34 books for « l gilissen »Edit

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‎Marcel Broodthaers / Maria Gilissen-Broodthaers / Yola Minatchy / Bart De Baere.‎

Reference : 53123

‎Marcel Broodthaers Soleil Politique approaches Broodthaers / 2 vol.‎

‎Antwerp, MUHKA / Museum Van Hedendaagse Kunst, 2019 Original publishers boards, 159 pages, 29,2 x 22,2 cm, plastified paperback, Dutch / French / German and + 27 pages book in English in separate attachment. (2 volumes) ISBN 9789072828668.‎

‎Soleil Politique is the MUHKA catalog for the first retrospective of the Belgian key artist Marcel Broodthaers. In recent years, Broodthaers work has been on display in a traveling exhibition in top museums, organized by the MoMA and Museo Reina Sof a. However, the M HKA deliberately chose to make its own project, shown for the first time in its own country since a decade. Soleil Politique approaches Broodthaers oeuvre from the idea that art is always political, and that politics is constant negotiation without conclusion. This statement for complexity starts when, around 1967, Broodthaers lets the word interfere again with his visual work, and presents words or text in different contexts. New texts were added to the catalog: Anny De Decker about the exhibitions of Marcel Broodthaers in the Wide White Space Gallery, Marie-Pascale Gildemyn about the (names of) persons in the work of Broodthaers, Hannah Br ckmuller about La Banque (1964-1967 ) and the early performances of Broodthaers, Lotte Beckw about Isi Fiszman and la morale d?artiste! Ha! Ha !, introduced by an interview with Maria Gilissen-Broodthaers by Yola Minatchy and a text by Bart De Baere.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR75.00 (€75.00 )

‎Marcel Broodthaers / Maria Gilissen-Broodthaers / Yola Minatchy / Bart De Baere.‎

Reference : 57649

‎Marcel Broodthaers, Soleil Politique approaches Broodthaers / FR/NL/DE‎

‎Antwerp, MUHKA / Museum Van Hedendaagse Kunst, 2019 Original publishers boards, 159 pages, 29,2 x 22,2 cm, plastified paperback, Dutch / French / German ISBN 9789072828668.‎

‎Soleil Politique is the MUHKA catalog for the first retrospective of the Belgian key artist Marcel Broodthaers. In recent years, Broodthaers work has been on display in a traveling exhibition in top museums, organized by the MoMA and Museo Reina Sof a. However, the M HKA deliberately chose to make its own project, shown for the first time in its own country since a decade. Soleil Politique approaches Broodthaers oeuvre from the idea that art is always political, and that politics is constant negotiation without conclusion. This statement for complexity starts when, around 1967, Broodthaers lets the word interfere again with his visual work, and presents words or text in different contexts. New texts were added to the catalog: Anny De Decker about the exhibitions of Marcel Broodthaers in the Wide White Space Gallery, Marie-Pascale Gildemyn about the (names of) persons in the work of Broodthaers, Hannah Br ckmuller about La Banque (1964-1967 ) and the early performances of Broodthaers, Lotte Beckw about Isi Fiszman and la morale d?artiste! Ha! Ha !, introduced by an interview with Maria Gilissen-Broodthaers by Yola Minatchy and a text by Bart De Baere.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR69.50 (€69.50 )


Reference : 4147


‎Introduction historique au droit. Esquisse d'une histoire universelle du Droit. Les sources du Droit depuis le XIIIe siècle. Éléments d'histoire du Droit privé‎

‎Bruxelles Bruylant 1979 Cahier A4 environ 400 pp. ‎

‎Reproduction photocopiée de bonne qualité de l'ouvrage du professeur Gilissen, ouvrage épuisé et non réimprimé depuis. Libraire membre du S.L.A.M. (Syndicat national de la Librairie Ancienne et Moderne) et de la L.I.L.A. (Ligue Internationale de la Librairie Ancienne). N'hésitez pas à prendre contact par mail pour des photographies et des détails supplémentaires, pour des recherches ou des estimations de livres anciens et rares.‎

