174 books for « landau r »Edit

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Reference : 3075

‎Handbuch der Lehre von der Verteilung der Primzahlen -- EDITION ORIGINALE - 2 VOLUMES (COMPLETE SET)‎

‎Leipzig & Berlin, Teubner, 1909, 2 volumes in 8 reliés en demi-basane, dos ornés de filets dorés (reliures de l'époque), (dos frottés), T.1 : 18pp., 564pp., T.2 : 9pp., pp. 565/961‎

‎---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- "The first systematic presentation of analytic number theory".(DSB) ---- "Landau's principal field of endeavor was analytic number theory and in particular the distribution of prime numbers. In 1796 Gauss had conjectured the prime number theorem... This theorem was demonstrated in 1896 by Hadamard and de la Vallée-Poussin. In 1903 Landau presented a new, fundamentally simpler proof which, moreover, allowed the prime number theorem and a refinement made by de la Vallée-Poussin to be applied to the distribution of ideal primes in algebraic number fields... In his two-volume Handbuch der Lehre von der Verteilung der Primzahlen (1909), Landau gave the first systematic presentation of analytic number theory. For decades it was indispensable in research and teaching and remains an important historical document... Through his books and his more than 250 papers Landau exercised a great influence on the whole development of number theory in his time...".(DSB VII pp. 615/617)**3075/M3‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR450.00 (€450.00 )


Reference : 49057


‎Quantenelektrodynamik im Konfigurationsraum. - [THE LANDAU-PEIERLS WAVE FUNCTION]‎

‎Berlin, Springer, 1930. 8vo. Bound in contemporary half cloth with gilt lettering, In ""Zeitschrift für Physik"", Band 62, 1930. Entire issue offered. Two stamps to title page, otherwise fine. Pp. 188-200. [Entire volume :VIII, 801 pp].‎

‎First printing of this important paper containing the first appearance of the Landau-Peierls wave function. ""Landau and Peierls argued that field measurements could not be performed unambiguously and hence that current quantum electrodynamics was inconsistent. The Landau-Peierls criticism caused concern until 1933, when Bohr and Rosenfeld showed that the consequences of quantrum electrodynamics were consistent with the best possible measurements of electromagnetic field quantities. (Kragh, Quantum Generations). ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,800.00 (€241.42 )


Reference : 49058


‎Diamagnetismus der Metalle. - [LANDAU DIAMAGNETISM]‎

‎Berlin, Springer, 1930. 8vo. Bound in contemporary half cloth with gilt lettering, In ""Zeitschrift für Physik"", Band 64, 1930. Entire issue offered. Two stamps to title page, otherwise fine. Pp. 629-637. [Entire volume: VII, (1), 862 pp.].‎

‎First printing of Landau's ""fundamental work in the field of the theory of metals, showing that the degenerate electron gas possesses diamagnetic susceptibility"" (DSB), often referred to as Landau diamagnetism. ""His best known work from this time is his diamagnetism of metals in which he showed that not only the spins of free electrons contribute to the magnetic properties of a metal but also their orbits. The motion of such electrons is allowed only for discrete energy values, the Landau levels."" (Brandt, The Harvest of A Century). ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,800.00 (€375.54 )


Reference : 49258


‎Diamagnetismus der Metalle. - [LANDAU DIAMAGNETISM]‎

‎Berlin, Springer, 1930. 8vo. Bound in contemporary half cloth with gilt lettering, In ""Zeitschrift für Physik"", Band 64, 1930. Entire volume offered. Two stamps to title page, otherwise fine. Pp. 629-637. [Entire volume: VII, (1), 862 pp.].‎

‎First printing of Landau's ""fundamental work in the field of the theory of metals, showing that the degenerate electron gas possesses diamagnetic susceptibility"" (DSB), often referred to as Landau diamagnetism. ""His best known work from this time is his diamagnetism of metals in which he showed that not only the spins of free electrons contribute to the magnetic properties of a metal but also their orbits. The motion of such electrons is allowed only for discrete energy values, the Landau levels."" (Brandt, The Harvest of A Century). ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,800.00 (€375.54 )


