Laureano Alban. Solamerica Costa Rica 1972. In Spanish. Autograph of Laureano Alban Rivas. He was a Costa Rican writer a globally recognized poet and the winner of the Magon Prize in the field of national culture. As a diplomat he served as a counselor-ambassador in Madrid ambassador to the United Nations in New York Israel and UNESCO. He owned many awards: Adonais Poetry Award for Herencia del otono National Poetic Prize Aquileo J. Echeverria First prize in the field of Latin American culture Hispanic-American Literature Award The only award of the VII Biennale of Poetry Translation Center Award from Columbia University Walt Whitman Central American Poetry Prize World Prize for Mystical Poetry Fernando Rielo National Poetic Prize Aquileo J. Echeverria Magon Prize in the field of national culture. SKUZLO000068