Phone number : 01 40 71 91 57

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎R. Gryson, L. Gilissen;‎

Reference : 33716

‎scolies ariennes du 'Parisinus latinus 8907'. Un echantillonnage d'ecritures latines du Ve siecle,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 1980 Hardback, 100 p., 305 x 390 mm. ISBN 17560010100.‎

‎Nouveau. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR115.00 (€115.00 )

‎L. Gilissen;‎

Reference : 34233

‎reliure occidentale anterieure a 1400 d'apres les manuscrits de la bibliotheque royale Albert Ier a Bruxelles,‎

‎Turnhout , Brepols, 1983 Paperback, 182 p., + 75 pl., 17 fig., 210 x 270 mm. ISBN 9782503780016.‎

‎Languages: French. Liste des figures Liste de planches Bibliographie ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR45.50 (€45.50 )


Reference : 90704

‎"La rédaction des coutumes dans le passé et dans le présent; colloque organisé les 16 et 17 mai 1990, sous la direction de John Gilissen; études d'histoire et d'ethnologie juridiques."‎

‎Bruxelles, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Editions de l'Institut de Sociologie, 1962. 16 x 24, 339 pp., broché, très bon état (cachet d'ex-propriétaire).‎

Librairie Ausone - Bruxelles

Phone number : 32 (0)2 410 33 27

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )


Reference : 21929

‎Annales de la Société Royale d'Archéologie de Bruxelles : mémoires, rapports et documents, tome 42.‎

‎Bruxelles, Musée de la Porte de Hal, 1938. 16 x 25, 283 pp., très nombreuses planches, broché, non coupé, bon état.‎

‎"table des matières : J. DE VREUGHT, L'enseignement secondaire à Bruxelles sous le Régime français : l'Ecole centrale, le Lycée (120 pp.); Marthe CRICK-KUNTZIGER, Les cartons de Jordaens du Musée du Louvre et leurs traductions en tapisseries (12 pp., 13 illustrations); J. HELBIG, La peinture sur verre dans les Pays-Bas méridionaux (38 pp., 29 illustrations); Simon BRIGODE, Les fouilles de la Collégiale Sainte-Gudule à Bruxelles, découverte de l'avant-corps occidental de l'époque romane (31 pp., 21 illustrations); John GILISSEN, Le Père Guillaume Hesius, architecte du XVIIe siècle (40pp., 11 illustrations ); F.-L. GANSHOF, Jean Froissart (17 pp., 17 illustrations); BORCHGRAVE d'ALTENA J. Comte de, Le Retable anversois de la Basilique Saint-Jean à Bois-Le-Duc (10pp., 17 illustrations)."‎

Librairie Ausone - Bruxelles

Phone number : 32 (0)2 410 33 27

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎Philippe van Cauteren, Maria Gilissen, Frank Maes, Marcel Broodthaers‎

Reference : 63480

‎Broodthaerskabinet / L'Inventaire‎

‎, S.M.A.K., 2011 Paperback, 168 pag. NL / ENG / FR.,225 x 165 mm, NEW / NIEUW / NOUVEAU, illustr.in color / b/w. ISBN 9789075679373.‎

‎De uitgave van CAHF belicht een selectie specifieke onderdelen van de afzonderlijke museumcollecties. Hiermee vestigt de koepel de aandacht op hoe verzamelingen het unieke karakter van elke partner mee bepalen. Het geheel is inhoudelijk verbonden met collectiepresentaties die de voorbije maanden in de vier musea plaatsvonden of momenteel nog lopen. Zo presenteerde M HKA Europe at Large: Art from the former USSR, Mu.ZEE The Responsive Subject, Middelheimmuseum Crossing. From Middelheim Museum to the City and Back Again en S.M.A.K. Marcel. Het Broodthaerskabinet. Voor het artistieke onderzoeksproject werden gerenommeerde curatoren en critici aangetrokken. In samenspraak met hen ontstond de keuze van de onderwerpen die niet alleen aansluiten bij het profiel van elke partner, maar ook kunstwetenschappelijk relevant zijn. Ze lieten daarnaast ook toe om nieuwe visies en perspectieven te ontwikkelen over aspecten van de betrokken collecties. De uitgave besteedt zo op een inhoudelijke manier aandacht aan de opgezette onderzoeksprojecten vanuit CAHF bij elk partnermuseum en geeft blijk van de dynamiek in elk huis. Het geheel werd artistiek vormgegeven door Sara De Bondt Studio (Londen) en bevat prachtige foto s van collectiestukken uit de museumverzamelingen‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR39.00 (€39.00 )

