M6 Vidéo 2017 14x18x1cm. 2017. DVD.
French édition - DVD présentant des marques de stockage et/ou de lecture sur la couverture et/ou les pourtours mais demeurant en bon état d'ensemble.Expédition sous blister dans une enveloppe matelassée depuis la France
Les Editions de l'Homme 1967 1967. Maurice Lamy & Jean de Grouchy: L'homme et l'hérédité/ Hachette-Les Grands Problèmes 1967 . Maurice Lamy & Jean de Grouchy: L'homme et l'hérédité/ Hachette-Les Grands Problèmes 1967
Très bon état
1968 1968. Programme L'auberge du cheval blanc - Châtelet - Marcel Lamy Erik Charell/ 1968
Sa Lamy 2012 1802 pages 16x21x5cm. 2012. Relié. 1802 pages.
Très bon état - L'ouvrage qui n'a jamais été lu peut présenter de légères traces de stockage mais est du reste en très bon état. envoi rapide et soigné dans un emballage adapté depuis France
P. 1956 Fasc. in-8 broché, 35 pp. & Carte en couleurs repliée : 60 X 65 cm.
Bon état d’occasion
Paris, Victor Masson et Fils, Imprimerie Gauthier-Villars, 1863. Without wrappers. In ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique"", Troisieme Series - Tome 67, Cahier Avril. Titlepage to tome 68. Pp. 385- 512 pp. and 1 folded colour plate (Spectre solaire, Spectre Thallium, showing the green line). (The entire issue offered). The papers on Thallium: pp. 385-434. Smal, stamps on verso of titlepage. Lamy's paper: pp. 383-417.
William Crookes was the first to observe Thallium (1861) as he found a new green line in a selenium sample, but Lamy was the first to isolate it and to prove that it was a metal (1862). The paper offered is Lamy's full description of his discovery, a shorter announcement was published in ""Comptes rendus"", 23 June 1862.Claude-Auguste Lamy (1820-1878) examined some slime from a sulfuric acid plant at Loos which was using Belgian pyrite and observed the green spectral line. He extracted thallium sesquichloride and isolated the metal new by electrolysis. Only after his discovery, he found out that Crookes had earlier discovered and named the new element, and gave Crookes the honour. Crookes presumed that his Thallium was something of the order of Sulphur, Selenium or Tellurium but Lamy found it to be a metal. In April 1862 he reported to the French Académie des sciences. (Timeline of chemical elements).
(Paris, Mallet-Bachelier), 1862. 4to. No wrappers. In: ""Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des sciences"", Vol. 54, No 24. Pp. (1237-) 1287. (Entire issues offered). Lamy's paper: pp. 1255-1258.
First appearance of the paper in which Lamy reported the first isolation of the new element Thallium. A large paper on the isolation was published in ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique"" a year after (1863). William Crookes was the first to observe Thallium (1861) as he found a new green line in a selenium sample, but Lamy was the first to isolate it and to prove that it was a metal.""Claude-Auguste Lamy (1820-1878) examined some slime from a sulfuric acid plant at Loos which was using Belgian pyrite and observed the green spectral line. He extracted thallium sesquichloride and isolated the metal new by electrolysis. Only after his discovery, he found out that Crookes had earlier discovered and named the new element, and gave Crookes the honour. Crookes presumed that his Thallium was something of the order of Sulphur, Selenium or Tellurium but Lamy found it to be a metal. In April 1862 he reported to the French Académie des sciences."" (Timeline of chemical elements).Parkinson ""Breakthroughs"", 1862 C - Weeks pp. 192 ff.
Smyth 1920 approx.
Etat moyen Petit format
Publié pr. J. P. Lamy à Berne, Lausanne & Genève, s.d., ca. 1830, 25.2x32.6 cm la feuille (11.7x16.5 cm l’image), aquatinte coloriée à la main (gouachée), encadrement au trait noir, sur papier gris/noir / Kolorierte Aquatinta mit gouchiertem Blattrand. En bas de la feuille tampon (stamp:) ‘deposé’ & ‘Proprieté de J. P. Lamy’. En bas à gauche de la feuille un num. ms. ‘162’ (stocknumber ?), 1 feuille sous passepartout.
Johann Peter Lamy was active in Geneva ca. 1791-1838 as a specialist publisher of Swiss Alpine views; little is known of Grundmann, the artist and probably Lamy’s employee. He may have been Swiss, or from Courmayeur. This aquatint is from a set of publisher’s samples of Alpine views, largely around the Chain of Mont Blanc, originally taken round the countryside by a salesman to show potential buyers, hence the colouring and finishing are exceptionally fine and of the highest quality. Image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 781 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Illustrations:37 b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503591513.
