1991 1991. Chamalou Le Chameau Sous La Lluvia Cuento De à Colorier Raymond Kuster 1991 La descripción de este producto se ha traducido automáticamente. Si tiene alguna pregunta al respecto por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros. Libro de tapa dura de 48 páginas; 1991 Ediciones Guénolé / Albert Camus College; escrito e ilustrado por Raymond Kuster RARO en buen estado completo y sólido sin rasgaduras ni anotaciones; interior limpio y aún fresco; pequeños roces en las esquinas y extremos de la rodaja; sigue siendo un buen álbum para su edad. También veo muchos libros en mi tienda. para Francia y Bélgica los costos de envío aumentan muy poco o nada en caso de compras múltiples. Perlenbook empresa Siret n ° 49982801100010. RCS Lure Tgi 499828911 N ° GESTION 2007 A 111. Creado por
Bon état
1991 1991. Chamalou Il Cammello Sotto La Pioggia Favola Con Colorare Di Raymond Kuster 1991 La descrizione di questo articolo è stata tradotta automaticamente. Se hai dubbi o domande ti invitiamo a contattarci. Libro a copertina rigida di 48 pagine; Edizioni Guénolé 1991 / Albert Camus college; scritto e illustrato da Raymond Kuster RARO in buone condizioni completo e solido senza lacrime o annotazioni; interni puliti e ancora freschi; piccoli sfregamenti agli angoli e alle estremità della fetta; è ancora un buon album per la sua età. vedi anche molti libri nel mio negozio. per la Francia e il Belgio i costi di spedizione aumentano molto poco o per niente in caso di acquisti multipli. Azienda perlenbook Siret n ° 49982801100010. Esca RCS Tgi 499828 911 N ° GESTION 2007 A 111. Creato da eBay
Bon état
1991 1991. Chamalou The Camel On the Rain Fairytale To Coloring Raymond Kuster 1991 The description of this item has been automatically translated. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. 48-page hardcover book; 1991 Editions Guénolé / Collège Albert Camus; written and illustrated by Raymond Kuster RARE in good condition complete and solid without tears or annotations; interior clean and still fresh; small rubs on the corners and the ends of the edge; it's still a beautiful album for its age. see also a lot of books in my shop. for France and Belgium the shipping costs increase very little or not at all in case of multiple purchases. Perlenbook company n ° Siret 49982801100010. RCS Lure Tgi 499828911 N ° GESTION 2007 A 111. Created by eBay
Bon état
Friburgi Helvetiorum (Fribourg), Anno M. D. CC. LXXXIII, typis B. Ludov. Piller, 1783. pt. in-8vo, VIII (mit gest. Wappenvignette) + 71 S. + (selbständig paginiertem Anhang) 9 S. : Positiones philosophicae...hsr. Thesen + 2 Falttafeln. Hs. Ex-Libris auf Titelblatt: ‘P. Comba’, einf. H-Prgmt d. Zeit.
Soutenances de thèses en architecture et en gnomonique solaire (en vue de la construction d’une horloge solaire) par Franz Peter Küster et Joseph Michel Wicky, au Collège St-Michel de Fribourg, sous la direction des professeurs Pierre-Louis Esseiva (1738-1799) et Michel Moret (1744-1813), tous deux anciens Jésuites. Bosson, L’Atelier typographique de Fribourg (Suisse) n° 826; Le livre fribourgeois 1585-1985 n° 93. Image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Friburgi Helvetiorum (Fribourg), Anno M. D. CC. LXXXIII, typis B. Ludov. Piller, 1783. pt. in-8vo, VIII (mit Holzschnitt. Wappenvignette) + 71 S. + (selbständig paginiertem Anhang) 9 S. : Positiones philosophicae...hsr. Thesen + 2 gef. Kupfertafeln, (etwas eingerissen), brochure originale. Couvert de papier dominoté.
Soutenances de thèses en architecture et en gnomonique solaire (en vue de la construction d’une horloge solaire) par Franz Peter Küster et Joseph Michel Wicky, au Collège St-Michel de Fribourg, sous la direction des professeurs Pierre-Louis Esseiva (1738-1799) et Michel Moret (1744-1813), tous deux anciens Jésuites. Bosson, L’Atelier typographique de Fribourg (Suisse) n° 826; Le livre fribourgeois 1585-1985 n° 93. Image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
A Neuchâtel, chez Mr. Louis Fauche-Borel, 1814. In-12 broché de [4]-56 pages, couverture de papier bleu.
Édition originale de ce violent pamphlet contre la France. La bibliothèque Am Guisanplatz - ancienne bibliothèque militaire fédérale - donne pour auteur M. de Kuster. Large mouillure sur l'intégralité du volume.