‎Philippe van Cauteren, Maria Gilissen, Frank Maes, Marcel Broodthaers‎

Reference : 65581

‎Broodthaerskabinet / L'Inventaire / Crossing : from Middelheim Museum to the city and back again / Europe at large : art from the former USSR // The responsive subject. set 4 volumes boxed.‎

‎, S.M.A.K., 2011 Box with 4 books; Paperback, 168 pag./96 pages / 136 pages / 151 pages NL / ENG / FR.,225 x 165 mm, illustr.in color / b/w. ISBN 9789075679373.‎

‎De uitgave van CAHF belicht een selectie specifieke onderdelen van de afzonderlijke museumcollecties. Hiermee vestigt de koepel de aandacht op hoe verzamelingen het unieke karakter van elke partner mee bepalen. Het geheel is inhoudelijk verbonden met collectiepresentaties die de voorbije maanden in de vier musea plaatsvonden of momenteel nog lopen. Zo presenteerde M HKA Europe at Large: Art from the former USSR, Mu.ZEE The Responsive Subject, Middelheimmuseum Crossing. From Middelheim Museum to the City and Back Again en S.M.A.K. Marcel. Het Broodthaerskabinet. Voor het artistieke onderzoeksproject werden gerenommeerde curatoren en critici aangetrokken. In samenspraak met hen ontstond de keuze van de onderwerpen die niet alleen aansluiten bij het profiel van elke partner, maar ook kunstwetenschappelijk relevant zijn. Ze lieten daarnaast ook toe om nieuwe visies en perspectieven te ontwikkelen over aspecten van de betrokken collecties. De uitgave besteedt zo op een inhoudelijke manier aandacht aan de opgezette onderzoeksprojecten vanuit CAHF bij elk partnermuseum en geeft blijk van de dynamiek in elk huis. Het geheel werd artistiek vormgegeven door Sara De Bondt Studio (Londen) en bevat prachtige foto s van collectiestukken uit de museumverzamelingen‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR75.00 (€75.00 )

‎van den Branden, Lode Cockshaw, Pierre Cockx-Indestege, Elly Colin, Georges Corsten, Severin Dogaer, Georges Galama, E.G.A. Gilissen, L on Goetinck, Marc Heireman, Kamiel Hellinga, Wytze Gerbens Hellinga-Querido, Lotte Lemaire, Claudine Lenger, Marie-Th r se Machiels, J r me Mees, Leonide J. Storm van Leeuwen, Jan van Thienen, Gerard Wartena, Sjoerd‎

Reference : 17407

‎vijfhonderdste verjaring van de boekdrukkunst in de Nederlanden.‎

‎, Brussel, Koninklijke Bibliotheek Albert I, 1973, oorspronkelijk uitgevers ge llustreerde omslag, 185 x 255mm., 588pp., z/w illustratie.‎

‎Tentoonstellingscatalogus. Over het begrip Nederlanden in de 15e eeuw. Catalogus : handschriften - prototypografie - blokboeken - drukkerswerkplaatsen. Boek is in goede staat.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎BROODTHAERS; COMPTON Michael; Broodthaers, Maria Gilissen; Et Al ‎

Reference : 24755

‎Marcel Broodthaers/ Exhibition of 16 April - 26 May 1980, The Tate Gallery.‎

‎London, Tate Gallery, 1980, Softcover, 19x24,5cm, 126pp., numerous illustrations in black and white and color. ISBN 0905005325.‎

‎Catalogue Exhibition of 16 April - 26 May 1980, The Tate Gallery.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR23.00 (€23.00 )

‎TAHCAN-Text(s) by Manuel Borja-Villel, Charlotte Friling, Dirk Snauwaert, foreword by Maria Gilissen-Broodhaer‎

