Duisburg, Falk & Lange, 1866. 8vo. Original publisher's black cloth with gilt lettering to spine and blindstamped borders to boards. Small tears to top capital and a small tear to the top of hinges. Otherwise very clean and fresh, aslo internally. VIII, 256 pp.
Scarce first edition of Lange's highly influential work, which came to serve as a great source of inspiration to Karl Marx, who read it extensively. Especially Lange's theories on rent theory and soil exhaustion (chapter 4 in the present work) influenced Marx profoundly.Apart from his influence through Marx, Lange was seminal in the spreading of Darwinism in Germany. Nietzsche was introduced to Darwin via Lange, which became pivotal in his construction of his theory of the Übermensch. ""[Lange], elucidates his critique against the Leibig school in the 1866 book [the present], the title which ironically mocks Dühring's book. Marx made some excerpts from this book in the beginning of 1868 and possessed a copy in his library. These excerpts are important because Marx focused on chapter 4 in which lange criticizes Carey's and Dühring's view on agriculture. Marx documented a passage in which Lange rejects Carey's idea of the harmonious development"" especially the latter's treatment of a ""protective tariff"" as ""panacea"" which should automatically lead to the establishment of an autarchic. "" (Karl Marx's Ecosocialism).""Thus in 1868 Marx began reading the work of authors who took a more critical stance toward Liebig's Agricultural Chemistry. He was already familiar with arguments such as Roscher's, which held that the robbery system should be criticized from the point of view of ""natural science"" but could be justified from an ""economic"" standpoint insofar as it was more profitable. According to Roscher, it was only necessary to stop the robbery just before it became too expensive to recover the original fertility of the soil-but market prices would take care of that. Adopting Roscher's arguments, Friedrich Albert Lange, a German philosopher, argued against Dühring's reception of Liebig and Carey in his J. St. Mill's Views of the Social Question [J. St. Mills Ansichten über die sociale Frage] published in 1866. Marx read Lange's book at the beginning of 1868, and it is no coincidence that his notebook focuses on its fourth chapter, where Lange discusses the problems of rent theory and soil exhaustion. Specifically, Marx noted Lange's observation that Carey and Dühring denounced ""trade"" with England as a cause of all evils and regarded a ""protective tariff"" as the ultimate ""panacea,"" without Lange's recognizing that ""industry"" possesses a ""centralizing tendency,"" which creates not only the division of town and country but also economic inequality. Similar to Roscher, Lange argued that ""despite the natural scientific correctness of Liebig's theory,"" robbery cultivation can be justified from a ""national economic"" perspective.""( Saito, Marx's Ecological Notebooks)Lange is a significant figure among the mid nineteenth century German intellectuals who were concerned to think through the impact of developments in natural science for philosophy, pedagogy, and politics.""Lange was one of the originators of ""physiological neo-Kantianism"" and an important figure in the founding of the Marburg school of neo-Kantianism. He played a significant role in the German labour movement and in the development of social democratic thought. He articulated a socialist Darwinism that was an alternative to early social Darwinism."" (SEP)Die Bibliotheken von Marx und Engels (MEGA IV.32).
Duisburg, Falk & Lange, 1866. 8vo. Uncut in the original printed wrappers with author's presentation inscription: ""Geschenk des Verfassers / Freitag, d. 13. April 1866."". Spine expertly restored and wrappers reinforced on verso. A few light underlignings in pencil, a fine copy. VIII, 256 pp.
