Leuven, Universitaire Pers, 2000 Paperback, English, original editor's jacket, 16x24 cm., 198 pp. ISBN 9789058670298.
Symbolae Facultatis Litterarum Lovaniensis - Series B : 16. For many generations of Germanists Professor Joris Vlasselaers has been a familiar face as guide and tutor. Later on he has taught courses on European Literature, World Literature, and more specialised courses as Narratology and Cultural Semiotics. For the past decade he has been the enthousiastic spokesman for training in Cultural Studies. At the end of this academic year he retires from his academic post. On Saturday May the 6th 2000 he delivered his valedictory lecture Van literatuur naar cultuur: culturele studies? On this occasion his colleagues offered him The Future of Cultural Studies, a collection of essays written by eminent international scholars. This volume is both an act of homage to Joris Vlasselaers and a survey of the on-going research the Cultural Studies field.
Didier 1976 in8. 1976. Broché.
Bon état tranche ternie intérieur propre bonne tenue
Dirk De Geest, O. de Graef, D. Delabastita, Koenraad Geldof, Rita Ghesquiere, Jose Lambert.
Reference : 26338
Leuven, Universitaire Pers, 2000 Paperback, English, original editor's jacket, 16x24 cm., vi-408 pp. ISBN 9789058670281.
Professor Hendrik Van Gorp was dean of the Arts Faculty, head of the department of Literary Studies and a prominent and unfailingly inspiring member of the section for General and Comparative Literature. At the end of the academic year 1999-2000 he retired from his academic post. On Saturday May the 6th he delivered his valedictory lecture: Tussen interpretatie en wetenschap: academische literatuurstudie? On this occasion his colleagues offered him 'Under Construction. Links for the Site of Literary Theory', a collection of essays written by international scholars. This volume is both an act of homage to Hendrik Van Gorp and a representation of the diverse areas of literary research in which he has been active: narratology, hermeneutics, the study of translation and adaptation, and the study of literary dynamics.
Rupert Everett José Garcia Patrick Mille Patrice Cols Rossy De Palma Ornella Muti Élie Semoun Bernard Farcy Jean-Claude Brialy Marisa Berenson Lambert Wilson Fabien Onteniente Rupert Everett José Garcia
Reference : 78738
ISBN : 3475001005427
M6 Vidéo 2017 19x13x1cm. 2017. DVD.
ZONE 2 EUROPE - Le dvd présente des marques d'utilisation mais reste en tres bon état d'ensemble - Expédition soignée sous blister dans une enveloppe à bulles depuis la France
Louvain-La-Neuve 1987 Bibliothèque De L'université Hardcover
Reliure rigide, 25 x 17 cm, 310 pp., français, très bon état. Recueil de travaux d'histoire et de philologie 6e série fascicule 32
Palomba Robert Nicolas José Isler François Lambert Dominique Collectif
Reference : 100112947
ISBN : 9782350550312
Neva Editions 2005 24 4x1 4x29 4cm. 2005. Relié jaquette. 355 pages. Très bon état
Féraud, Louis. Textes de Michel Baraquand, Pierre-Yves Guillen, Gilles Lambert, Emma Staffelbach, Marie-José Treichler, André-François Villon, Hubertu
Reference : 3472
ISBN : 9782826400202
Friboug, Office du Livre, 1985, Relié-Jaquette éditeur., 156 pages. Bon état. Légère insolation sur la partie supérieure de la jaquette.