Reference : 57241

‎MARCEL BROODTHAERS: INDUSTRIAL POEMS The Complete Catalogue of the Plaques 1968-1972‎

‎, WIELS, Brussels, 2021 hardcover, 285 x 235 mm, 400 pages. Eng. edition. ISBN 9783775751322.‎

‎Marcel Broodthaers's work is characterized by a complex exploration of the relationship of text and image. This catalog raisonn , prepared by WIELS and developed in close collaboration with the Marcel Broodthaers Succession, is the first to include all of the Belgian conceptual artist's industrial poems created between 1968 and 1972. Borrowing from the aesthetics of industrially manufactured plastic signs, Broodthaers's multi-layered, often enigmatic pictorial poems testify to his interest in the entanglements of language, punctuation, and symbols. In blurring the boundaries between word and image, painting and object, new levels of meaning are made visible. The index is supplemented by a collection of Broodthaers's drawings, writings and "open letters" as well as scholarly contributions that position the poems as a crucial group of works within the artist's oeuvre. MARCEL BROODTHAERS (1924-1976) developed his po mes industriels simultaneously to his seminal work, the Mus e d'Art Moderne, D partement des Aigles. They form an important element in the development of his fictional museum, a central work of institutional critique.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR29.99 (€29.99 )

‎Manuel Borja-Villel, Charlotte Friling, Dirk Snauwaert, foreword by Maria Gilissen-Broodhaers‎

Reference : 57504

‎MARCEL BROODTHAERS: INDUSTRIAL POEMS The Complete Catalogue of the Plaques 1968-1972‎

‎, WIELS, Brussels / Hatje Cantz, 2021 HB, 285 x 235 mm, 400 pages, Eng. edition. ISBN 9783775751322.‎

‎Marcel Broodthaers's work is characterized by a complex exploration of the relationship of text and image. This catalog raisonn , prepared by WIELS and developed in close collaboration with the Marcel Broodthaers Succession, is the first to include all of the Belgian conceptual artist's industrial poems created between 1968 and 1972. Borrowing from the aesthetics of industrially manufactured plastic signs, Broodthaers's multi-layered, often enigmatic pictorial poems testify to his interest in the entanglements of language, punctuation, and symbols. In blurring the boundaries between word and image, painting and object, new levels of meaning are made visible. The index is supplemented by a collection of Broodthaers's drawings, writings and "open letters" as well as scholarly contributions that position the poems as a crucial group of works within the artist's oeuvre. MARCEL BROODTHAERS (1924-1976) developed his po mes industriels simultaneously to his seminal work, the Mus e d'Art Moderne, D partement des Aigles. They form an important element in the development of his fictional museum, a central work of institutional critique.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR39.95 (€39.95 )

‎Gilissen John‎

Reference : R100051739


‎La rédaction des coutumes dans le passé et dans le présent - Etudes d'histoire et d'ethnologie juridiques - Colloque organisé les 16 et 17 mai 1960 par le centre d'histoire et d'ethnologie juridiques.‎

‎Les éditions de l'institut de sociologie. 1962. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur acceptable. 336 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 390-Coutumes, savoir-vivre, folklore‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 390-Coutumes, savoir-vivre, folklore‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR29.80 (€29.80 )


Reference : B55501


‎Le régime représentatif avant 1790 en Belgique‎

‎Bruxelles, La Renaissance du Livre 1952 142pp.+ frontispice, 19cm., dans la série "Notre Passé"‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR14.00 (€14.00 )


Reference : L82344


‎Heksen, geesten en weerwolven in Zuid-Limburg‎

‎s.l., Eigen beheer s.d. [+/-1991] [34] pp., in-4, goede staat, L82344‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : L100580


‎Kortessem. 50 historische getuigen‎

‎s.l., Tongerse Kunstkring 1986 109pp., met zw/w illustraties & uitvouwbare kaart, 22cm., gebroch., goede staat, L100580‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : L104481


‎Tongeren, 100 historische getuigen‎

‎Tongeren, Tongerse Kunstkring 1985 210pp., met zw/w ills. en 2 uitvouwbare plannen, 22cm., gebroch., goede staat, [bevat een beschrijving van 100 historische monumenten, vnl. gebouwen], L104481‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : J107187