Reference : 49259


‎Quantenelektrodynamik im Konfigurationsraum. - [THE LANDAU-PEIERLS WAVE FUNCTION]‎

‎Berlin, Springer, 1930. 8vo. Bound in contemporary half cloth with gilt lettering, In ""Zeitschrift für Physik"", Band 62, 1930. Entire volume offered. Two stamps to title page, otherwise fine. Pp. 188-200. [Entire volume :VIII, 801 pp].‎

‎First printing of this important paper containing the first appearance of the Landau-Peierls wave function. ""Landau and Peierls argued that field measurements could not be performed unambiguously and hence that current quantum electrodynamics was inconsistent. The Landau-Peierls criticism caused concern until 1933, when Bohr and Rosenfeld showed that the consequences of quantrum electrodynamics were consistent with the best possible measurements of electromagnetic field quantities. (Kragh, Quantum Generations). ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,800.00 (€241.42 )


Reference : 35750


‎[Three papers] 1. Zur Frage der Messbarkeit der elektomagnetischen Feldgrössen. + 2. Erweiterung des Unbestimmtheitsprinzips für die relativistische Quantentheorie. + 3. Field and Charge Measurements in Quantum Electrodynamics. - [QUANTUM FIELD THEORY]‎

‎Copenhagen, Levin & Munksgaard, 1933. + Berlin, Springer 1931. + Lancaster, American Physical Society, 1950. First paper: Published as no. 8 of vol. 12 in 'Kgl. Dankse Vid. Selsk. Math.-Fys. Medd.'. 8vo. Original printed wrappers. With the ownership signature of Danish physicist Mogens Pihl (Prof. of physics at Copenhagen University 1957-77). 65,(1) pp. Second paper: Published in 'Zeitschrift für Physik', vol. 69, pp.56-69. The entire volume in contemporary half cloth offered here.Third paper: Published in 'The Physical Review', vol. 78, no. 6, pp.794-798. The entire issue in original printed wrappers offered here. With rubber stamp of Danish physicist Christian Møller (Author of ""The Theory of Relativity, 1952""). ‎

‎First editions of these fundamental papers in the development of quantum field theory. The process of measuring electromagnetic fields involves the observation of charged test bodies in those fields. Therefore the theory of electrodynamics is an inseparable extension of mechanics. A quantum theory of fields thus inherits, in some form, the limitations of measurement which lie at the foundation of quantum mechanics. In 1931 Landau and Peierls published a critical analysis of the consequences of such limitations in a relativistic quantum theory of fields (second paper offered). Landau and Peierls came to the negative conclusion that in several cases, the concept of momentum was without physical meaning and quantities such as the strength of a field was un-measurable. In their famous paper from 1933 Bohr and Rosenfeld (first paper offered) carefully reviewed the arguments of Landau and Peierls and showed, through the use of particular measuring arrangements, that a consistent quantum theory of fields is possible without further limitations than the ones which secure the consistency of quantum mechanics. The BR-paper is often credited with having laid the foundation for quantum electrodynamics. Bohr continued his work in this field, and in 1937 he completed a manuscript entitled ""Field and Charge Measurement in Quantum Theory"", but this was never published. When, in the late 1940s the important work on QED by Tomonaga, Schwinger, Dyson, and Feynman appeared in The Physical Review, Bohr and Rosenfeld again joined and published the essentials of the 1937 manuscript in the same journal (third paper offered).See Abraham Pais: Bohr's Times, pp.358-364. Mehra & Rechenberg: The Historical Development of Quantum Theory, vol. 6, pp.697-703. Collected Works of Niels Bohr, vol. 7, pp.3-33.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK8,000.00 (€1,072.98 )


Reference : 49123


‎Erweiterung des Unbestimmtheitsprinzips für die relativistische Quantentheorie.‎

