Cracoviae [Krakow], sumpt. Academiae Polonae Litterarum 1930 125pp., 24cm., softcover, text in Latin, in the series "Polska Akademja Umiejetnosci. Archiwum Filologiczne" no.10, pages still uncut, copy from the collection of the belgian byzantinist and hellenist prof. Justin Mossay (with stamp and ex-libris), good condition, K103540
Cracoviae [Krakow], sumpt. Academiae Polonae Litterarum 1929 90pp., 24cm., softcover, text in Latin, in the series "Polska Akademja Umiejetnosci. Archiwum Filologiczne" no.8, copy from the collection of the belgian byzantinist and hellenist prof. Justin Mossay (with stamp and ex-libris), good condition, [Study regarding Satyrus the Peripatetic], K103544