First edition, presentation-copy given by the author shortly after publication, of Lange's highly influential work, which Karl Marx read extensively. The work served served as a great source of inspiration to Marx, especially in regard to rent theory and soil exhaustion (chapter 4 in the present work).Lange was furthermore seminal in the spreading of Darwinism in Germany. It was through Lange that Nietzsche was introduced to Darwin, an introduction which was to become pivotal in the construction of his theory of the Übermensch. ""[Lange], elucidates his critique against the Leibig school in the 1866 book [the present], the title which ironically mocks Dühring's book. Marx made some excerpts from this book in the beginning of 1868 and possessed a copy in his library. These excerpts are important because Marx focused on chapter 4 in which lange criticizes Carey's and Dühring's view on agriculture. Marx documented a passage in which Lange rejects Carey's idea of the harmonious development"" especially the latter's treatment of a ""protective tariff"" as ""panacea"" which should automatically lead to the establishment of an autarchic."" (Karl Marx's Ecosocialism).""Thus in 1868 Marx began reading the work of authors who took a more critical stance toward Liebig's Agricultural Chemistry. He was already familiar with arguments such as Roscher's, which held that the robbery system should be criticized from the point of view of ""natural science"" but could be justified from an ""economic"" standpoint insofar as it was more profitable. According to Roscher, it was only necessary to stop the robbery just before it became too expensive to recover the original fertility of the soil - but market prices would take care of that. Adopting Roscher's arguments, Friedrich Albert Lange, a German philosopher, argued against Dühring's reception of Liebig and Carey in his J. St. Mill's Views of the Social Question [J. St. Mills Ansichten über die sociale Frage] published in 1866. Marx read Lange's book at the beginning of 1868, and it is no coincidence that his notebook focuses on its fourth chapter, where Lange discusses the problems of rent theory and soil exhaustion. Specifically, Marx noted Lange's observation that Carey and Dühring denounced ""trade"" with England as a cause of all evils and regarded a ""protective tariff"" as the ultimate ""panacea,"" without Lange's recognizing that ""industry"" possesses a ""centralizing tendency,"" which creates not only the division of town and country but also economic inequality. Similar to Roscher, Lange argued that ""despite the natural scientific correctness of Liebig's theory,"" robbery cultivation can be justified from a ""national economic"" perspective."" (Saito, Marx's Ecological Notebooks).Lange is a significant figure among the mid-nineteenth century German intellectuals who were concerned to digest the impact of developments in natural science on philosophy, pedagogy, and politics.""Lange was one of the originators of ""physiological neo-Kantianism"" and an important figure in the founding of the Marburg school of neo-Kantianism. He played a significant role in the German labour movement and in the development of social democratic thought. He articulated a socialist Darwinism that was an alternative to early social Darwinism."" (SEP)Die Bibliotheken von Marx und Engels (MEGA IV.32).
Nathan in12. Sans date. broché. 239 pages. Etat Correct d'usage
Rombaldi / Les Mystères de l'univers 1976 in12. 1976. relié. 281 pages. Très bon état
Plon 1960 in8. 1960. Cartonné jaquette. 306 pages. Etat Correct
Delachaux et niesle 1967 in8. 1967. Relié jaquette. 247 pages. etat correct jaquette usagée
Rombaldi 1979 in8. 1979. reliure editeur. 281 pages. Bon Etat intérieur propre
Documents and style 1990 25x16x3 cm. 1990. relié éditeur. 237 pages. Très Bon Etat
Christian Bourgois Editeur 2008 12x20x2cm. 2008. Broché. 248 pages. Bon Etat intérieur propre
Ramsay 1979 in4. 1979. Broché. 256 pages. Bon Etat tres nombreuses photographies en noir et blanc
Grand livre du mois 1989 in8. 1989. Cartonné jaquette. 364 pages. Très Bon Etat
Gamma 1974 in4. 1974. Cartonné. 160 pages. Bon Etat intérieur du livre dos de couverture usagé
Rombaldi / Les Mystères de l'univers 1976 in12. 1976. relié. 281 pages. Traduit de l'allemand par Tournier michel Bon Etat
Strasbourg, Faculté des Lettres, 1924. In-8, 293 pp., broché. Portrait.
Iserlohn, J Baedeker, 1866 [but 1865]. 8vo. In contemporary half cloth with gilt lettering to spine. Extremities with wear and back hindge loose. First 12 pp with light occassional brownspotting. Otherwise a fine copy. XVI, 563, (1) pp.
