BIBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALE / LAMBERT (Gisèle), BOUQUILLARD (Jocelyn), sous la direction de.
Reference : 19204
ISBN : 978-2-7177-2407-3
Paris / Barcelone, Bibliothèque nationale de France / Fundació Caixa Catalunya, 2008 1 volume 24 x 27,8cm Cartonnage éditeur au 1er plat illustré couleurs. 279p. dont 4 feuilles dépliantes; très nombreuses illustrations couleurs, vignettes, pleines et doubles pages. Très bon état.
Catalogue de l'exposition "Ukiyo-e, images d'un monde éphémère - Estampes japonaises des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles" présentée en 2008 au Centre cultural Caixa Catalunya La Pedrera, à Barcelone, et à la Bibliothèque Nationale de France (Paris): 126 n°s avec notices, commentaires et reproductions couleurs, souvent pleines ou doubles pages; en classement thématique: technique de l'estampe, théâtre et sumô, "Les beautés féminines et la vie quotidienne", "Estampes parodiques, poèmes et surimono: la culture ludique à l'époque d'Edo", estampes érotiques, "L'avènement de l'estampe de paysage au XIXè siècle": Hokusai et Hiroshige, chaque thème étant introduit par un texte de Gisèle LAMBERT, Christophe MARQUET (pour les estampes érotiques) ou Jocelyn BOUQUILLARD (pour les paysages du XIXè); textes introductifs de Gisèle LAMBERT sur l'histoire de la collection "estampes et livres illustrés de l'art ukiyo-e" de la B.N.F. et sur "L'apparition de l'ukiyo-e à l'époque Edo"; publié sous la direction de Gisèle Lambert et Jocelyn Bouquillard, conservatrices au Département des Estampes de la Bibliothèque nationale de France; index des biographies des principaux dessinateurs; glossaire; bibliographie.
Toulon, Typographie J. Laurent, 1870 1 volume In-8° (13,2 x 22cm) Reliure demi-basane chagrinée rouge; dos orné de filets dorés et à froid, auteur, titre et tomaison dorés; plats percalinés rouges. 3 feuillets, 277p. Reliure frottée; petits manques marginaux à la 1ère garde; pâles rousseurs éparses, 2 pages tachées.
Peu courante 1ère édition d'un volume de l'ouvrage publié par le Dr Gustave LAMBERT (1818-1898), volume couvrant la période 1587-1592, soit du chapitre VII, "Le Parlement ligueur et le Parlement royaliste 1587-1589" au chapitre IX: "Le duc de Savoie en Provence 1590-1592" (donc: 1ère partie seule du 2nd et dernier tome, mais sans aucune autre indication de découpage du texte que celle de "tome second").
Paris, Armand Colin, "U", 1974 1 volume 16,7 x 23cm Broché sous couverture à rabats au 1er plat illustré. 411p., 2 feuillets; tableaux et graphiques in texte. Bon état.
Manuel universitaire où Denis-Clair LAMBERT, professeur d'économie politique, spécialiste de de l'Amérique latine et du Tiers Monde, propose "une analyse systématique" appuyée "sur une documentation couvrant plus de 150 nations ou territoires, situés dans six régions géographiques différentes" (4è de couverture): contraintes d'environnement, échange inégal, structures économiques et politiques, voies du développement; bibliographies.
[COLLECTIF] / ROULIERE-LAMBERT (Marie-Jeanne), sous la direction de.
Reference : 19007
ISBN : 2-905854-05-7
Lons-le-Saunier, Musée d'archéologie / Cercle Girardot, 1990 1 volume 16,8 x 23,9cm Broché sous couverture au 1er plat orné d'une vignette couleurs. 199p.; nombreuses illustrations in texte en noir et quelques-unes en couleurs. Bon état.