‎Berlin, Springer 1931. 8vo. In contemporary halv cloth with gilt lettering to spine. In ""Zeitschrift für Physik"", Bd. 69, 1931. Entire issue offered. Stamp to front free end-paper and titlepage, otherwise fine and clean. pp.56-69. [Entire volume: VII, (1), 861 pp.].‎

‎First printing of Landau and Peierls's important paper in the development of quantum field theory. The present paper became seminal for Bohr and Rosenfeld's 1933 paper which is often credited with having laid the foundation for quantum electrodynamics.Landau and Peierls published a critical analysis of the consequences of such limitations in a relativistic quantum theory of fields (second paper offered). Landau and Peierls came to the negative conclusion that in several cases, the concept of momentum was without physical meaning and quantities such as the strength of a field was un-measurable. ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,800.00 (€375.54 )


Reference : 59478


‎Erweiterung des Unbestimmtheitsprinzips für die relativistische Quantentheorie.‎

‎Berlin, Springer 1931. 8vo. In contemporary halv cloth with gilt lettering to spine. In ""Zeitschrift für Physik"", Bd. 69, 1931. Entire issue offered. Stamp to front free end-paper and titlepage, otherwise fine and clean. pp.56-69. [Entire volume: VII, (1), 861 pp.].‎

‎First printing of Landau and Peierls's important paper in the development of quantum field theory. The present paper became seminal for Bohr and Rosenfeld's 1933 paper which is often credited with having laid the foundation for quantum electrodynamics. Landau and Peierls published a critical analysis of the consequences of such limitations in a relativistic quantum theory of fields (second paper offered). Landau and Peierls came to the negative conclusion that in several cases, the concept of momentum was without physical meaning and quantities such as the strength of a field was un-measurable.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,800.00 (€375.54 )

‎Pierre Gascar et Ergy Landau‎

Reference : 3526

‎Aujourd'hui la Chine‎

‎Editions Clairefontaine, Lausanne, 1955. In-4, cartonnage éditeur sous jaquette illustrée en couleur, 163 pp. Ouverture, par Claude Roy - Aujourd'hui la Chine, par Pierre Gascar - Planches - Table dépliante des photographies.‎

‎Frontispice et une planche en héliochromies et nombreuses planches en héliogravures d'après les photographies d'Ergy Landau. --- Plus d'informations sur le site archivesdunord.com‎

Phone number : 01 42 73 13 41

EUR26.00 (€26.00 )


Reference : 13730


‎L’AUTOMOBILE DE FRANCE. Régie nationale des usines Renault. ‎

‎ Billancourt, Régie nationale des usines Renault, 1951. In-4, cartonnage ivoire de l'éditeur, titre doré estampé sur le plat supérieur, 251 pages, étui. Bel album réalisé par Draeger sur la fabrication d'une voiture Renault à Billancourt : 256 photos en premier tirage et en héliogravure par Nora Dumas, Ergy Landau, Robert Doisneau, René Jacques, Pierre Jahan, Willy Ronis, Schall, Steiner, etc. Les textes sont signés par Jules Romains, André Siegfried, Jean Cassou et Georges Friedman. Très bel exemplaire dans son étui.‎

Phone number : 06 79 60 18 56

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )

‎Landau Paul‎

Reference : 281750


ISBN : 9782268053172

‎Le sabre et le Coran : Tariq Ram‎

‎Editions du Rocher 2005 230 pages in8. 2005. Broché. 230 pages. L'islam retournera en Europe en conquérant et en vainqueur après en avoir été expulsé deux fois... Je soutiens que cette fois la conquête ne se fera pas par l'épée mais par la prédication et l'idéologie. Cette prophétie a été faite par le cheikh Youssouf Qaradawi qui préside le Conseil européen pour la fatwa et la recherche et entretient des relations étroites avec l'UOIF (Union des organisations islamiques de France). Un de ses plus brillants disciples n'est autre que Tariq Ramadan. Quels sont les instruments de cette volonté de conquête ? De quels réseaux de soutiens les islamistes disposent-ils au cœur de la société française et de ses lieux de pouvoir ? Ce livre répond à ces questions et à de nombreuses autres en nous faisant découvrir les racines historiques et idéologiques de l'islamisme contemporain. Il retrace l'histoire des Frères musulmans et analyse la stratégie des islamistes en général et celle de Tariq Ramadan en particulier. Paul Landau rejette la distinction souvent faite entre jihadistes disciples de Ben Laden et " islamistes modérés " (Qaradawi Ramadan). La principale différence entre Ben Laden d'une part Qaradawi et Tariq Ramadan d'autre part réside en effet dans la stratégie : le premier a choisi le sabre c'est-à-dire le jihad alors que les derniers préfèrent le Coran c'est-à-dire la propagande et la prédication. Mais ils partagent le même objectif : la conquête de l'Europe et l'instauration d'un État islamique sur toute la surface de la terre. Biographie de l'auteur Paul Landau chercheur spécialiste de l'islamisme est l'auteur de nombreux articles et d'un rapport remarqué sur l'UOIF (rendu public par le centre Simon- Wiesenthal). Le Sabre et le Coran est son premier livre‎

‎Très Bon Etat‎

Un Autre Monde - Val Couoesnon

Phone number :

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎PHOTOGRAPHIE] DOISNEAU, RONIS, JAHAN, DUMAS, LANDAU- Jules Romains, André Siegfried, Jean Cassou; Georges Friedman.‎

Reference : 24265


‎L'AUTOMOBILE DE FRANCE. Régie nationale des usines Renault.‎

‎ 1951 Billancourt, Régie nationale des usines Renault, 1951. In-4, cartonnage ivoire de l'éditeur, titre doré estampé sur le plat supérieur, 251 pages, étui. Bel album réalisé par Draeger sur la fabrication d'une voiture Renault à Billancourt : 256 photos en premier tirage et en héliogravure par Nora Dumas, Ergy Landau, Robert Doisneau, René Jacques, Pierre Jahan, Willy Ronis, Schall, Steiner, etc. Les textes sont signés par Jules Romains, André Siegfried, Jean Cassou et Georges Friedman. Très bel exemplaire dans son étui.‎

Livres Anciens Komar - Meounes les Montrieux

Phone number : 33 04 94 63 34 56

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )

‎Natkin, Hélène/ Landau, Mme E.‎

Reference : 4064


‎Comment photographier les enfants En collaboration avec Mme E. Landau‎

‎ 1942 Nice, Éditions de l'Eclaireur de Nice (Impr. de l'Eclaireur de Nice)1942. In-4 (275 x 185), 80 p., fig. ‎

‎Bon Etat, ‎

Livres Anciens Komar - Meounes les Montrieux

Phone number : 33 04 94 63 34 56

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎[LANDAU] - MARTIN (Michael) - ‎

Reference : 201603841

‎Francais à Landau et Landoviens en France. ‎

‎Landau, Verlag K.F. Geissler, 1999; 4 in-4 oblong, 156 pp., br. Broché très bon état (texte bilingue).‎

‎Broché très bon état (texte bilingue).‎

Phone number : 03 89 24 16 78

EUR18.00 (€18.00 )


Reference : 280

‎Carlos, terroriste international‎

‎ STANKE (Canada, 1976), broché, 287 pages, très bon état‎

‎Traduit de l'anglais par Eva Adrien de Theas ‎

Phone number : 06 15 22 89 43

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )


Reference : 135459


‎Ciels et sourires de France. Numéro contenant 4 photos d'Ergy Landau.‎

‎Couverture souple. Broché. 8 pages de photos + publicités pharmaceutiques.‎

‎Périodique. Laboratoires Fluxine - Villefranche, Vers 1955.‎

Librairie et Cætera - Belin-Beliet

Phone number : +33 (0) 5 56 88 08 45

EUR4.50 (€4.50 )

