanea Curiosa sive Ephemeridum Medico-Physicarum Germanicum Academiae Naturae Curiosorum (the first journal on medicine and natural history). Rare.Samuel Ledel (1644-1717) was a German physician. Benjamin Scharff (1651-1702) was a German physician. Adam von Lebenwaldt (1624-1696) was a German physician and poet / Johann Conrad Peyer (1653-1712) was a Swiss physician and anatomist. Salomon Reisel (1625-1701) was German physician.‎

Hermann L. Strack - Loguivy Plougras

Phone number : +33-679439230

EUR75.00 (€75.00 )
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