Ouvrage rassemblant les contributions de chercheurs de divers pays européens dont les recherches ont été présentées dans l'exposition éponyme du Musée d'archéologie de Lons-le-Saunier à l'occasion d'un Colloque international consacré à l'habitat et à l'occupation du sol à l'âge du bronze en Europe (contributions concernant la Bohême, les Pays-Bas, l'Angleterre, la Bretagne, la vallée de l'Oise, Fort-Harrouard, la vallée de la Seine, la Champagne, la Lorraine, la Meurthe-et-Moselle, le bassin de la Saône, la vallée du Rhône, l'Allemagne, la Suisse, l'Italie...); publié par le musée et le Cercle Girardot de Lons-le-Saunier sous la direction de Marie-Jeanne ROULIERE-LAMBERT, conservatrice du musée; bibliographies; résumés en anglais et allemand; cartes, plans, photos, croquis.
(Berlin, Haude et Spencer, 1770). 4to. No wrappers, as issued in ""Memoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles Lettres"", tome XIX. Pp. 421-438. Very nice and clean.
The rare first printing of one of the few of Lambert's philosophical works that appeared within his life-time. This is one of the three philosophical papers that he published in ""Nova acta Eruditorum"", which are of varying philosophical content.The present work played a significant role in the rediscovery within philosophy of the concept of the ""sublime"", the foundational concept which was so famously treated by Kant in his third Critique (of Judgment). Neither the idea of the beautiful nor of the sublime was novel in the 18th century, as the distinction between the two had already been made in ancient philosophy. However, for several centuries, aesthetics had been dominated by the question of the beautiful, and it was only around Kant's and Lambert's time that the sublime had become a topic of interest again - this time primarily as the sublime in nature. When Lambert thus discusses the sublime in the present article, it is probable that his conception of it can have influenced Kant and his exposition in the ""Critique of Judgment"", which appeared a couple of decades later. ""Kant himself recognized Lambert as a philosopher of the highest qualities"" and he expected much from his critical attitude. He had drafted a dedication of the ""Critique of Pure Reason"" to Lambert, but Lambert's untimely death prevented its inclusion.Lambert's place in the history of philosophy, however, should not be seen only in its relation to Kant. The genesis of his philosophical ideas dates from a time when Kant's major works had yet to be conceived. It was the philosophical doctrines of Leibniz, Christian Wolff, and Locke that exerted the more important influence - insofar as one can speak of influence with a self-taught and wayward man such as Lambert... The two main aspects of Lambert's philosophy, the analytic and the constructive were both strongly shaped by mathematical notions"" hence logic played an important part in his philosophical writing. Following Leibnitz' ideas, Lambert early tried to create and ""ars characteristic conbinatoria"", or a logical or conceptual calculus. He investigated the conditions to which scientific knowledge must be subjected if it is to enjoy the same degree of exactness and evidence as mathematical knowledge..."" (D.S.B. VII:597).
Leipzig, Johann Wendler, 1764. 8vo. Non-uniformely bound. Vol 1: Completely uncut in the original cardboard-binding. Some wear to capitals and hinges. Internally a bit of minor occasional brownspotting. (18), 592 pp. Vol 2: 19th century marbled paper-binding with red gilt title-label to spine. Wear to extremities. Only light occasional brownspotting. (2), 435, (1).