‎La coutume [dans: Typologie des sources du moyen age occidental, TYP 41]‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols 1982 122pp., 24cm., brochure originale, dans la série "Typologie des sources du moyen age occidental" fasc.41 (A-III.1*), très bon état, J107187‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : 48027

‎Liber amicorum John Gilissen. Code et constitution mélanges historique. Wetboek en Grondwet in historisch perspectief.‎

‎.: 2. Antwerpen, Kluwer, 1983, in-8°, 486 pp, bound in green publishers cloth, no dust wrapper. Nice copy but the blank end papers are clipped. Texts in French and Dutch.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )


Reference : 99045

‎"Le régime représentatif en Belgique depuis 1790. Collection : ""Notre passé""."‎

‎Bruxelles, La Renaissance du Livre, 1958. 12 x 19, 197 pp., 1 illustration en frontispice, broché, couverture à rabats, bon état.‎

Librairie Ausone - Bruxelles

Phone number : 32 (0)2 410 33 27

EUR12.00 (€12.00 )

‎Rassenfosse-Gilissen, Nadine de.‎

Reference : 19292

‎Rassenfosse. Peintre - Graveur - Dessinateur - Affichiste.‎

‎, du perron Liege, 1989, Reliure, couverture, hardback with dusjacket in good condition, In-4, 199 pages, nombreuses illustrations. Glossaire, Bibliographie, index. 320 x 240 x 20 mm ISBN 2871140405.‎

‎Armand Rassenfosse was a Belgian artist born in Li ge in 1862 and died there in 1934. He was a painter, draftsman, graphic artist and poster designer. Debuted only around 1890. Initially worked professionally as a trader in porcelain and decorative objects. Became a student of A. de Witte in Li ge. Was a good friend of F. Rops, whom he had met in Paris. Was a very talented etcher and lithographer, always looking for technical sophistication. In collaboration with Rops, developed a graphic process, which they called Ropsenfosse. Participated in French magazines such as Le Courrier fran ais, La Plume, Le Mercure de France. Often worked with the printer-publisher A. B nard in Li ge, who printed numerous advertising posters. Mostly worked as a graphic artist, but also made chalk and charcoal drawings, sometimes colored with crayons. Work in oil paint only started in 1900. In his sensitive, subtle and masterfully drawn performances, he especially glorified the beauty of women. From the press: ?The woman in her most diverse and intimate poses is his main subject. He models volumes and reliefs in a subtle play of light and shadow, idealizing the sensual beauty of the body. Naturalism, art nouveau and afterwards art deco are clearly present here. ? Also worked as a designer of jewelery, es libris, posters. Illustrated, among others, Les fleurs du mal by Baudelaire with two hundred colored etchings. Work explored in the Museums in Brussels, Ixelles, Antwerp, Ghent, Li ge, Leuven. Extensively mentioned in the Biography Nationale of the Royal Academy of Belgium, part XXX. Mentioned in BAS I and Two Centuries Signatures of Belgian Artists. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR125.00 (€125.00 )

‎J. Gilissen‎

Reference : 44965


‎, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 1982 Hardcover. 122 p., 160 x 240 mm, Languages: French, Fine copy. Including an index. ISBN 9782503360416.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR25.87 (€25.87 )


Reference : RO60082797



‎N.V. de Zuid-Holl. Boek- en Handelsdrukkerij. 1930. In-8. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 208 pages. Illustré de nombreux dessins et de nombreuses photo-gravures en noir et blanc dans et hors texte. Texte en néerlandais.. . . . Classification Dewey : 490-Autres langues‎

‎Met een Voorwoord. Classification Dewey : 490-Autres langues‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR149.00 (€149.00 )

‎Smets s.j. Alexis & Gilissen Pierre et Laurence‎

Reference : R320143499


‎Bénissez puisque vous êtes appelés à bénir.‎

‎non précisé. 1995. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur acceptable. 116 pages - rousseurs sur les plats.. . . . Classification Dewey : 265-Rites, cérémonies et sacrements‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 265-Rites, cérémonies et sacrements‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR19.80 (€19.80 )
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