Washington, Smithsonian institution, 1911, un volume grand in 4 relié en pleine toile verte éditeur, 10pp., (1), 320pp., 101 PLANCHES
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BON EXEMPLAIRE ---- "LANGLEY Memoir on Flight, in Smithsonian contribution to knowledge, 27 (1911), report most of his work... LANGLEY began research on aerodynamics at Pittsburgh in 1887, investigating the pressure on a plane surface inclined to its direction of travel... In 1891, LANGLEY announced that "Mechanical flights is possible with engines we now possess", on the basis of his prediction that a twenty pound, one-horsepower steam engine could sustain the flight of a 200-pound airplane at a speed of forty-five miles per hour. In 1896, LANGLEY successfuly flew models over the potomac...". (DSB VIII pp. 19/21) - Honeyman N° 1911**3101/P5AR