The very rare first edition of Lambert's seminal main philosophical work, the work which coined the term ""phenomenology"". ""Neues Organon"" is a work of breakthrough that came to, directly or indirectly, influence almost all later philosophy, also that of Kant.Today, Johann Heinrich Lambert arguably mostly remembered as one of the greatest mathematicians and logicians of his time. However, a true polymath, he also played a dominant role in the development of 18th century philosophy, primarily with his philosophical magnum opus ""Neues Organon"", in which he set out to provide a better methodology for philosophy, with the aid of mathematics. As such, he is considered a path-breaker of Rationalism and one of the most important predecessors of Kant, who knew him well and admired him greatly"" the two corresponded frequently. ""Kant himself recognized Lambert as a philosopher of the highest qualities"" and he expected much from his critical attitude. He had drafted a dedication of the ""Critique of Pure Reason"" to Lambert, but Lambert's untimely death prevented its inclusion.Lambert's place in the history of philosophy, however, should not be seen only in its relation to Kant. The genesis of his philosophical ideas dates from a time when Kant's major works had yet to be conceived. It was the philosophical doctrines of Leibniz, Christian Wolff, and Locke that exerted the more important influence - insofar as one can speak of influence with a self-taught and wayward man such as Lambert... The two main aspects of Lambert's philosophy, the analytic and the constructive were both strongly shaped by mathematical notions"" hence logic played an important part in his philosophical writing. Following Leibnitz' ideas, Lambert early tried to create an ""ars characteristic conbinatoria"", or a logical or conceptual calculus. He investigated the conditions to which scientific knowledge must be subjected if it is to enjoy the same degree of exactness and evidence as mathematical knowledge... In ""Neues Organon"" he next developed the idea of a characteristic language of symbols to avoid ambiguities of everyday language"" and finally, in the most original part of his work called """"Phänomenologie,"" he discussed appearance and gave rules for distinguishing false (or subjective) appearance from a true (or objective) one that is not susceptible to sensory illusions."" (D.S.B. VII:597).
Augspurg, Eberhard Kletts Wittib., 1761. Contemporary white-dyed sheepskin. Spine with a bit of surface wear, old hand-written paper-label to spine. XXVIII, 317 pp. A stamp inside front free end-paper. Light browning, scattered marginal brownspots, but in general a fine copy. A few leaves in ""Vorrede"" misbound.
The scarce first edition of Lambert's sensational ""Cosmological Letters"", his most important astronomical work, in which he to a large extent fore-shadowed the documentation of the basic features of the universe that Hershel later carried out.The work became very popular and was translated into French, Russian, and English, and it was later re-written and published as ""Systeme du Monde"" in Berlin, 1770. ""Of special interest among Lambert's astronomical writings - apart from applications of his physical doctrines - are his famous Cosmologische Briefe über die Einrichtung des Weltbaues"" (Augsburg, 1761).Not familiar with the similar ideas of Thomas Wright (1750) and with Kant's ""Allgemeine Naturgeschichte und Theorie des Himmels"" (1755), Lambert had the idea that what appears as the Milky Way might be the visual effect of a lens-shaped universe. On this basis he elaborated a theory according to which the thousand of stars surrounding the sun constituted a system. Moreover he considered the Milky Way as a large number of such systems, that is, a system of higher order…"" the ""Cosmologische Briefe was a great sensation and was translated into French, Russian, and English. Only when William Hershel systematically examined the heavens telescopically and discovered numerous nebulae and ""telescopic milky-ways"" did it become obvious that Lambert's description was not mere science fiction but to a large extent a bold vision of the basic features of the universe"" (Scriba in D.S.B. VII:598). Kant's mentor (Martin Knutzen) died in 1755, three years before the pre-critical project unfolded. But Kant still had the chance of meeting kindred spirits. One of these was the great philosopher and mathematician Johann Heinrich Lambert, whom he admired a great deal. Finally he had encountered a thinker who appreciated both the scientific and metaphysical perspective, who worried about their tensions, and who was searching for a truce. In his ""Cosmologische Briefe…"" (Cosmological Letters on the establishment of the universe), Lambert worked on the same topic as Kant had worked on in his earlier Universal Natural History. The tasks and results of both works resemble each other, in so far as they were both proposals of integrating Newtonian physics into a larger framework, and they both contained a theory of the dynamic constitution of the universe. Furthermore, as Kant's scientific works should be viewed under the perspective of his general philosophical outlook, so must Lambert's work in physics and astronomy be seen in relation to his general philosophical outlook and his perpetual quest for introducing mathematical exactness into the sciences. ""Lambert's efforts to improve communication and collaboration in astronomy were noteworthy. He promoted the publication of astronomical journals and founded ""Berliner astronomisches Jahrbuch oder Ephemeriden"". Many of the articles that he contributed to it were not published until after his death... He also favored the founding of the Berlin observatory. These suggestions, in line with Leibniz' far-reaching plans for international cooperation of scientific societies, inaugurated a new period of scientific teamwork."" (D.S.B., VII:598).