Summary It is impossible to understand societies without looking at their technological underpinnings. Technology constitutes the very fabric of societies' political, economic, cultural, and everyday realities. Building on recent historiography, this book offers the first overview of the global history of contemporary technology. Gathering more than fifty specialists of the history of technology, the collection of essays presents an overview of technological evolutions on a global scale. The book challenges both teleological approaches on progress and eurocentric perspectives. It explores the complex socio-economic implications of ?techniques' (and not simply technology) as well as the systems of representation and power structures that led to the emergence of today's world. The purpose of the collected essays is to offer a new history of technology. In this perspective, a central question concerns the very category of the history of technology, i.e. the term ?technology' itself. Refusing both the limitations of ?technology' and of ?useful knowledge', the book stresses the necessity to study technology as embodying human activity as a whole. In that sense, history of technology, envisioned as techniques rather than purely technologies, is intrinsically linked to anthropology and ethnology. This book is divided into three sections. The first section opens with a world tour of techniques, restoring the complexity of regional historiographies and of the meanings given to technological activities in different societies. The second part focuses on sectors of activity, processes, and products with a strong emphasis on means of production and communication, the exploitation of natural resources, major technological systems, infrastructures and networks. The final section provides access to major cross-related issues. It pays particular attention to the role played by technology/techniques in the process of globalization, particularly through colonization, imperialism, and the development of large technological systems. TABLE OF CONTENTS Global History of Techniques, Globalization of the History of Techniques, by Guillaume Carnino, Liliane Hilaire-Pérez, Jérôme Lamy Part 1: Techniques Across the World Introduction, by Liliane Hilaire-Pérez From the ?Stone Age' to the Digital Era: Techniques in Oceania, a Brief Historiography (19th-21st centuries), by Marie Durand The Middle East in the 19th and 20th centuries: At the Crossroads of Technological Continuity and Sudden Western Modernity, by Elisabeth Mortier Integration Process of Science and Technology, between Dependence and the Desire to Innovate: the Case of Maghreb, by Yamina Bettahar Technology and Modernisation in East Asia: What Dragons Can Teach us about Global History, by Francesca Bray, Alexandra Kobiljski Framing the History of Technology in India: From the Colonial Era to the Digital Age, by Dhruv Raina, Om Prasad, Nayani Sarma African Technological Pasts since 1800, by Joshua Grace Central European Historical Writing on Technology, from 1945 to the Present Day: Institutional Contexts and Directions of Research, by Jawad Daheur Unpacking ?Eurocentric' Technology Discourses ?Back Home': Technology and Societal Challenges in Western Europe, by Erik van der Vleuten The Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and Post-socialist Russia, 19th century-early 21st century, by Elena Kochetkova, Julia Obertreis Technology in North America: Nation Building, Industrialization, and Technoscience, by Jérôme Baudry Latin America in the Global History of Technology, by David Pretel Part 2: Artefacts, Processes, Sectors Introduction, by Guillaume Carnino Technology and its Temporalities, a Global Perspective, by Jonas van der Straeten, Heike Waltraud Weber Mining and Extractive Industries: Prospecting, Extracting, And Post-mining Techniques in the Anthropocene Era, by Kevin Troch Heavy Industries, from Steel and Molecules to the Cloud, by Florence Hachez-Leroy Energy in the History of Technology, by Mahdi Khelfaoui, Anaël Marrec Aeronautics and Aerospace: Globalization and Technical Junctions, by Jérôme Lamy, Arnaud Saint-Martin Mobility Techniques: Objects and Supports of Transfers, by Arnaud Passalacqua Sailing and Fishing: when Technical Innovation Reshaped the Seas, by Géraldine Barron, Julia Lajus Water Harnessed by Industry: Hydraulic Technology in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, by Raphaël Morera, Elisabeth Mortier Food Technology: Food Preservation, Packaging and Transport, by Ludovic Laloux Four Examples of Transformations of Agricultural Techniques from the 19th to the Beginning of the 21st century, by Fabien Knittel Electrifying Information: Global Telecommunication Technologies 19th-21st centuries, by Vincent Kuitenbrouwer From Calculators to Datacenters: History of Industrial Computing and Quantification, by Guillaume Carnino From Banking Computerization to Fintech: The Digital Revolution in Banking (1950s-1990s), by Sabine Effosse, Laure Quennouelle-Corre Two Centuries of Technical Progress in Civil Engineering and Construction: A Few Lines of Strength, by Dominique Barjot The Factory of Desire: Textiles and Techniques (19th-21st centuries), by Audrey Millet Part 3: Cross-cutting Issues Introduction, by Jérôme Lamy Technology as a Human Science, by Liliane Hilaire-Pérez Laboratory Techniques, by Joris Mercelis Big Science and Technological Transformations, by Olof Hallonsten Technique and Law, by Alessandro Nuvolari, Caterina Sganga Training and Technological Education, by Stéphane Lembré Prometheus Unbound: War and Technology from 1800 to Globalisation, by Patrice Bret Taylorism, by Patrick Fridenson Conflicts and Controversies over Techniques, by François Jarrige Body Techniques and the Search for Human Perfection: From the Regeneration of the Social Body to the Injunction to Surpass Oneself, by Cecilia Calheiros Thinking the Co-constitution of Gender and Technology from a Feminist Perspective, by Virginie Julliard Technologies of Art and Culture: Film and Sound, by Martine Beugnet, Mathieu Duplay A Short and Reflexive History of Everyday Life Technologies, Late 18th-21st Centuries, by Gil Bartholeyns, Manuel Charpy Technology, Pollution, and Environment, by Soraya Boudia, Nathalie Jas Repair, Recycling and Waste, by Thierry Bonnot, Michel Letté
1701 In-8, plein veau moucheté de l'époque, dos à 5 nerfs orné de compartiments dorés, pièce de titre de maroquin bordeaux, roulette sur les coupes, tranches mouchetées (traces de restauration ancienne aux mors et coif.), xxj, (3), 227, (9) p., 62 figures dans le texte dont 4 à pleine page, 8 planches hors texte dont une dépliante. Paris, Anisson, Directeur de l'Imprimerie Royale, 1701.