1862-1863 Title page, 77 p., 12 finely hand-coloured plates, 4to (28.0 x 21.2 cm, wrappers somewhat larger), partly loose in original printed wrappers.Rare part of the largest and longest-running malacological series, started by the German malacologist Heinrich Carl Küster (1807-1876, also the author of this part) in 1837 and abandoned in 1920. According to the front wrapper, this is the Limnaeacea, or Liefung I. 17. According to the collation given in "2400 years of Malacology" (Annex 2: p. 19) this is the complete part I(17)(b). It contains the descriptions and illustrations of the then known species of Lymnaeidae, including many that were new. Many of these were attributed to other authors, but are actually manuscript names and the true validations date from this work. Small label with the handwritten text "388/Bibliothek/Prof. A. Mousson" in the lower inner corner of the front wrapper verso. Johann Rudolf Albert Mousson(1805-1890) was a French-born, Swiss malacologist. Species described by him are included in this work. Some very slight foxing in the text, but plates very clean, a good copy. Nissen ZBI, 2723.
1844 title-page, viii, 200 p., 2 plates, 13 x 10 cm, loose leaved in original green slipcase with large printed label on front (as issued).The first part of this long-running series, of which ultimately 48 parts were published. All parts are quite rare now, and complete sets are extremely rare as this series runned for over 50 years! The two fine plates depict Buprestidae and Chrysomelinae. Slipcase a but rubbed, plates toned, otherwise in very good condition.
1844 title-page, viii, 200 p., 2 plates, 13 x 10 cm, loose leaved in original green slipcase with large printed label on front (as issued).The first part of this long-running series, of which ultimately 48 parts were published. All parts are quite rare now, and complete sets are extremely rare as this series runned for over 50 years! The two fine plates depict Buprestidae and Chrysomelinae. Slipcase a but rubbed, otherwise in very good condition.
1845 title-page, ii, 200 p., 2 plates, 13 x 10 cm, loose leaved in original green slipcase with large printed label on front (as issued).The third part of this long-running series, of which ultimately 48 parts were published. All parts are quite rare now, and complete sets are extremely rare as this series runned for over 50 years! The two fine plates depict Buprestidae and Carabidae. Slipcase a but rubbed, otherwise in very good condition.
1846 title-page, ii, 200 p., 3 plates, 13 x 10 cm, loose leaved in original green slipcase with large handwritten label on front.The fifth part of this long-running series, of which ultimately 48 parts were published. All parts are quite rare now, and complete sets are extremely rare as this series runned for over 50 years! The three fine plates depict Lamiadae, Carabidae and Bostrichini. Slipcase and contents in very good condition.
1846 title-page, ii, 200 p., 2 plates, 13 x 10 cm, loose leaved in original green slipcase with large printed label on front.The sixth part of this long-running series, of which ultimately 48 parts were published. All parts are quite rare now, and complete sets are extremely rare as this series runned for over 50 years! The two fine plates depict Hydrophilii and Histeres. Plates somewhat toned, one plate with short (repaired) tear in lower blank margin, else in very good condition.
1846 title-page, ii, 200 p., 2 plates, 13 x 10 cm, loose leaved in original green slipcase with large printed label on front.The seventh part of this long-running series, of which ultimately 48 parts were published. All parts are quite rare now, and complete sets are extremely rare as this series runned for over 50 years! The two fine plates depict Longicornia. Slipcase a bit rubbed, else in very good condition.
1991 1991. ouvrage cartonné 48 pages; 1991 éditions Guénolé / collège Albert Camus; écrit et illustré par Raymond Kuster RARE en BON ETAT complet et solide sans déchirures ni annotations ; intérieur propre et encore frais; petits frottements sur les coins et les extrémités de la tranche; ça reste un bel album pour son âge
Bon état
Berlin Richard Carl Schmidt %& Co. 1913, Klein-8°. 3 Bl. Inserate, 322 S., 10 Bl. Inseate. Mit 197 Abbildungen im Text. Originalleinwand mit Deckelillustration.
"Autotechnische Bibliothek Band 6." - Einband an den Kanten etwas berieben. Stempel auf Vortitel und erster Seite des Vorwortes. 2 Bl. lose.
Didier Ruyer Editions S.A.E.P. Reliure Rigide Illustrée 1992 120 pages en format -16
Très Bon État
1973 170 p., 8 pls, paperbound. Published in: Geologische Abhandlungen des Hessischen Landesamtes für Bodenforschung.
Hamburg, Ellert & Richter 1988 232pp.with ills.in and out of text in colour and bl/w, cloth, dustwrapper, 29cm., VG
Tübingen, J.C.B.Mohr (Paul Siebeck) 1971 xii + 276pp., hardback (editor's blue cloth with gilt lettering, few vague spots on both plates), 24cm., stain on upper edges (not on pages), R77135
Bonn, s.e., 1913 ; 133 x 210 mm, 12 pp., couverture et cahier agrafés. Tiré à part, en langue allemande. Sitzungsberichten der Niederrheinischen Gesellschaft für Natur- und Heilkunde zu Bonn (Sonderabdruck aus den). Bon état.
Jena, Verlag von Gustav Fischer, 1904 ; 158 x 231 mm, 8 pp., couverture et feuilles collées. Tiré à part, en langue allemande. Archiv für Protistenkunde. Vierter Band. 1904 (Abdruck aus dem). Bon état.
Berlin, Verlag von Julius Springer, 1914 ; 135 x 193 mm, 16 pp., couverture et cahier agrafés. Tiré à part, en langue allemande. Die Naturwissenschaften - 1914. Heft 4 (Sonderabdruck aus). Bon état.