paris GEDALGE 1951 in-8 cartonnage illustré un volume, reliure bradel cartonnage monochrome grand in-octavo Editeur (18,6 x 26 cm), dos long décoré or, titre frappé or, dessin or (plaque spéciale Editeur) au centre du plat par Ray Lambert, recouvert d'une jaquette illustrée en couleurs par Ray Lambert (Jaquette renforcée au scotch au dos de la jaquette sans déchirure), orné d'un frontispice en couleur par Ray Lambert + 5 PLANCHES hors-texte EN COULEURS par Ray Lambert + 8 planches hors-texte en noir par Ray Lambert + 12 gravures in-texte en noir par Ray Lambert, 238 pages, 1951 Paris LIBRAIRIE GEDALGE Editeur,
Bel Exemplaire..... RARE.........en bon état (good condition). bon état
paris GEDALGE 1950 in-8 cartonnage illustré un volume, reliure bradel cartonnage monochrome grand in-octavo Editeur (18,6 x 26 cm), dos long décoré or, titre frappé or, dessin or (plaque spéciale Editeur) au centre du plat par Ray Lambert, recouvert d'une jaquette illustrée en couleurs par Ray Lambert, orné de 4 PLANCHES hors-texte EN COULEURS par Ray Lambert + 7 planches hors-texte en noir par Ray Lambert + 14 gravures in-texte en noir par Ray Lambert, 237 pages, sans date (1950) Paris ANCIENNE LIBRAIRIE GEDALGE Editeur,
Bel Exemplaire..... RARE.........en trés bon état (very good condition). en trés bon état
Librairie des facultés 1952 380 pages in8. 1952. Broché. 380 pages. Couverture un peu usagée intérieur très bon dos qui commence a se décoller
Etat Correct
Dervy-livres La roue céleste 1978 204 pages in8. 1978. broché. 204 pages.
Bon Etat
Hermann & cie 1924 in8. 1924. Broché.
Etat correct accrocs aux extrémités du dos couverture défraîchie intérieur propre
Duculot-Roulin 1953 in8. 1953. Broché.
Bon état de conservation couverture défraîchie intérieur propre
Hachette 1963 in8. 1963. Cartonné.
Bon Etat de conservation sous rhyodoïd intérieur propre jaquette un peu défraîchie
Armand colin 1974 in8. 1974. Broché.
intérieur propre bonne tenue
Dalloz 1997 717 pages 23x17x4 4cm. 1997. Broché. 717 pages.
Très Bon Etat de conservation cependant tranche ternie
Terres ardennaises 1996 96 pages 24x31x1cm. 1996. Broché. 96 pages.
Très bon état
Bibliothèque de l'image 2002 96 pages in4. 2002. Broché. 96 pages.
tranches insolés intérieur assez propre bonne tenue
Lambert Gérard Chappellaz Jérôme Foucher Jean-Paul Ramstein Gilles Bard Edouard
Reference : 100108047
ISBN : 2868838294
EDP Sciences 2006 16x1 4x23 8cm. 2006. Broché.
Comme neuf
NOUVEL ATTILA 2019 236 pages 14 2x19 8x2cm. 2019. Broché. 236 pages.
Très bon état jaquette manquante sinon comme neuf
QUAI VOLTAIRE (DITIONS) 1991 13x22x3cm. 1991. Broché.
Bon état bords frottés couverture défraîchie ternie intérieur propre
Editions de l'Aube 2000 269 pages 14x22x2cm. 2000. Broché. 269 pages.
Bon état dos un peu écrasé intérieur propre
Presses de la Cité 1984 160 pages 19x23x3cm. 1984. Relié. 160 pages.
Bon état bonne tenue avec sa jaquette intérieur propre
Mame et cie 1863 185 pages in8. 1863. Relié. 185 pages.
Bon Etat couverture et bords frottés dorure sur tranche la première page se détache intérieur propre et clair
Marabout junior 155 pages in12. Sans date. Broché. 155 pages.
Etat Correct pages assez jaunies