, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, iv + 277 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:45 b/w, 61 col., 3 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503584409.
Summary Making Waves: Crosscurrents in the Study of Nineteenth-Century Art honours the life work of Petra ten-Doesschate Chu, who continues to lead the field in the study of the art of the nineteenth century. The twenty-eight essays in this book are authored by some of her many friends, students, and colleagues, including seasoned academics and those at the beginning of their careers; museum professionals and private-sector arts administrators; and American, European, and Chinese scholars. Following Petra Chu's example, and avoiding opaque theoretical language and extended technical analysis, authors present original ideas, based primarily on the study of objects and their documented historical contexts. Though their methodologies are diverse, their purposes are clear and their language straight-forward. The essays thoughtfully and respectfully address the solid reality of the nineteenth century in all of its complex (and sometimes repugnant) sensibilities. They disrupt traditional art historical categories and methodologies, and highlight topics that have been long ignored and overlooked. Making Waves demonstrates, in no uncertain terms, that art historians still have much to say to each other and to their readers, and that nineteenth-century art has only begun to be explored in all its complexity and variety. TABLE OF CONTENTS Laurinda S. Dixon and Gabriel P. Weisberg, Art of the Long and Enduring Nineteenth Century: Order from Chaos Forward into the Past Laurinda S. Dixon, Suffering for Art: A Nineteenth-Century Revival of a Seventeenth-Century Motif Agnieszka Rosales-Rodriguez, The Dutch Dimension of Polish Painting in the Nineteenth Century Gary Schwartz, 'The Dreyfus Rembrandts: Smoke with No Gun' Style and Meaning Sally Webster, The Old-Master Tradition in the United States: Essential and Rejected Isabel L. Taube, William Merritt Chase's Unexpected Homage to Henri Regnault Gabriel P. Weisberg, A Conservative Becomes Progressive: P. A. J. Dagnan-Bouveret's Horses at the Watering Trough Reconsidered Art, Artifice, and the Natural World Anne Helmreich, The Crisis of Modern British Landscape Painting: The Case of Cecil Gordon Lawson Elizabeth Mansfield, Courbet and the Art of Making Waves Jenny Reynaerts, Pioneer: The Dutch-American Painter Alexander W st (1837-76) Packaging and Marketing the Female Figure Jennifer Milam, Greuze Girls and the Painterly Embodiment of Sexual Pleasure Leanne Zalewski, The 'Hysterical' Goddess: Jean-L on G r me's Bellona Ruth E. Iskin, The Material Culture and Gender of Print Connoisseurship in 1890s Paris Marjan Sterckx, The Heijermans Case: Censorship of the Female (Artist's) Gaze in Fin-de-Si cle Brussels The Politics of Display and Accessibility Rachel Esner, Jean-L on G r me: The Artist in Word and Image Francesco Freddolini, A Failed Commission for the Washington Mall: Aristodemo Costoli and the Columbus Group Madeleine Fidell-Beaufort, The Interaction of Artists, Dealers, and Collectors at Two Atypical Studio Buildings in Nineteenth-Century Paris Gail Feigenbaum, A Considerable Advantage: Joint Account and the Transatlantic Art Market ca. 1900 Crossing Boundaries Patricia Mainardi, Crisscrossing the Channel, Depicted by Themselves Roberto C. Ferrari, Dressed la Perse: An Orientalist Portrait of James Justinian Morier Alia Nour, Egyptian-French Cultural Encounters at the Opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 Laura Coyle, Windows and Touchstones: A Photograph Album from Connecticut, 1890-1910 Public Taste and Popular Culture Kasia Murawska-Muthesius, Chopin and Caricature Therese Dolan, Sonic Strategies: Manet's Street Singers Laurie Dahlberg, 'Strange Abominations': French Tableau Photography and its Critics Forward into the Present Charlotte Nichols, Inside Out: The Fortuny 'Delphos' and the Renaissance Camicia Liu Jing, From Realism to Socialist Realism: The Revolutionary Interpretation of Nineteenth-Century European Realist Art in Red China of the Mid-Twentieth Century Sharon Flescher, World War II Lingers in Restitution Claims for Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Art Emily Pugh, Pop Cultures, Now and Then: Mass Media and Modern Design in the Postwar U.S. Petra Ten-Doesschate Chu Publications Contributors