‎Landau, Lev Davidovich‎

Reference : 5326816

‎Statisticheskaya fizika. In Russian /Statistical Physics ‎

‎"Short description: In Russian. Landau, Lev Davidovich. Statistical Physics. Moscow; Leningrad: ONTI. Chief Editor of Technological Theoretical Literature, 1938. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU5326816"‎

Biblioaxes - Plainview
USD199.00 (€171.82 )

‎Landau, Lev Davidovich‎

Reference : 7147995

‎Kurs obshchey fiziki. In Russian /General Physics Course ‎

‎Short description: In Russian. Landau, Lev Davidovich. Course of General Physics. Moscow: Science, 1969. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU7147995‎

Biblioaxes - Plainview
USD199.00 (€171.82 )

‎Landau, Lev Davidovich‎

Reference : 6787183

‎Kratkiy kurs teoreticheskoy fiziki. In Russian /Short Course in Theoretical P...‎

‎Short description: In Russian. Landau, Lev Davidovich. Short Course in Theoretical Physics. Moscow: Science, 1969-. Kratkiy kurs teoreticheskoy fiziki. In Russian /Short Course in Theoretical Physics . The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU6787183‎

Biblioaxes - Plainview
USD199.00 (€171.82 )

‎Landau, Lev Davidovich‎

Reference : 6787070

‎Sobranie trudov. In Russian /Collection of Works ‎

‎Short description: In Russian. Landau, Lev Davidovich. Collection of Works. Moscow: Science, 1969. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU6787070‎

Biblioaxes - Plainview
USD199.00 (€171.82 )


Reference : SVBLIVCN-9782367441634

‎ERGY LANDAU 1896-1967‎



Bookit! - Genève
EUR70.03 (€70.03 )

‎Landau, Lev Davydovich‎

Reference : 5923547

‎Lektsii po teorii atomnogo yadra. In Russian /Lectures on the theory of the a...‎

‎Short description: In Russian. Landau, Lev Davydovich. Lectures on the theory of the atomic nucleus. Moscow: Gostekhizdat, 1955. Lektsii po teorii atomnogo yadra. In Russian /Lectures on the theory of the atomic nucleus. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU5923547‎

Biblioaxes - Plainview
USD199.00 (€171.82 )

‎Landau, Lev Davidovich‎

Reference : 7147996

‎Fizika dlya vsekh. In Russian /Physics for All ‎

‎Short description: In Russian. Landau, Lev Davidovich. Physics for All. Moscow: Science, 1974. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU7147996‎

Biblioaxes - Plainview
USD199.00 (€171.82 )

‎François L. Schwarz - Brassai, Landau, Doisneau, Billoin, Dumas‎

Reference : 93969


‎Agenda publicitaire 1954 - des Bêtes et des Hommes‎

‎New York, 1954, in-8, np, en feuilles reliure spirale, Très bel exemplaire! Il s'agit d'un agenda publicitaire de la société François L. Schwarz inc. active dans l'industrie alimentaire américaine. Cet exemplaire est consacré "des bêtes et des hommes. Superbement illustré de photographies par Brassai, Landau, Doisneau, Billoin, Dumas, etc. np ‎

Phone number : 06 60 05 09 80

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )

‎François L. Schwarz - Brassai, Yvan, Goursat, Roubier, Molinard, Foucault, Landau, Refot‎

Reference : 93970


‎Agenda publicitaire 1958 - Voyage Gastronomique‎

‎New York, 1958, in-8, 105pp, en feuilles reliure spirale, Très bel exemplaire! Il s'agit d'un agenda publicitaire de la société François L. Schwarz inc. active dans l'industrie alimentaire américaine. Cet exemplaire est consacré au "Voyage Gastronomique". Superbement illustré de photographies par Brassai, Yvan, Goursat, Roubier, Molinard, Foucault, Landau, Refot, etc. 105pp ‎

Phone number : 06 60 05 09 80

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )
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