Rare first edition of Lange's seminal work on materialism which had profound influence on Nietzsche who stated that it ""without a doubt [was] the most significant philosophical work to have appeared in the last hundred years"" (Letter to Muschacke). ""Nietzsche never 'broke' with Lange's thought at any point in his career as he did with other influences"" (Constancio, Nietzsche and the Problem of Subjectivity).""Lange's most famous book, The History of Materialism and Critique of its Contemporary Significance, is in essence a defense of such a return to Kant. It is also a detailed history of materialism (and was read well into the twentieth century for precisely this reason). However, more fundamentally, it was meant to drive home the above mentioned concerns about materialism. Lange accepted materialism as a sensible maxim for the construction of theories within natural science. However, as a comprehensive philosophical system, as both fundamental ontology and epistemology, materialism is self-undermining."" (Stanford)In 'Geschichte des Materialismus' Lange adopted the Kantian standpoint that we can know nothing but phenomena, Lange maintains that neither materialism nor any other metaphysical system has a valid claim to ultimate truth. For empirical phenomenal knowledge, however, which is all that humans can look for, materialism with its exact scientific methods has done most valuable service. Ideal metaphysics, though they fail of the inner truth of things, have a value as the embodiment of high aspirations, in the same way as poetry and religion. Lange replaced the transcendental subject of Kantianism by the organism, although he considered that this substitution validated all the more Kant's philosophy that
, Bulfinch / Little, Brown and Company, 2002 Hardcover, 264 pages; ENG. edition, 315 x 255 x 30 mm, Very Fine Condition, illustrated dustjacket, Full Page Photographs in b/w. ISBN 9780821227916.
One of the most important documentary photographers of our time, Dorothea Lange's revolutionary work chronicled America's struggle with poverty during the Great Depression. Her widely reproduced, classic portrait from the 1940s, "Migrant Mother," is just one of the many unforgettable images found in her stunning oeuvre of documentary works. While there have been other books on Lange's photographs, none exist with the scope and breadth of this monograph, which comes from her archives at the Oakland Museum in California and includes numerous unpublished photographs. . Dorothea Lange is one of the most influential and well-known photographers of all time; her photojournalism featuring Depression breadlines, migrant-worker poverty, and Southern sharecroppers was revolutionary for its time. . Lange's signature style has gained critical acclaim in the art and photographic community. . Essays by Pierre Borhan, A.D. Coleman, Ralph Gibson, and Sam Stourdz pay homage to this master photographer.
Gjentofte, 17/3, (19)10 + (København), 20/3 1918. 1) Tvær-8vo, 5 linier: ""Kjære Hr. Professor! / Tak for Deres Brev med Anmodningen om en Anmeldelse af Kierkegaards Papirer. Hvis den skal skrives i Løbet af de første to Maaneder, tør jeg ikke love det. Men hvis det maa vente, saa haaber jeg at kunne sende Dem en. / Deres hengivne / H. O. Lange.""2) 8vo, 4 linier, skrevet på brevpapir fra ""Bibliotheca Regia Hafniensis"": ""Beklagende ikke at kunne komme / sender jeg hermed Adgangskortet tilbage. / Ærbødigst / H. O. Lange. / Til / Kunstakademiets Forvalterkontor.""
To håndskrevne og signerede breve fra egyptologen og bibliotekaren H. O. Lange til Hans Olrik.
Gravure en couleurs. S.M. l'Empereur d'Autriche à Compiègne. Chasse à tir dans la forêt. (1867).Très bon état. Format in-4°(34x26) pour la gravure. Format in-plano(51x35) pour le passe-partout. Livré sans le passe-partout pour des raisons pratiques.
Lange Friedrich Albert. Working question: Its meaning in the present and the future. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Lange Fridrikh Albert. Rabochiy vopros: Ego znachenie v nastoyashchem i budushchem. Translation from the fourth German edition by A.B. Bleck with a foreword by R.I. Sementkovsky St. Petersburg: Edition by F. Pavlenkov Typography by Y.N. Ehrlich 1895. 4 326 2c. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalba3cb608d9dfbb198
Gallimard Nrf 1982 1982. Monique Lange: Les cabines de bain/ Gallimard-NRF 1982 . Monique Lange: Les cabines de bain/ Gallimard-NRF 1982
Bon état
Editions Delachaux et Niestlé, 1967. 251 pages, In-8 cartonnage éditeur sous jaquette illustrée en couleurs, planches couleurs de J. E. Lange, E. Sunesen & P. Dahlstrom. Menus défauts en jaquette.
Kjøbenhavn, Jacob Lund, 1885. Orig. bogtrykt omslag. Løs i heftningen og omslaget med rifter og pletter. (4),91 pp. Indvendig pæn.
First edition. The most importent Danish work in psychology. It is a psychophysiological study on vasomotor disturbances and conditioned reflexes during period of emotional stress - known as the James-Lange-theory.