Edition originale de ce traité abondamment illustré, dédié "aux peintres".Oratorien, cartésien rigoureux, mathématicien et physicien, le P. Lamy défend une approche scientifique de "lart de peindre".Maîtrisant parfaitement à la fois les théories scientifiques et picturales de son temps, lauteur établit des liens entre les deux disciplines et intègre la méthode dexposition du savoir élaborée dans ses travaux scientifiques et rhétoriques."Tableau saisissant des préoccupations scientifiques, philosophiques et esthétiques de la fin du XVIIe et des débuts du XVIIIe" (cf. R. Lyndia, Bernard Lamy, in Dix-Septième siècle, 2002/1, n°214, p. 137-153).(DSB, VII, 611. Girbal, 'Lamy', p. 133. Vagneiti, 'De naturali et artificiali perspectiva, bibliografia ragionata', E4 B1).Bon exemplaire, relié à l'époque, assez grand de marges.
Phone number : 33 01 47 07 40 60
paris 1889 une carte souvenir, lithographiée en noir dans un encadrement beige avec un liséré blanc, format : 24 x 14,2 cm,trés légers plis aux angles en marge, P. LAMY DEL Déposé, 1889 Paris P. LAMY Editeur,
RARE CARTE SOUVENIR..................en bon état général (good condition). en bon état
1908 1908 Amiens, Académie des lettres, des sciences et des arts d'Amiens 1908 1 In 8 Cartonnage éditeur 54[pp]
Etat d'Usage Frais de port inclus vers France métropole au tarif normal, délai d'acheminement sous 72h, pour les commandes > à 80 euros et poids < 1kg. Disponibilité sous réserve de vente en Boutique. Frais de port inclus vers France métropole au tarif normal, délai d'acheminement sous 72h, pour les commandes > à 80 euros et poids < 1kg. Disponibilité sous réserve de vente en Boutique. Disponibilité sous réserve de vente en boutique, prix valable frais de port inclus pour commande > 90 € et poids < 1 Kg
Jean-Claude Gawsewitch 2011 221 pages 14x21x2cm. 2011. Broché. 221 pages.
Très bon état
Presses Universitaires de France - PUF 1965 1965.
Bon état
Elsevier Masson 1975 1x16x24cm. 1975. Broché.
Bon état - . quelques marques de lecture et/ou de stodckage sur couverture et coins mais du reste en bon état - envoi rapide et soigné dans enveloppe à bulles depuis france
CASTERMAN 2015 160 pages 14x19x1cm. 2015. Broché. 160 pages.
Comme neuf - L'ouvrage qui n'a jamais été lu pourrait présenter de légères traces de stockage - remis sous blister et expédié soigneusement dans emballage adapté -
Editions du Rocher 2012 126 pages 9x21x1cm. 2012. Broché. 126 pages.
Très bon-livre issu de destockage pouvant présenter d'infimes traces de stockage-expédié depuis la France dans emballage adapté
Cattaneo Marco Trifoni Jasmina Collectif Boisset Geneviève Lamy Martine
Reference : 500012539
ISBN : 9782700026528
Gründ 2004 400 pages 26x36x3cm. 2004. Relié. 400 pages.
Comme neuf - L'ouvrage qui n'a jamais été lu pourrait présenter de légères traces de stockage - remis sous blister et expédié soigneusement dans emballage adapté -
Jean-Claude Gawsewitch 2011 221 pages 21x14x2cm. 2011. Broché. 221 pages.
French édition -Très légères marques de lecture et/ou de stockage sinon très bon état général. Expédié soigneusement depuis la France
ACM éd 1995 129 pages 1995. Broché. 129 pages.
L'article peut présenter de légères marques de stockage et d'utilisation mais reste en très bon état d'ensemble .Expédié soigneusement dans un emballage adapté depuis la France
Mutine 2003 192 pages 24x15x1cm. 2003. Broché. 192 pages. Traduit de Sénès Florence - Illustrations de Jankovics györgy
Le livre présente de petites marques de stockage et/ou de lecture sur la couverture et/ou les pourtours mais reste en très bon état d?ensemble. Expédition soignée dans un emballage adapté depuis la France